"Left here feeling like I really shouldn't be driving that far in that traffic.
Made it just fine.
Actually drive better than I walk."
"Donna has things worked out so we can come to Atlanta on the 20th.
Hope we don't have to visit you in jail."
How funny.
Have a court hearing March 12th regarding this email's violation
Bob and Janet Gary's restraining order:
Thu, October 20, 2011
7:26:01 PM
[No Subject]
From: James Avery
To: ggary@emory.edu
Cc: Janet Gary
Dr. Gary,
I just got back from Georgia Regional Hospital with copies of my medical
records as well as those from Dekalb Crisis Center. While I was there, I spoke
to my doctor, Dr. Parker, a small black women. I had just received another
pathetic letter from my mother, whom I stopped all communication with, still
believing her son has a mental illness. What I wanted to know from Dr. Parker,
was my diagnosis which not told to me on release, as well as, what was told to
my mother.
Bipolar being the diagnosis, I tried to show her copies from my blog www.twistedpurplecow.blogspot.com which came to creation, from
my anger at both you and Janet concurring against me from right across the
street. You may or not be aware, but over the cellphone with my family in
Arkansas, you've concurred with my mother against me as well; being all it took
sending my life into a tail spin. It does not have to be intentional to fit the
definition of "conspiracy."
Dr. Parker refused and began to get nervous, anxious, in a hurry to rush me
out of the facility. Very calmly and professionally, I told her:
(Dr. Parker
when I went back with proofs to show her why I was so angry with my family for having me involuntarily committed to Georgia Regional Hospital on one of their visits. Refused to let me show any of them to her. How wrong it was for DeKalb county to take advantage of a fifty year old avowed practicing homosexual's complicated relationship with his eighty year old rural Arkansan mother. Claimed she had patients she had to attend to. She certainly didn't talk with me any time during the five weeks I WAS THERE!)
"Dr. Parker, hate to inform you; not only have you have failed in your
responsibility to me as your patient, it's ..not.. bipolar if good
She could not even explain to me what happens when I start thinking
...clearer... on medication that takes months to see any results? How would we
know when it's working? Not even what made her think I wasn't thinking
.....clearly...now? Making it worth riskng serious effect associated with those
Last thing she said as she pushed me out the door:
"If you yell at your neighbors across the street again, you will be brought
back here."
That was all I needed to know.
As my definition of "LIBERAL" is honest, fair, and reasonable; believe I
have accummulated enought evidence to justify my end,
the reason being:
Those with a supplus are better able to control their circumstances; those
without are control by them. One is not always able to excercise good
"Those" and "them" being the day Janet started concurring with you
against me, a simple honest man with a hearing impairment keeping distance
between him and his dysfunction family in Arkansas.
I'm getting ready to find a civil lawyer to represent me here in Atlanta;
one in Arkansas representing both my finacial interest here and there in
There will be no more yelling and screaming. You will be amazed how much
I've learned just living across the street from George Robert Gary, Thb. just
know his wife; the resourses available to him I did not. All I wanted that day I
scared Janet was some grandfatherly advice at that time.
My problem being then: how does one go ask for help if not sure where to
Wanted some advise on where to go; not able to understand some returns with
personilized search engine on my computer as well as an opportunity/openening
for a mid-life crisis career change.
James Edward Avery, DVM is not unempolyed; just retired from clinical
practice of veterinary medicine wanting into the polical arena.
Until you two stop concurring against me and remove that restraining order;
you are neither liberal or mature Christian inside or outside a church. I do
understand confict of interest, and why resistent to women as ordained
ministers; do not have to respect yours, Emory University, even that of my
family if not fair, reasonable with me.
Why can't Phil be a writer as well as a preacher, Bob?
Just call it fiction.
All he has to do is make sense.
Next move is your's and Janet.
Only then will I be able to forgive and forget.
Total Grace; not Christian Grace.
I've already spent two and a half weeks in Dekalb County Jail,
because of this email,
waiting for my mother to bail me out;
her phone number being the only one I had memorized.
Was not even allowed to bail myself out.
Once in jail,
they will not let you back to your wallet
taken away from you.
Been waiting almost a year an a half for my court hearing.
The restraining order is expired.
It is my understanding...
might still have to spend up to a year in jail.
Looked up the following email my mother's letter reminded me of:
From: Jams Avery (jimedavery@att.net)
To: jgary@LearnLink.Emory.Edu;
Date; Mon, May 16, 2011 6:10:34PM
Subject: [ No Subject ]
Hello Jim Ed,
You must know that in the future, there will be clear
boundaries for making contact with Janet and me, especially Janet. This is not
to say there will be no further contacts with us, but it must be under a number
of conditions.
Janet wanted to add her word before we set the conditions
together. Here is her note to you:
Jim Ed,
I was more than a
little disturbed by your visit on Wednesday. In the spirit of neighborliness
and the Thanksgiving holiday coming up, I opened our house to you, even though I
felt s bit uncomfortable doing so, especially in Bob?s absence.
We ironed
out what you perceived to be a rejection on my part.
When you wanted to
share the symbols that are meaningful to you, I was interested, although having
a hard time ?getting it? in the way you told it to me. No input from me seemed
to even get through to you, or matter at all.
I was very disturbed when
you talked of your depression, thinking about getting your gun, and when you
told me you are the ?Anti-Christ? and a ?crack-head? I began to be somewhat
afraid of you and wished I had not opened my door to you.
When I told you
I needed medications and even that didn?t stop your monologue, I said it again
and began to leave the room. At that point you did thank me for listening and
left, saying you would leave your stuff so you could come back. You either
didn?t hear me or didn?t pay attention when I said, ?No, take them with
Bob and I both feel we and our space were violated, and Bob has
drawn up some conditions under which we may all co-exist as neighbors. I concur
with what he has written below. Janet
The Conditions:
1. There
can be no further non-negotiated visits on your part with either or both of
2. We are not available to participte in your theological
which you presented to Janet for more than one hour and fifteen
minutes. You failed to leave our house until the second time Janet indicated she
needed a break for medicines. You may not know that Janet has Parkinson's and
extended stressful events activate her symptoms. Furthermore, Janet needed to
take her
medicines and tried to bring your theological discourse to a
but you continued. Furthermore, you left your basket of possessions
our house in order that you would have assurance of returning to
house. That is far too presumptuous for us.
3. You do not have
permission to enter our property or phone our house
unless you can abide by
these limits.
4. We do not listen to religious talk from anyone, let alone
them into our home. We do not do that with you. We share our
with people who ask questions of us and our religious convictions.
had no questions for Janet, only pressing her to agree with
G. Robert Gary, Sr. ThD
Dear Mrs. Gary,
Despite the fact it was you who came over to my side of the the street
first, that same replying, "Oh, we're not that kind of Christian," when I
volunteered I was gay as well as Atheist, then insisting equally head of
household as Bob when I had suggested otherwise; it is not you I am angry at.
Bottom line.....you are woman.....and will always be.....the weaker sex.
Your last email to me is the proof.
I watched you the other day getting into your car. I was horrified how
frail you looked that day. You had no business getting into a car that day.
What was so important that you felt you had the right to put others in danger?
How sad you felt you no other choice? Or were you happy not stuck at home
The bottom line, the sick old woman I saw getting into that car is not the
woman I thought I knew, the one described to me in her emails, the one I thought
I was opening myself up to. Then I realized you are still wife and mother, and
that's a tough possition to be in.
What angered me most of all was how you started off your email calling me
Jim Ed twice, then ended it with G. Robert Gary, Sr. ThD.
Well to James Edward Avery, DVM, G. Robert Gary, Sr. ThD is just another
overly inflated primate.
How convinient, I've always said, " Jesus Fucking Christ backwards is just
Christ fucking himself. Either way, FUCKED! FUCKED! FUCKED!"
Well I"m sorry BOB, "It's still just BOB!"
I do have one question for you, "Why were you so excited about selling your
house, that day you came over to my side of the street first?"
Don't underestimate the effect little old women have on their grown sons;
even the the sons of others.
"If I know of you, then you are part of my story."
Like I told my mother when she tries bringing her age into our arguments:
"You (Bob and Janet Gary included) still drive your own cars!
You vote!
It's that part of y'all brains...
An email, any email, should never be treated as if more dangerous than elderly folks behind the steering wheel of a car or anyone driving under the influence of a cellphone!
That is just downright ridiculous!