Late Night: Michael Lewis says men are 'dangerous with money' - But, according to Lewis, not everyone in Iceland was convinced. "It was just the men. The men said to their wives, 'I know what I'm doing.'" But the women of Iceland were more skeptical of their tiny country's sudden transformation into a global economic powerhouse, and less surprised by the eventual failure of its banking system.
In what Lewis thought was a sign of the times, Iceland now has the first lesbian head of state. "The women said, 'You don't know what you're doing'. They've had this realization of how dangerous men are with money."
Frustrated Horney Faggot Many Believe to Be BiPolar or Too Depressing To Hang With......LITERALLY. Have Trouble Understanding.... Then why ask: "Hey man! Sup?" Or, If Like My Mother; Having To Hang Up On Her Repeatedly Cause She Won't Stop Calling Me; Worried Her Son Will Die and No One Would Know if She Didn't!

So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Late Night: Jon Stewart: Republicans don't like most Americans -
Late Night: Jon Stewart: Republicans don't like most Americans - Stewart seized upon Cantor's apparent inconsistency. "If Republicans don't condone pitting Americans against Americans, then who is it that we Americans should be taking this country back from?" he wondered.
David White, 76, Wiccan high priest |
David White, 76, Wiccan high priest Mr. White was born across the pond in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England, where his mother introduced him to different religious traditions. When he was 17, he began to train as a priest of the Old Religion and was eventually was initiated on Monk’s Island, now called Monkey Island, in the River Thames. He came to Atlanta in the 1970s for a visit, and soon there after he called it home.
Mr. White’s work at Ravenwood included defining the role of gay men and women in the Wiccan priesthood and supporting a spiritual sanctuary for gay men in downtown Atlanta, according to those familiar with his work.
Although "D" the reason sister still remembers that day with dad;
it was our mother only recently,
still laughing,
first learned of the"Y".
Mother (X/X)Sister
when they visit.
Strange how the eyes look like two porkchops; the mouth a missing tooth.
I do have one tooth missing, never replaced with a permanent one. Even my mother cooking porkchops one viste; my sister being the one creating the pleasant patio setting.
when home alone inside.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
reconnection of an old acquaintance
From: ""View Contact
Jim Ed,
I always ask about you when I see Donna and she shared with me her concern for you, she loves you very much. I am simply writing you Jim Ed to let you know that I am reaching out to you. Should you like to connect, I am available to listen, if you would like to talk or e-mail or whatever.
I moved back to Little Rock from Dallas where I have lived the last 3 years with my life partner Marty, who passed away with pancreatic cancer last March 2010. We were together 13 years and she was the love of my life. I got laid off from my job the end of December 2010, so I felt that it was time to move home. At the ripe young age of 57, it was time to be with family and friends because frankly I was just going through the motions. Long story short, here I am. Not exactly sure what is next for me, but living in the moment and loving learning about Sharla and how to live and be alone.
Look forward to hearing from you should you want to "communicate". Wanted to share this quote I got in my mail this morning as I was thinking about you. (see below)
Take care,
214.870.7685 cell
... love is stronger than justice.
Sting said that, and it is perfectly true. So if you feel that you have been "unjusted" and are looking for 'justice', you may be looking for the wrong thing. What would happen if you sought love instead? And what would happen if you gave love instead of seeking it?
This might require a bit of forgiveness. Yet if you start with yourself, if you begin by forgiving yourself for all the things you may have done that were not okay with another, you will find it much easier for forgive another for what was done that is not okay with you.
It's just a thought...
Wed, August 17, 2011 12:13:25 PMRe: reconnection of an old acquaintance
From: James AveryAdd to Contacts
How come your last name is different than your mother's last name? Just curious.
Far as the Sting quote.....not looking to forgive or be forgiven. My mother and sister are masters at denial. That is what I'm no longer willing to help them with. While on the subject of Sting....he also wrote:
Once you've decided on a killing
First you make a stone of your heart
And if you find your hands are still willing
You can turn murder into art.
Murder by number...
one, two, three
It's as easy to learn...
as your "A", "B", "C's!"
It's a little song I sing in my head sometimes.
It just helps to know someone else understands both perspectives.
Sorry to hear about your partner....
but 13 years of intimacy is something to cherish and can happen again.
"With each day I love you more." Been saving that one for a mightly long time now.
Overly optimistic people irritate the FUCK out of me.
Fri, August 19, 2011 10:46:03 AMRe: reconnection of an old acquaintance
From: ""View Contact
Well, computer has been down for 2 days. I was married for 15 years, thus my last name. As far as the Sting quote goes, I have never heard that although I admit being the "optimist" I am, do not chose to listen, read, and watch any violence and hate oriented media. (yes, that is judgmental) but it is my life and in this moment I choose what to surround myself with. You can also say I live in denial of what is going on around me, but I say, I can only be the best I can be for me and what manifest in my world by eliminating people, situations and things that do not support who I am, and thus what comes from that space.
After reading your response my first thought was is this man planning to kill someone? Then my next thought was, what pent up anger this man appears to have. Next thought, what if anything can myself or anyone do to help this man. Maybe nothing, but at least I want you to know that there is help out there.
You may not give a shit about anyone or anything offering any form of support, your choice. I do not assume you want or need anything for all I know. In addition, if optimist people irritate the fuck out of you, then you certainly will not want to correspond with me. No matter what has manifested in my world to this moment, I have chosen it to be, either consciously or subconsciously, I absolutely take full responsibility for it all.
It does not matter, because it is not about me anyway, it is my spirit, and this ole body comes into this world alone and goes out alone and all that really matters in the end are our relationships which are all we have, the rest is merely details.
Fri, August 19, 2011 4:33:31 PMRe: reconnection of an old acquaintance
From: James AveryAdd to Contacts
Not only am I assuming Sharla Eudy is a female; you failed to memtion in your first email you had a previous partner before Marty. Oh excuse me; I forgot.....marrired to that one. So you are living alone now. Big fucking deal. You've always got the option of getting another partner
whether you marry it or not.
If you are going to reach out to someone; don't make it all good about you at the same time play psychiatric in a negatiave way when feeling rejected. It could have just been a test to weed out those weak at heart..
It went completely over your head.
Be sure to tell Donna everything. She keep pushing same button over and over herself and just refuses to understand what she's doing wrong.
It's not all your fault; you were just listening to her.
I'm real man enough to excuse your negatiave reaction without having too.
You've lost again.
I've always said: "Life is like a game of cards. Just because you lost doesn't mean you could have played the cards dealt any better than you had." I don't mind other people seeing my cards up front. Believe that make me honest, reasonble, and fair. In other words, once a true liberal; always a liberal; even when needing help yourself for a change. It's not pent up anger. You're just now hearing about it.
1) Funny how she doesn't mention her husband of 15 years.
2) Lost her job? Does she need one?
2) As a veterinarian, able telling you, the love of one's life for 13 years having died from prancreatic cancer could just as easily have been a dog.
3) No doubt in my mind my sister loves me very much.
4) But still; learning that my sister had voiced her concerns about me to someone I'm not even sure my sister considers a friend of hers; or vice versa?
5) To a lesbian I do not even remember being introduced to while attending my neice's wedding; one always asking about me when seeing my sister?
6) This lesbian daughter of a wedding planner having met while risking getting arrested at the airport flying home with the crystal meths for these two weddings?
7) When n ot a clue what any of my relatives in Arkansas are hearing about me from my mother or sister after all these trips these two have made to Atlanta; since me confessing my drug addiction to everyone instead of waiting any longer for someone asking me first?
From: ""
Jim Ed,
Hello! Don't know if you remember me or not, my name is Sharla Eudy and I met you at your sister Donna's daughter's wedding a few years ago.
My Mom
(Helen Hitt)
was the coordinator and I was assisting her.
Mom also did Dana's wedding and has been helping Donna redecorate ever since, etc.
I always ask about you when I see Donna and she shared with me her concern for you, she loves you very much. I am simply writing you Jim Ed to let you know that I am reaching out to you. Should you like to connect, I am available to listen, if you would like to talk or e-mail or whatever.
I moved back to Little Rock from Dallas where I have lived the last 3 years with my life partner Marty, who passed away with pancreatic cancer last March 2010. We were together 13 years and she was the love of my life. I got laid off from my job the end of December 2010, so I felt that it was time to move home. At the ripe young age of 57, it was time to be with family and friends because frankly I was just going through the motions. Long story short, here I am. Not exactly sure what is next for me, but living in the moment and loving learning about Sharla and how to live and be alone.
Look forward to hearing from you should you want to "communicate". Wanted to share this quote I got in my mail this morning as I was thinking about you. (see below)
Take care,
214.870.7685 cell
... love is stronger than justice.
Sting said that, and it is perfectly true. So if you feel that you have been "unjusted" and are looking for 'justice', you may be looking for the wrong thing. What would happen if you sought love instead? And what would happen if you gave love instead of seeking it?
This might require a bit of forgiveness. Yet if you start with yourself, if you begin by forgiving yourself for all the things you may have done that were not okay with another, you will find it much easier for forgive another for what was done that is not okay with you.
It's just a thought...
Wed, August 17, 2011 12:13:25 PMRe: reconnection of an old acquaintance
From: James Avery
How come your last name is different than your mother's last name? Just curious.
Far as the Sting quote.....not looking to forgive or be forgiven. My mother and sister are masters at denial. That is what I'm no longer willing to help them with. While on the subject of Sting....he also wrote:
Once you've decided on a killing
First you make a stone of your heart
And if you find your hands are still willing
You can turn murder into art.
Murder by number...
one, two, three
It's as easy to learn...
as your "A", "B", "C's!"
It's a little song I sing in my head sometimes.
It just helps to know someone else understands both perspectives.
Sorry to hear about your partner....
but 13 years of intimacy is something to cherish and can happen again.
"With each day I love you more." Been saving that one for a mightly long time now.
Overly optimistic people irritate the FUCK out of me.
Fri, August 19, 2011 10:46:03 AMRe: reconnection of an old acquaintance
From: ""
Well, computer has been down for 2 days. I was married for 15 years, thus my last name. As far as the Sting quote goes, I have never heard that although I admit being the "optimist" I am, do not chose to listen, read, and watch any violence and hate oriented media. (yes, that is judgmental) but it is my life and in this moment I choose what to surround myself with. You can also say I live in denial of what is going on around me, but I say, I can only be the best I can be for me and what manifest in my world by eliminating people, situations and things that do not support who I am, and thus what comes from that space.
After reading your response my first thought was is this man planning to kill someone? Then my next thought was, what pent up anger this man appears to have. Next thought, what if anything can myself or anyone do to help this man. Maybe nothing, but at least I want you to know that there is help out there.
You may not give a shit about anyone or anything offering any form of support, your choice. I do not assume you want or need anything for all I know. In addition, if optimist people irritate the fuck out of you, then you certainly will not want to correspond with me. No matter what has manifested in my world to this moment, I have chosen it to be, either consciously or subconsciously, I absolutely take full responsibility for it all.
It does not matter, because it is not about me anyway, it is my spirit, and this ole body comes into this world alone and goes out alone and all that really matters in the end are our relationships which are all we have, the rest is merely details.
Fri, August 19, 2011 4:33:31 PMRe: reconnection of an old acquaintance
From: James Avery
Not only am I assuming Sharla Eudy is a female; you failed to memtion in your first email you had a previous partner before Marty. Oh excuse me; I forgot.....marrired to that one. So you are living alone now. Big fucking deal. You've always got the option of getting another partner
whether you marry it or not.
If you are going to reach out to someone; don't make it all good about you at the same time play psychiatric in a negatiave way when feeling rejected. It could have just been a test to weed out those weak at heart..
It went completely over your head.
Be sure to tell Donna everything. She keep pushing same button over and over herself and just refuses to understand what she's doing wrong.
It's not all your fault; you were just listening to her.
I'm real man enough to excuse your negatiave reaction without having too.
You've lost again.
I've always said: "Life is like a game of cards. Just because you lost doesn't mean you could have played the cards dealt any better than you had." I don't mind other people seeing my cards up front. Believe that make me honest, reasonble, and fair. In other words, once a true liberal; always a liberal; even when needing help yourself for a change. It's not pent up anger. You're just now hearing about it.
1) Funny how she doesn't mention her husband of 15 years.
2) Lost her job? Does she need one?
2) As a veterinarian, able telling you, the love of one's life for 13 years having died from prancreatic cancer could just as easily have been a dog.
3) No doubt in my mind my sister loves me very much.
On one of my mother and sister visits, giving up again, explaining why they should just stay there in Arkansas instead of me helping them with their denials:
Joy Behar....
Cain and Abel: James E. Avery, DVM/Blue Dog Democrat?
Cain and Abel: The lives of both Cain and Abel were regulated by their two different understandings. Cain was regulated by his own understanding of God's commandment, while Abel was regulated by his revelation of God's provision. The significant difference between them was that Cain could see the fruit of his labor, but Abel's life could only cause him to be ashamed. Abel's life didn't produce anything. He could not see any fruit from his life or his labor. Abel was a man living off of his brother. Cain's life was one of outward success and productivity. With Abel's life, however, there was no glory.
Having already notice, looking backwards,the similarity with Obama's election to the presidency with that of Jesus baptism; Hilliary, having transfered her delegated over to Obama, by default becomes that of John the Baptist.
Twisting the dials to change the story; would like to create
comparison with that of Cain's to Abel, a chance telling my story, James Edward Avery, DVM, with that of Blue Dog Democrat, Mike"Avery" Ross.
Eve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Edward "A"very Solomon, Jr.
Eve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: You are the devil's gateway," Tertullian told his female listeners in the early 2nd century, and went on to explain that all women were responsible for the death of Christ: "On account of your desert – that is, death – even the Son of God had to die."
When I came across this entry about Eve, it hit a cord best explaining relationship/complexity/debt of my problems; caught between the wife of George Robert Gary, Sr. Thb retired and that of my deceased father, Betty Jo Wolfe, R.N.
Although my mother doesn't see herself that way,
she's retired the same as Dr. Gary, Sr.;
both absolutely resistant, completely refusing
all attempts at reasons.
Although retired from Emory,
it's George Robert Gary, Sr. Thb that's still working...
coming and going about his business,
while a restraining order remains in place,
to keep a five yard distance from their property boundaries
As our house sit squarely facing each other,
just plain stupid everyone believing protecting her from me
while continuing to come and go.
Being that it was his wife afraid first;
Being that it was his wife afraid first;
leaving her home alone.
Not to mention....
within five yards of their property effectively blocks me from driving off my own property.
No doubt in my mind it's not her that needs protecting.
George Robert Gary, Sr. simply let his wife, Janet bite off more than they can chew, before realizing too late and continue to underestimate, my intelligence, worldliness, and most importantly...
to be shown the
So much has happened since that day they concurred with each other not only against me but also with my mother over the cellphone .
"Mother. Am I correct believing you've spoken with Janet?"
"Yes I did. Him too!
She had nothing but nice things to say about you!
Was not impressed with him."
~(My Mother)~
My mother then concurring with the rest of my family while my brother and sister in returned concurrred against me with our mother and the city of Atlanta , wanting to believe for the same reasons as her's, mother knew what she was doing.
"I try hard to love my family."
Had I know what a cold, heartless woman my mother could be; would not have wasted all those years calling home just to humor my mother, the only reason being:
she was once a good mother.
From the very beginning at an disadvantage with phones due my my hearing impairment. Although sound quality far better today; the nature/behavior of people today with their cellphones has isolated me even more.
That being one of discussions I had with Janet Gary, his wife, that day waiting for her husband:
I could stop the world from spinning using cellphone; how one bomb could disrupt communication enough to cause complete chaos as family and jobs to too spread out to bring under order.
Not to mention....
within five yards of their property effectively blocks me from driving off my own property.
No doubt in my mind it's not her that needs protecting.
George Robert Gary, Sr. simply let his wife, Janet bite off more than they can chew, before realizing too late and continue to underestimate, my intelligence, worldliness, and most importantly...
to be shown the
So much has happened since that day they concurred with each other not only against me but also with my mother over the cellphone .
"Mother. Am I correct believing you've spoken with Janet?"
"Yes I did. Him too!
She had nothing but nice things to say about you!
Was not impressed with him."
~(My Mother)~
My mother then concurring with the rest of my family while my brother and sister in returned concurrred against me with our mother and the city of Atlanta , wanting to believe for the same reasons as her's, mother knew what she was doing.
"I try hard to love my family."
Had I know what a cold, heartless woman my mother could be; would not have wasted all those years calling home just to humor my mother, the only reason being:
she was once a good mother.
From the very beginning at an disadvantage with phones due my my hearing impairment. Although sound quality far better today; the nature/behavior of people today with their cellphones has isolated me even more.
That being one of discussions I had with Janet Gary, his wife, that day waiting for her husband:
I could stop the world from spinning using cellphone; how one bomb could disrupt communication enough to cause complete chaos as family and jobs to too spread out to bring under order.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Dr. Joel Hoffman: Five Ways Your Bible Translation Distorts the Original Meaning of the Text
Dr. Joel Hoffman: Five Ways Your Bible Translation Distorts the Original Meaning of the Text: In particular, there are three common ways of determining what the ancient words of the Bible mean: etymology, internal structure, and cognates. But they don't work very well.
Two other factors further degrade modern translations: a general desire not to change historical translations and a misunderstanding of how to translate metaphors like "God's hand" (God doesn't literally have a hand) or "the Lord is my shepherd."
These five issues have conspired to create English translations that conceal what the Bible originally meant.
Two other factors further degrade modern translations: a general desire not to change historical translations and a misunderstanding of how to translate metaphors like "God's hand" (God doesn't literally have a hand) or "the Lord is my shepherd."
These five issues have conspired to create English translations that conceal what the Bible originally meant.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Backstreet 24/7 Free Membership Card: Free spirits, loners, or alone?
Most of my life, thought of myself and was perfectly okay with believing myself to be a loner. Was once called a free spirit, liking that one even better . Although always alone, never felt lonely, always busy, until I met Tom; the very first time experiencing intimacy following many.
Make a long story short:
Was always busy with school and church activities growing up small town Prescott, Arkansas. Worked last three years high school stocking and carrying groceries for Liberty Value Mart. Remember so vividly Mr. Steed and his wife, both fat short people, sitting very sternly in there elevated office overlooking everyone. Their very hard working, friendly, easy to work with manager; Larry Clifton with his cute young wife, equal in height , as they came and left.
Busy with my studies at University of Arkansas and Louisiana State University-School of Veterinary Medicine until second year vet school. Entering for the first time at the age of 23, a gay bar, giving up on girls; believing them to not be interested in me. Scott Abadie trying hard first year, finding two to hook up with before giving up; almost killing us both. All I remember is hearing Scott telling me, "go back to sleep," and all that dust surrounding the car; driving back from New Orleans. God I loved that car, a Cutlass Calais; Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme with V-8 engine and bucket seats instead.
Like to tell people you can look at my grades and tell when I came out of the closet. But that's not true. Just because I came out a bar fly, doesn't mean I knew what was going in. Almost didn't graduate LSU-SVM; a very close call due to one simple rule:
~(mother (X/X) sister)~
"Is it wrong I don't want my son to be gay?"
"No mother, it's not wrong. But I'm now forty-nine and you've known since twenty-three. Get over it!"
~(Janet X/Y Bob Gary,Thb)~
From my perspective, the wife to a man of Bob's statue never gets to retire.
Okay with them concurring together with Janet believing herself a mature Christian inside a church; Dr. Gary outside working with the language allowing practicing homosexual into the Methodist Church.
Absolute refuse accepting peacefully, Janet and Bob reasoning justifing concurring against me outside church.
I should not be faulted due to Janet crossing over to my side of the street first, believing they were selling their house.
It is Dr. Gary fault for not pulling Janet back into her proper palace, believing his title more important than mine; reason to stop being honest, reasonable, fair against a lonely simple man being left behind this digital age due to his hearng impairment.
Okay with them concurring together with Janet believing herself a mature Christian inside a church; Dr. Gary outside working with the language allowing practicing homosexual into the Methodist Church.
Absolute refuse accepting peacefully, Janet and Bob reasoning justifing concurring against me outside church.
I should not be faulted due to Janet crossing over to my side of the street first, believing they were selling their house.
It is Dr. Gary fault for not pulling Janet back into her proper palace, believing his title more important than mine; reason to stop being honest, reasonable, fair against a lonely simple man being left behind this digital age due to his hearng impairment.
Day the Gary family jumped behind Bob'sThb, with or without Janet's understanding; concurring against me along with the blessings of my
Arkansas family.
Eve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: You are the devil's gateway," Tertullian told his female listeners in the early 2nd century, and went on to explain that all women were responsible for the death of Christ: "On account of your desert – that is, death – even the Son of God had to die."
Birth of Venus / Frog Prince
Remember something being said about her being well known within the Medical Community; along the lines of life not working out, although always doing the right thing?
Could this EVE in a modern world?
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Glinda the Good Witch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glinda the Good Witch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Baum's 1900 children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz refers to Glinda as the Good Witch of the South. She finally gets Dorothy home by telling her of the power of the silver slippers. She gets the Golden Cap from Dorothy, and uses it to get the Scarecrow back to the Emerald city, the Tin Man to the land of the Winkies, and the Lion to a nearby forest, areas which the characters have been made rulers of.[1] Later books call her a "Sorceress" rather than a "witch."[2] Baum's writings make clear that he did not view witches as inherently wicked or in league with the Devil, so this change was probably meant to signal that Glinda's knowledge and command of magic surpassed that of a witch.
In the books, Glinda is depicted as a beautiful young woman with long, rich red hair and blue eyes, wearing a pure white dress. She is much older than her appearance would suggest, but "knows how to keep young in spite of the many years she has lived" - a fact that is established in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by the Soldier With Green Whiskers. She has ruled the Quadling Country ever since she overthrew the Wicked Witch of the South during the period when Ozma's grandfather was king of Oz.
In the books, Glinda is depicted as a beautiful young woman with long, rich red hair and blue eyes, wearing a pure white dress. She is much older than her appearance would suggest, but "knows how to keep young in spite of the many years she has lived" - a fact that is established in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by the Soldier With Green Whiskers. She has ruled the Quadling Country ever since she overthrew the Wicked Witch of the South during the period when Ozma's grandfather was king of Oz.
Prescott High School
Jim Ed Avery and Glenda Clifton voted Most Likely to Succeed
as well as me receiving
Good Citizenship award.
"You seemed to know all the answers in
Advance Math."
~(Wayne Glass)~
Clifton Road
James Edward Avery, DVM
Well Fargo Ben Franklin Academy
Emory Presbyterian Church Calendar
Emory Presbyterian Church Calendar: October 26 - All Hallow's Eve: A Celtic Christian Celebration of Hallowe'en
Join us gather after dinner around the Labyrinth and celebrate Halloween with an authentic Celtic Christian celebration of worship! We will celebrate, in the words of the great hymn, “friends on earth and friends above,” and give thanks for all whom we have loved and who now eternally live in God’s presence.
Join us gather after dinner around the Labyrinth and celebrate Halloween with an authentic Celtic Christian celebration of worship! We will celebrate, in the words of the great hymn, “friends on earth and friends above,” and give thanks for all whom we have loved and who now eternally live in God’s presence.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Materialistic couples may have more relationship problems -
Materialistic couples may have more relationship problems - "Couples where both spouses are materialistic were worse off on nearly every measure we looked at," said lead author Jason Carroll in a news release. Carroll, a professor of family life at Brigham Young University, added, "There is a pervasive pattern in the data of eroding communication, poor conflict resolution and low responsiveness to each other."
Subject: Re:
Having more money didn't necessarily make things better. Couples in which both spouses were materialistic tended to be wealthier than couples who didn't place such importance on money.
This may have implications for couples' counseling, the authors noted. "Efforts to develop new interventions aimed directly at addressing the problems associated with materialism in marriage," they wrote, "may be particularly relevant in the current economic context where financial resources may be lower than many couples' expectations."
Dear JIm Ed, I don't remember sending you anything about our 4th of July Lake trip!!! It was a nice trip even though we had nothing to ride and you were in the crisis center. Our jet ski was not ready and it had a more serious problem than we thougt and we had no way of getting in touch with anybody about you. Only Richard,Mother, Stephanie,Riley,Landon and I went. I pitched a big fit the Thursday before we left because I am so tierd of pulling toys to the lake that don't work!!!!! Landon sat on our jet ski all year with me telling him about how much fun he would have riding it but it didn't happen and the fireworks weren't going to be shot until Monday night and we all had to be home by then so we saw no fireworks at the lake and mother and i were worried about you, other than that I tried to show Landon a good time! WE did miss you and I longed for the old times when we all used to be there. Today, I am just getting home from Prescott. Landon and I went down yesterdy and spent the night with Ninny. I was babysitting Landon since Friday while Steph and Riley went to Hot Springs for their 5 year wedding anniversary. Richard was gone to Tunica. For lunch today, We (Steph,Riley,Dana,Jon,Richard,Landon,Mother and I) met at the Cracvker Barrel in Arkadelhia to Celebrate Mother's 81st birthday. I try to get Landon to see as much of his Great Grandmother as possible!! Of course, Nina and David didn't come to see us so poot on them. David did come and pick mother up to take her back to Prescott and say hi! he is spending the night in Prescott and going to work from there. Nina and David are taking her to the OutBack in Texarkana next weekend. I saw where you text messaged me today and i read them but I'm sorry to say I don't know how to text message back! I cannot bring Helen to HAtlanta. Mother and I want to come back and see you and put your house back together!!!!I We love you very much and I know you know that!!!I'm sorry that we aren,t doing what you want us to do to help you get better but I think what mother wrote you in her last letter is what you need to do! Please don't get mad!!!!!!!!Let us come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love you I really do!!!! Your big sister Donna
--- On Sat, 7/16/11, James Avery wrote:
From: James Avery
To: "donna devine"
Date: Saturday, July 16, 2011, 11:00 PM
"You're not going to kill our family are you?"
I'm glad y'all had a nice time at the lake.
"No Donna. I was just trying to explain I could understand why someone would."
Mother had described a scene between my sister and her husband at the lake house. Witnessed it myself between my niece and her father on a visit at my mother's house. Now I'm a victim of it myself, as I was only trying to explain how Head of Household applies to men in a modern world.
Even our mother fussed about Richard and the boys painting the house themselves, my sister wanting entertaining; a champhange brunch, the morning after my niece's wedding.
Both mother and my sister just refuse to see the difference between Richard having bought that house or our father having bought it.
If my sister wants toys that work, then she just needs to get a job.
I had already figured out:
Down at the bottom of the deep blue see,
How many fishes do you see
ah one, ah two, ah three!
Down at the bottom of the deep blue see,
How many fishes do you see
ah one, ah two, ah three!
What me and my sister both have in common.
How she does it I do not know.
That cat being how she does it.
Taking herself out of the picther.
Me left out hanging to dry.
The King has sent his daughters
to fetch a pail of water
Ashes, Ashes
they all fall down.
Like living in a big black hole.
Charcoal drawing in high school before even knowing I wanted to become a veterinarian.
How Helen figured that one out, an arrangment in my sister's house;
using a picture of eldest niece's firstborn son.
Not only did she plan,
both neice's wedding;
seems she's stepped in place of our dear mother,
very close friend better than two distant relatives.
Constantly a reminder
a distant relative;
through mothers from father's side of family.
Still can hear that tiger roar.
As well as
"Woo Pig Sooie."
the branch of veterinary medicine encompassing all aspects of reproduction.
an Americanism, loosely applied to any type of feral pig or wild boar in North America.
Question for you:
If God made Man in his image,
why then is Jesus still such a lady's man;
career women
all men are pigs?
If women vets want to wear their pearls while tending sows, go right ahead. Same goes outside field of veterinary medicne. Nothing but string of grits to me.
C = DVM,
as well as realizing no future as a doctor of veterinary medicine clinical setting;
only one chance/opportunity at a career change:
political activism highlighting most especially the disconnect between doctors and their clients as well as between the weathly and the poor.
It's no longer about the pets anymore.
Passionate activism against,
As well as take advantage of my connection
5th District
I want to invite him to Atlanta and give him a tour of what heath care has become in America; highlighting the disconnect through the eyes of a veterinarian having been through Dekalb Crisis Center twice and Georgia Regional Hospital trice; learning along the way just how unfair health care has become.
Even discontinued my health care insurance, trying to drive my point across.
I have found no one willing to step outside their comfortable settings to face the facts.
Like my mother:
"Jim! Lighten up! That's just the way the world is!"
James Edward Avery, D.V.M.:
"MOTHER! Isn't the way they world is nothing more than the sum of all of us? From my perspective, doing it you're way; I leave the world a worse place!"
And I'm gay.
Not sure why I even try.
I do believe alive,
Jesus to be a liberal.
That's all I need to know;
my definition of liberal being:
honest, fair, and reasonable.
Now beginning to learn:
Once a bleeding heart liberal;
always a bleeding heart liberal.
Brother Charles Walthal:
"Why believe in God?"
James Edward Avery, D.V.M.:
"To make up the difference between what they didn't already know or did not understand."
He did not seem happy with my answer; nor give anyone else a chance to answer. As he didn't correct me, I'm believing I got it right.
If women vets want to wear their pearls while tending sows, go right ahead. Same goes outside field of veterinary medicne. Nothing but string of grits to me.
C = DVM,
as well as realizing no future as a doctor of veterinary medicine clinical setting;
only one chance/opportunity at a career change:
political activism highlighting most especially the disconnect between doctors and their clients as well as between the weathly and the poor.
It's no longer about the pets anymore.
Passionate activism against,
As well as take advantage of my connection
5th District
I want to invite him to Atlanta and give him a tour of what heath care has become in America; highlighting the disconnect through the eyes of a veterinarian having been through Dekalb Crisis Center twice and Georgia Regional Hospital trice; learning along the way just how unfair health care has become.
Even discontinued my health care insurance, trying to drive my point across.
I have found no one willing to step outside their comfortable settings to face the facts.
Like my mother:
"Jim! Lighten up! That's just the way the world is!"
James Edward Avery, D.V.M.:
"MOTHER! Isn't the way they world is nothing more than the sum of all of us? From my perspective, doing it you're way; I leave the world a worse place!"
And I'm gay.
Not sure why I even try.
I do believe alive,
Jesus to be a liberal.
That's all I need to know;
my definition of liberal being:
honest, fair, and reasonable.
Now beginning to learn:
Once a bleeding heart liberal;
always a bleeding heart liberal.
Brother Charles Walthal:
"Why believe in God?"
James Edward Avery, D.V.M.:
"To make up the difference between what they didn't already know or did not understand."
He did not seem happy with my answer; nor give anyone else a chance to answer. As he didn't correct me, I'm believing I got it right.
Queen of the Desert/Prince of Darkness
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