- We've got your metal. We've got your concrete. We've got your wood. They all expand and contract at different rates.
- Think of your brain like the hard drive in your personal pc. That's a lot of heat being created in the process. Well our brain produces a lot of heat storing those memories (souls).
- So...you might as well call this heat (memories) mass.
- Like Einstein once said, if he said it at all?, "once you can picture our universe as matter (stored memories as we go alone along together til the day we die) expanding into nothing(cranium / womb / home / neighborhood / city / county / state / country / continent / hemisphere /globe, etc) that is something...wearing stripes with plaid is nothing.
- There must first be a common interest before there is a conflict;
- something different before there is an advantage.
- We all (animals, vegetables, minerals)
- compete for the same space.
- And I cannot help but find it strange,
- how with those people of faith,
- something eerily missing from this equation.
- It's called cognitive dissonance/dissonance reduction.
- "Jesus died for our sins so that we may live;
- and whosoever believes in him shall not perish
- but have everlasting life."
- Different way of saying the same thing,
- "one person's trauma
- is another's lost of innocence.
- We cannot become wealthy
- without making someone else poor.
- We cannot run a linear system
- on a finite planet
- without taking homes away
- from other species innocent;
- in the end doing ourselves in
- long before our sun runs out of it's fuel.
- God is just your guilty conscience;
- if even having one.
"I can of my own self do nothing
{as I sense, I judge}
and my judgement is just;
not because I seek my own will,
but the will of they...
~<0 fish="" font="" imply="" jim:="" named="" of="" son="" wanda="">
At least this gets our Darwin Fish
into the story...?
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