Frustrated Horney Faggot Many Believe to Be BiPolar or Too Depressing To Hang With......LITERALLY. Have Trouble Understanding.... Then why ask: "Hey man! Sup?" Or, If Like My Mother; Having To Hang Up On Her Repeatedly Cause She Won't Stop Calling Me; Worried Her Son Will Die and No One Would Know if She Didn't!

So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Chris Stringer on the Origins and Rise of Modern Humans -
Chris Stringer on the Origins and Rise of Modern Humans - Yes, the title is “Lone Survivors: How We Came to Be the Only Humans on Earth.” And this comes from the fact that if we went back 100,000 years, which is very recent, geologically speaking, there might have been as many as six different kinds of humans on the earth. All those other kinds have disappeared, and left us as the sole survivors.
Friday, July 13, 2012
James, son of Zebedee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saint James is the Patron Saint of Spain and according to legend, his remains are held in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia (Spain). The traditional pilgrimage to the grave of the saint, known as the "Way of St. James", has been the most popular pilgrimage for Western European Catholics from the early Middle Ages onwards.
James, son of Zebedee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: James is described as one of the first disciples to join Jesus. The Synoptic Gospels state that James and John were with their father by the seashore when Jesus called them to follow him. James was one of only three apostles whom Jesus selected to bear witness to his Transfiguration. James and his brother wanted to call down fire on a Samaritan town, but were rebuked by Jesus. The Acts of the Apostles 12:1 records that Herod had James executed by sword. He is the only apostle whose martyrdom is recorded in the New Testament. He is, thus, traditionally believed to be the first of the 12 apostles martyred for his faith. Nixon suggests that this may have been caused by James' fiery temper, for which he and his brother earned the nickname Boanerges or "Sons of Thunder"
According to ancient local tradition, on 2 January of the year AD 40, the Virgin Mary appeared to James on the bank of the Ebro River at Caesaraugusta, while he was preaching the Gospel in Iberia. She appeared upon a pillar, Nuestra Señora del Pilar, and that pillar is conserved and venerated within the present Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar, in Zaragoza, Spain. Following that apparition, St James returned to Judea, where he was beheaded by King Herod Agrippa I in the year 44.
The 12th-century Historia Compostellana commissioned by bishop Diego Gelmírez provides a summary of the legend of St James as it was believed at Compostela. Two propositions are central to it: first, that St James preached the gospel in Iberia as well as in the Holy Land; second, that after his martyrdom at the hands of Herod Agrippa I his disciples carried his body by sea to Iberia, where they landed at Padrón on the coast of Galicia, and took it inland for burial at Santiago de Compostela.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Pearl of Great Price
Sat, November
27, 2010 4:08:30 PM
Re: Contact and
| | |
I'm sorry for the pain I caused you. It was not my intention. I do not
deny having personal problems. Was actually reaching out for some help.
Again, I apoligize for barging into your home and upsetting Janet. I do
not own a gun or plan to.
jim ed
''The physicists say that I am a mathematician,
and the mathematicians say that I am a physicist,'' he said. ''I am a completely
isolated man and though everybody knows me, there are very few people who really
know me.'' | ||
Hello Jim Ed,
You must know that in the future, there will be clear
boundaries for making contact with Janet and me, especially Janet. This is not
to say there will be no further contacts with us, but it must be under a number
of conditions.
Janet wanted to add her word before we set the conditions
together. Here is her note to you:
Jim Ed,
I was more than a
little disturbed by your visit on Wednesday. In the spirit of neighborliness
and the Thanksgiving holiday coming up, I opened our house to you, even though I
felt s bit uncomfortable doing so, especially in Bob?s absence.
We ironed
out what you perceived to be a rejection on my part.
When you wanted to
share the symbols that are meaningful to you, I was interested, although having
a hard time ?getting it? in the way you told it to me. No input from me seemed
to even get through to you, or matter at all.
I was very disturbed when
you talked of your depression, thinking about getting your gun, and when you
told me you are the ?Anti-Christ? and a ?crack-head? I began to be somewhat
afraid of you and wished I had not opened my door to you.
When I told you
I needed medications and even that didn?t stop your monologue, I said it again
and began to leave the room. At that point you did thank me for listening and
left, saying you would leave your stuff so you could come back. You either
didn?t hear me or didn?t pay attention when I said, ?No, take them with
Bob and I both feel we and our space were violated, and Bob has
drawn up some conditions under which we may all co-exist as neighbors. I concur
with what he has written below. Janet
The Conditions:
1. There
can be no further non-negotiated visits on your part with either or both of
2. We are not available to participte in your theological
which you presented to Janet for more than one hour and fifteen
minutes. You failed to leave our house until the second time Janet indicated she
needed a break for medicines. You may not know that Janet has Parkinson's and
extended stressful events activate her symptoms. Furthermore, Janet needed to
take her
medicines and tried to bring your theological discourse to a
but you continued. Furthermore, you left your basket of possessions
our house in order that you would have assurance of returning to
house. That is far too presumptuous for us.
3. You do not have
permission to enter our property or phone our house
unless you can abide by
these limits.
4. We do not listen to religious talk from anyone, let alone
them into our home. We do not do that with you. We share our
with people who ask questions of us and our religious convictions.
had no questions for Janet, only pressing her to agree with
G. Robert Gary, Sr. ThD
Once had a little old white haired lady ask me:
"Doesn't it say in the bible one shouldn't cast pearls before swine?"
Do not know why she asked me that. She knew I was gay. She knew I was atheist.
Far as I'm concerned, pearls are nothing more than strings of grits husbands purchase as gifts to pacify their wives. Who perceives the value of pearls, a gift that must first be accepted, other than women?
Wouldn't surprise me at all, one had a predominately female audience when that statement was first made.
Good time to point out... "pigs" and "swine"... are gender neutral. With women wanting to believe all men are pigs; then by default, all women are pigs too. Who is it they think nurses and takes care of all them little piglets?
So...all James Edward Avery, DVM has to do:
Slap them string of grits on someones (George Robert Gary, Sr. ThD or Bob for short) pet pot belly pig then call the wife of that arrogant obtuse swine a SOW.
Can't help but wonder if Bob's aware his wife already confessed to me, in an email, she shows...HER his children. As we veterinarians can tell you: if Janet has fleas...SO...does Bob. But it's only God and I who knows they didn't get the fleas from their grandchildren, sweet little Henry or Georgia; or from even the dog.
GOD...laughed so hard that day I saw ... A BEAGLE ... being walked with Bob sailing close behind at the end of a leash not his.
Made me think of Charles Darwin on his way to the Galapagos Islands... and...what it might be like growing up with Bob and Janet equally head of household (or at least what Janet wants to believe); a joke one of their (rebellious?) children played on them.
Once told my mother during one of our many long distance phone calls between my home here in Atlanta and hers (also my childhood home) in Arkansas:
"If there is anyone in the bible I can relate to, it would have to be the wife of Lot's nephew; the one who turned into a pillar of salt upon having to leave behind all things familiar she ever knew and loved."
Isn't it possible, just possible, Bob and Janet have entertained and still are entertaining an angel unaware? Surely they don't need the likes of me reminding them:
The higher up we go, the more difficult the tests becomes.
Truly agree with George Carlin:
"God is just a comedian playing before an audience afraid to laugh."
Simply Jim:
One Pearl,
Total Pig,
As stuff put into our heads as kids never really go away, have eighteen years of Methodism must do something with. This is the best I can do.
Am not anti-Jesus; just believe he was nothing more than an good man with a big heart who found a clever way at being "thou artful dodger" with the language.
"Son's a sons until he gets him a wife. Daughter's a daughter all her life."
Instead of claiming to be God when he claimed to be the "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost"; he was only claiming to be the sum of his parents in his father's absence.
Who cares who provided the "Y" chromosome for Mary's firstborn child. That has always been and will always be Mary's and Joseph's secret. It is their story and all of history leading up to that moment, and not just the life and death of Jesus alone, that became larger than life.
The quality of a good leader is one able to disappoint his own people at a rate they can absorb. Would never have found an audience had he strayed too far from the teachings of his time.
It's time for another reset in the language today; and I believe the story of my life can be a catalyse for that change as I have absolutely no tribal loyalties at all.
But first...
I need a celebrity sponsor just to be heard. I'm already a professional; unlike Jesus who found learned men and professionals to give up their jobs and follow him.
Sat, January
30, 2010 9:33:36 AM
James Avery
Jim Ed, you honor me to share yourself and your writing in
this way. I feel a bit daunted by your trust in me. We really don't know each
other that well. Salty language doesn't bother me in the least. I'm sorry you
are feeling depressed. I have experienced that a lot of my life, but am better
thanks to some good meds and good therapy! I have learned to accept myself
more, "fleas and all."
I have read your blogs and found them quite interesting, a
bit diaturbing, and mysterious. At the risk of being one of those "fools (who)
rush in where angels fear to tread" I am going to respond to several parts of
your writing, blog by blog.
1) Barrell of Monkeys: "Genesis" in reverse"
I'm not sure I understand this one completely except maybe
to say the humans can evolve in reverse as well as forward from our ape
beginnings Just my humble opinion!
You gave an example of how painful it is to share yourself
with people at work who don't share your political views. The question is, does
it really change anyone's mind when people have such opposite views? Isn't
there something in the Bible about not casting one's pearls among
It has been my experience that some people can hear my
deepest musings and others cannot. I try to be selective, but I often find my
mouth preceding my head! That does not usually turn out well. Only when I find
someone who is open to differences can I really hear and be
2) Pale Blue Dot
Carl Sagan is a wise man.
3) An Innocence lost.
Is that culte little boy you?
We mothers have to be taught by our sons and daughters who
they really are, since we often see our children as projections of ourselves and
try to make them into who we wish we could be. This is not fair to either one.
I am trying now to really show my grown children who I am and get to know who
they really are. It is a daunting task, but very rewarding!
4) "H" is for.....
In the alphabet, G comes before H--
...and F comes before G
Forgiving (oneself and others)
HUMILITY is, indeed hard to come by.
It is my belief that although each of us is unique--different
from anyone else in the world--we are, as human beings, more alike that
different--we all bleed, cry, laugh, hate, love, and need other people to hear
and understand us. It is my life-long mission to try to see myself and others
as God the Creator intended us to be, to judge less and to love more. I fall
short more than not, but maintain hope.
Pearl of Great Price: Pearl of Great Price
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Matthew 6:9 "This, then, is how you should pray: "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
Matthew 6:9
Our Father - God is called a Father,
1. as he is the Creator and the Great Parent of all;
2. the Preserver of the human family and the Provider for their wants, Matthew 5:45; Matthew 6:32;
3. in a special sense he is the Father of those who are adopted into his family; who put confidence in him; who are the true followers of Christ, and made heirs of life, Romans 8:14-17.
Hallowed be thy name - The word "hallowed" means to render or pronounce holy. God's name is essentially holy; and the meaning of this petition is, "Let thy name be celebrated, venerated, and esteemed as holy everywhere, and receive from all people proper honor." It is thus the expression of a wish or desire, on the part of the worshipper, that the name of God, or that God himself, should be held everywhere in proper veneration.
Genesis 6-9 NIV - Wickedness in the World - When human - Bible Gateway
6 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with[a] humans forever, for they are mortal[b]; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them. ” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
New International Version (NIV)
Wickedness in the World
Galatians 6:9 NIV - Let us not become weary in doing good, - Bible Gateway
9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
New International Version (NIV)
Friday, July 6, 2012
Andy Griffith buried hours after his death -
Andy Griffith buried hours after his death - Andy Griffith, who died in his sleep Tuesday at age 86, was buried on his North Carolina farm mere hours after his early morning death.
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