All that energy screaming, yelling, pointing of fingers, getting in peoples face, protesting clinics.......
as frightened mothers come and go without any serious offer of help.
All that money spent on ad campaigns, donated to elect politicians pro life, withheld from good work by politicians pro choice, etc, just to cancel each other out......
with little change left over for diapers and formula.
"When does life begin?"
Biggest mistake made is not thinking of woman with child as one unit depending on society to insure it's success; not seeing ourselves responsible, already guilty for every abortion performed, or even just considered.
What kind of person would insist on a child being raised by someone not mature enough to be a parent, cannot afford to provide the care needed without taking away from the needs of rest of family, does not want it; by someone who will come to hate it.
If we can presumptively start a war with a country where innocent children are being killed as our remote operated drones fly over; then why can't a woman be left alone to decide what's best for her and her child. She may end up a better mother for it.
Not only the child, but society as well, benefits from helping any woman with child. Voting pro-life or pro-choice does nothing to address the root causes for abortions. By making abortions illegal, you have only created a new crime, not saved a life; or help one to avoid a life of crime. That is the paradox that keep the topic alive....with no end in sight.
The truth is Pro-life is really a subset of Pro-Choice and vice versa.
There is a third choice come time to vote; making a difference in the life all mothers with children. Create a society where all children are wanted equally; and the topic of abortions will quietly fade away.
Need more than voting PRO-LIFE
to be believable!
does life begin?"
My answer will have to be...
When did it ever stop!?
Did it not begin the day we be "CAIN" witness to death however briefly "ABEL" a witness to life?
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