Frustrated Horney Faggot Many Believe to Be BiPolar or Too Depressing To Hang With......LITERALLY. Have Trouble Understanding.... Then why ask: "Hey man! Sup?" Or, If Like My Mother; Having To Hang Up On Her Repeatedly Cause She Won't Stop Calling Me; Worried Her Son Will Die and No One Would Know if She Didn't!

So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Martin Luther King memorial opens to the public
Martin Luther King memorial opens to the public
Martin Luther King memorial opens to the public: The official dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial is not until Sunday, but the public can get an early look starting today.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Passionate Ativism Against Zero Degrees of Empathy
(You Understand Life Backwards; You Live it Forward)
Maybe it was me who is wrong assuming David and Donna weren't there either; that evening my Father's Last Words:
Someone heard it; Mother told me so.
Why did she make it sound as if she was feeling guilty; Father died all alone.
Beginning to wonder if she left in time;
leaving Donna and David behind because of me having made quiet clear.....
different set of priorities and not one bit guilty about it at all.
I already knew he was dying.
Me and Father did have our little chat!
It wasn't what he said but how he said it. Never seen my Father looking into the eyes of anyone that way before; as if searching for someone missing/lost along the way.
Although just shy of being a veterinarian, my only "A" was cardiology; and those weren't EVEN our numbers!
I simply just didn't know what to say before he gave up and we went back to watching T.V.
I still did not have Mother's permission to tell him I was gay. And she told me not to tell Dad before I even knew for sure I wanted to be gay or not.
Either you're happy or you're not!
Why should it matter who one fucks as long as it consensual.
No wonder I disagree with Mother when it comes to gays being parents;
so far it's pretty much just lesbians who even want to be parents.
That's just too easy...
if they want children; you better let them have children.
What's the fucking problem?
I never once said I wanted children; nor recall anyone I fucked wanting children as well.
I already knew he was dying.
Me and Father did have our little chat!
It wasn't what he said but how he said it. Never seen my Father looking into the eyes of anyone that way before; as if searching for someone missing/lost along the way.
Although just shy of being a veterinarian, my only "A" was cardiology; and those weren't EVEN our numbers!
I simply just didn't know what to say before he gave up and we went back to watching T.V.
I still did not have Mother's permission to tell him I was gay. And she told me not to tell Dad before I even knew for sure I wanted to be gay or not.
Either you're happy or you're not!
Why should it matter who one fucks as long as it consensual.
No wonder I disagree with Mother when it comes to gays being parents;
so far it's pretty much just lesbians who even want to be parents.
That's just too easy...
if they want children; you better let them have children.
What's the fucking problem?
I never once said I wanted children; nor recall anyone I fucked wanting children as well.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Mania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Mania, the presence of which is a criterion for certain psychiatric diagnoses, is a state of abnormally elevated or irritable mood, arousal, and/ or energy levels. In a sense, it is the opposite of depression. The word derives from the Greek "μανία" (mania), "madness, frenzy" and that from the verb "μαίνομαι" (mainomai), "to be mad, to rage, to be furious".
In addition to mood disorders, individuals may exhibit manic behavior as a result of drug intoxication (notably stimulants such as cocaine or methamphetamine), medication side effects (notably steroids), or malignancy. However, mania is most often associated with bipolar disorder, where episodes of mania may alternate with episodes of major depression. Gelder, Mayou and Geddes (2005) suggests that it is vital that mania is predicted in the early stages because the patient becomes reluctant to comply to the treatment. The criteria for bipolar do not include depressive episodes and the presence of mania in the absence of depressive episodes is sufficient for a diagnosis. Regardless, even those who never experience depression experience cyclical changes in mood. These cycles are often affected by changes in sleep cycle (too much or too little), diurnal rhythms and environmental stressors.
Mania varies in intensity, from mild mania known as hypomania to full-blown mania with psychotic features including hallucinations, delusion of grandeur, suspiciousness, catatonic behavior, aggression, and a preoccupation with thoughts and schemes that may lead to self neglect. Since mania and hypomania have also been associated with creativity and artistic talent, it is not always the case that the clearly manic bipolar person will need or want medical assistance; such people will often either retain sufficient amount of control to function normally or be unaware that they have "gone manic" severely enough to be committed or to commit themselves ('commitment' means admission to a psychiatric facility). Manic individuals can often be mistaken for being on drugs or other mind-altering substances.
Mania can be experienced at the same time as depression, in a mixed episode. Dysphoric mania is primarily manic and agitated depression is primarily depressed. This has caused speculation amongst doctors that mania and depression are two independent axes in a bipolar spectrum, rather than opposites.
There is an increased probability of suicide in the mixed state, as depressed individuals who are also manic have the energy needed to commit the act and the thoughts of depression that would lead them initially to suicide.
Mania can be the result of using drugs. Quitting drugs can create situations in one's mind similar to the symptoms of mania, such as constant racing of the mind. A diagnosis of mania in these situations is often temporary.
Hypomania is a lowered state of mania that does little to impair function or decrease quality of life. In hypomania there is less need for sleep, and both goal-motivated behavior and metabolism increase. Though the elevated mood and energy level typical of hypomania could be seen as a benefit, mania itself generally has many undesirable consequences including suicidal tendencies.
A manic episode is defined in the American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic manual as a period of seven or more days (or any period if admission to hospital is required) of unusually and continuously effusive and open elated or irritable mood, where the mood is not caused by drugs or a medical illness (e.g., hyperthyroidism), and (a) is causing obvious difficulties at work or in social relationships and activities, or (b) requires admission to hospital to protect the person or others, or the person is suffering psychosis.
In addition to mood disorders, individuals may exhibit manic behavior as a result of drug intoxication (notably stimulants such as cocaine or methamphetamine), medication side effects (notably steroids), or malignancy. However, mania is most often associated with bipolar disorder, where episodes of mania may alternate with episodes of major depression. Gelder, Mayou and Geddes (2005) suggests that it is vital that mania is predicted in the early stages because the patient becomes reluctant to comply to the treatment. The criteria for bipolar do not include depressive episodes and the presence of mania in the absence of depressive episodes is sufficient for a diagnosis. Regardless, even those who never experience depression experience cyclical changes in mood. These cycles are often affected by changes in sleep cycle (too much or too little), diurnal rhythms and environmental stressors.
Mania varies in intensity, from mild mania known as hypomania to full-blown mania with psychotic features including hallucinations, delusion of grandeur, suspiciousness, catatonic behavior, aggression, and a preoccupation with thoughts and schemes that may lead to self neglect. Since mania and hypomania have also been associated with creativity and artistic talent, it is not always the case that the clearly manic bipolar person will need or want medical assistance; such people will often either retain sufficient amount of control to function normally or be unaware that they have "gone manic" severely enough to be committed or to commit themselves ('commitment' means admission to a psychiatric facility). Manic individuals can often be mistaken for being on drugs or other mind-altering substances.
Mania can be experienced at the same time as depression, in a mixed episode. Dysphoric mania is primarily manic and agitated depression is primarily depressed. This has caused speculation amongst doctors that mania and depression are two independent axes in a bipolar spectrum, rather than opposites.
There is an increased probability of suicide in the mixed state, as depressed individuals who are also manic have the energy needed to commit the act and the thoughts of depression that would lead them initially to suicide.
Mania can be the result of using drugs. Quitting drugs can create situations in one's mind similar to the symptoms of mania, such as constant racing of the mind. A diagnosis of mania in these situations is often temporary.
Hypomania is a lowered state of mania that does little to impair function or decrease quality of life. In hypomania there is less need for sleep, and both goal-motivated behavior and metabolism increase. Though the elevated mood and energy level typical of hypomania could be seen as a benefit, mania itself generally has many undesirable consequences including suicidal tendencies.
A manic episode is defined in the American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic manual as a period of seven or more days (or any period if admission to hospital is required) of unusually and continuously effusive and open elated or irritable mood, where the mood is not caused by drugs or a medical illness (e.g., hyperthyroidism), and (a) is causing obvious difficulties at work or in social relationships and activities, or (b) requires admission to hospital to protect the person or others, or the person is suffering psychosis.
Crowd begins to gather in Jonesboro awaiting hearing on West Memphis 3 » The Commercial Appeal
Crowd begins to gather in Jonesboro awaiting hearing on West Memphis 3 » The Commercial Appeal: By many accounts, including statements by relatives of some of the three young victims, the court appearance could result in the release of the Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin – dubbed the West Memphis Three -- jailed since their 1994 convictions in the deaths of the three young boys.
The bodies of Christopher Byers, Michael Moore and Stevie Branch were found May 6, 1993 in a rain-soaked West Memphis ditch. They had been beaten and drowned in what authorities at the time characterized as a satanic ritual.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Jointure | Define Jointure at
Jointure Define Jointure at
noun Law .
1. an estate or property settled on a woman in consideration of marriage, to be owned by her after her husband's death.
2. Obsolete . a joint tenancy limited in favor of a husband and wife.
Related Words for : jointure
legal jointure, conjugation, unification, union, uniting
"The eye of a needle" is part of a saying of Jesus recorded in the synoptic gospels:
Parallel versions appear in Matthew 19:23-24, Mark 10:24-25, and Luke 18:24-25.
The saying was a response to a young rich man who had asked Jesus what he needed to do in order to inherit eternal life. Jesus replied that he should keep the commandments, to which the man stated he had done. Jesus responded, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." The young man became sad and was unwilling to do this. Jesus then spoke this response, leaving his disciples astonished.
The "eye of a needle" has been interpreted as a gate in Jerusalem, which opened after the main gate was closed at night. A camel could only pass through this smaller gate if it was stooped and had its baggage removed. This story has been put forth since at least the 15th century, and possibly as far back as the 9th century. However, there is no evidence for the existence of such a gate.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
John the Baptist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John the Baptist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "All four canonical gospels relate John's preaching and baptism in the River Jordan. Most notably he is the one who recognizes Jesus as the Messiah and baptizes him. The baptism marks the beginning of Jesus' ministry. The Gospels of Mark, Matthew and (most clearly) Luke relate that Jesus came from Galilee to John and was baptized by him, whereupon the Spirit descended upon Jesus and a voice from Heaven told him he was God's Son. The Gospel of John does not record John's baptizing Jesus, but John introduces Jesus to his disciples as the 'Lamb of God' (John 1:29-36[29]).
Considered by Christians to be without sin, Jesus nevertheless received John's baptism, which was for the repentance of sins (Mark 1:4[30]). This is addressed in the Gospel of Matthew's account, which portrays John's refusal to baptize Jesus, saying, 'I need to be baptized by you.' Jesus persuades John to baptize him nonetheless (Matthew 3:13-15[31]).
John baptizing Christ, by Guido ReniThe Gospel of John reports that Jesus' disciples were baptizing and that a debate broke out between some of the disciples of John and another Jew about purification. In this debate John argued that Jesus 'must become greater,' while he (John) 'must become less' (John 3:22-36[32]). The Gospel of John then points out that Jesus' disciples were baptizing more people than John (John 4:2[33]). Later, the Gospel relates that Jesus regarded John as 'a burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light' (John 5:35[34]). The book of Acts portrays the disciples of John as eventually merging into the followers of Jesus (Acts 18:24-19:6[35]), a development not reported by the Gospels except for the early case of Andrew, Simon Peter's brother (John 1:35-42[36])."
I view Hillary transferring her delegates over to Obama after the primaries as similar to disciples of John eventually merging into the followers of Jesus....
except for the Hillary Girls!
Considered by Christians to be without sin, Jesus nevertheless received John's baptism, which was for the repentance of sins (Mark 1:4[30]). This is addressed in the Gospel of Matthew's account, which portrays John's refusal to baptize Jesus, saying, 'I need to be baptized by you.' Jesus persuades John to baptize him nonetheless (Matthew 3:13-15[31]).
John baptizing Christ, by Guido ReniThe Gospel of John reports that Jesus' disciples were baptizing and that a debate broke out between some of the disciples of John and another Jew about purification. In this debate John argued that Jesus 'must become greater,' while he (John) 'must become less' (John 3:22-36[32]). The Gospel of John then points out that Jesus' disciples were baptizing more people than John (John 4:2[33]). Later, the Gospel relates that Jesus regarded John as 'a burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light' (John 5:35[34]). The book of Acts portrays the disciples of John as eventually merging into the followers of Jesus (Acts 18:24-19:6[35]), a development not reported by the Gospels except for the early case of Andrew, Simon Peter's brother (John 1:35-42[36])."
I view Hillary transferring her delegates over to Obama after the primaries as similar to disciples of John eventually merging into the followers of Jesus....
except for the Hillary Girls!
Review & Outlook: Millionaires Go Missing -
Review & Outlook: Millionaires Go Missing - "It's an old story: The best way to produce income equality is to destroy trillions of dollars of wealth. Everyone loses, but the rich lose relatively more than the poor and the middle class. By that measure, if few others, Obamanomics has been a raging success."
What a fucking joke. Yeah....but the poor and the middle class make up the bulk of the military. No wonder the wealthy, in other words, leans heavily toward Republican are so much more eager to go to war and stay there.
Sunday Classes
Sunday Classes: "THE NEW CLASS
Now in its 11th year, the class was formed to explore issues of faith in professional life. During that time class members have read and discussed all kinds of books and articles on contemporary issues and on the Bible, ethics, Methodism, politics, ecclesiology, international affairs, other faiths (especially Islam), and theories of a just war.
The class this year will engage several topics and contemporary issues from biblical, ethical, theological, political, personal, pastoral, and international perspectives. Conducted in seminar style, the class relies on reading, reflection, discussion, and broad class participation in leadership and conversation.
The resource person for the New Class is Dr. Theodore R. Weber, Professor Emeritus of Christian Social Ethics at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University. The class also benefits from presentations by other members of the class and by guest speakers from the Glenn/Emory/Candler community and from other interests/organizations. Visitors and new members are most welcome. The class meets in room 422. For more information, contact Ted or Cindy Runyon at or 404-636-7881."
Now in its 11th year, the class was formed to explore issues of faith in professional life. During that time class members have read and discussed all kinds of books and articles on contemporary issues and on the Bible, ethics, Methodism, politics, ecclesiology, international affairs, other faiths (especially Islam), and theories of a just war.
The class this year will engage several topics and contemporary issues from biblical, ethical, theological, political, personal, pastoral, and international perspectives. Conducted in seminar style, the class relies on reading, reflection, discussion, and broad class participation in leadership and conversation.
The resource person for the New Class is Dr. Theodore R. Weber, Professor Emeritus of Christian Social Ethics at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University. The class also benefits from presentations by other members of the class and by guest speakers from the Glenn/Emory/Candler community and from other interests/organizations. Visitors and new members are most welcome. The class meets in room 422. For more information, contact Ted or Cindy Runyon at or 404-636-7881."
Sunday Classes: Bible vs. Newspapers
Sunday Classes: "Theologian Karl Barth once gave this advice to some young pupils of his: “Take your Bible in one hand and take your newspaper in the other, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible.”"
Word of the Day | Definition, Word Origins, and Quotes at
Word of the Day Definition, Word Origins, and Quotes at "polysemous\pol-ee-SEE-muhs\ , adjective;
1.Having a diversity of meanings."
1.Having a diversity of meanings."
Met this guy first year out of veterinary school; working at Bird Road Animal Hospital. My hangout after work was the gay bar Uncle Charlie's. The very first night I was introduced to him by another bar acquaintance; he forseen my future.
I would be very successful with lots of people working for me.....
with horses????????????
Which is strange as I somehow only remembered him after all these years.....
hearing hoofbeats...
(look for horses instead of zebras, the horse from ANIMAL FARM, pigs, sows, deer season, guns, Rudolf X-mas eve, twisted purple C.O.W., Negroes behind plows, even snow tracks uncertain rabbits)
as if I were an unexpected visitor abour to step out of a stagecoach...
or maybe a STAGE COACH?
If the world is my oyster......
then I insist we must all see ourselves living on the shell part instead of digging for pearls.
Gives Group Glimpse Of Their Futures - Sun Sentinel: "Cordero has been called a prophet in the Bible Belt, a clairvoyant by psychiatrists, a rabbi in Israel and a good guesser by skeptics."
HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE: "The hologramlike nature of many precognitive experiences provides further evidence
that the ability to foresee the future is a holographic phenomenon. As with retrocognition,
psychics report that the precognitive information often appears to them in the form of
three-dimensional images. Cuban born psychic Tony Cordero says that when he sees the
future it’s like watching a movie in his mind. Cordero saw one of the first such movies
when he was a child and had a vision of the Communist takeover of Cuba. “I told my
family that I saw red flags all over Cuba and they were going to have to leave the country
and that a lot of members of the family were going to be shot,” says Cordero. I actually
saw relatives being shot. I could smell smoke and hear the sound of gunfire, I feel like
I’m in the situation. I can hear people talking but they cannot hear or see me. It’s like
traveling in time or something."
Psychic Gives Group Glimpse Of Their Futures - Sun Sentinel
Psychic Gives Group Glimpse Of Their Futures - Sun Sentinel: "Cordero has been called a prophet in the Bible Belt, a clairvoyant by psychiatrists, a rabbi in Israel and a good guesser by skeptics."
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Agnes Scott is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA), and is considered one of the Seven Sisters of the South. The current mission of the college, adopted in 2002, states: Agnes Scott College educates women to think deeply, live honorably and engage the intellectual and social challenges of their times.
Main Events Story:
"We encourage exploration of faith, spirit and meaning. This past spring, the trustees discussed and reaffirmed the value of Agnes Scott’s Presbyterian heritage for our increasingly diverse community. Religious and spiritual life on campus includes weekly “Agnes Scott Believes” chapel programs, worship services and religious observances, the Virginia Love Dunaway ’56 Women of Faith Lecture and the James Ross McCain Faith and Learning Lectures, as well as a new mindfulness initiative. We seek to honor our Presbyterian heritage and to embrace people of all faiths as full members of our vibrant learning community."
We argue—a lot. Living honorably requires a willingness to be self-critical, to rethink, to be
“reformed and always reforming.” We won’t always get it right, and we certainly won’t always agree. But in a world where cheating, selfishness and intolerance can seem the norm, I am grateful to be part of a community that practices and values integrity, justice, good stewardship and openness of mind and heart.
Three men in a tub,
And how do you think they got there?
The butcher, the baker,
The candlestick-maker,
They all jumped out of a rotten potato,
'Twas enough to make a man stare.
In Jerusalem, scholars trace Bible's evolution - Yahoo! News
In Jerusalem, scholars trace Bible's evolution - Yahoo! News: "For many Jews and Christians, religion dictates that the words of the Bible in the original Hebrew are divine, unaltered and unalterable. For Orthodox Jews, the accuracy is considered so inviolable that if a synagogue's Torah scroll is found to have a minute error in a single letter, the entire scroll is unusable."
Cartesian coordinate system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cartesian coordinate system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "A Cartesian coordinate system specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates, which are the signed distances from the point to two fixed perpendicular directed lines, measured in the same unit of length. The coordinates can also be defined as the positions of the perpendicular projections of the point onto the two axes, expressed as a signed distances from the origin."
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