Playing my usual little game with your misspelling, I see:
0-0-0-E are missing assuming "y u" means "y0u"?
First I see:
E= MC2 and the beginnings of abstract thoughts; up until today with our space time thought theories.
Now I see:
Treat the three "circles" (as I'm am radical atheist i use the number zero instead of the letter "o") as individual singularity no longer with us today..., eg. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (his mother Mary)...who art(?)in(?)Heaven.
Now I believe I see (and understand?) your use of our pronouns?
Sura Nur
Mar 27, 2014
Street art;b?
Abid Sheikh
Mar 27, 2014
If love is the answer! can you repeat the question please? ;)?
mark hrycyk
Mar 27, 2014
Love it!!!?
Tom Vycítal
Mar 27, 2014
+Abid Sheikh The answer is simple, but computer that will count the question is incredibly complicated and will run for millions of years. :-)?
Jim Ed Avery
Mar 27, 2014
What is love? Is it something that can be measured?
I'm going to quote C. S. Lewis here:
"If you asked twenty good men today what they thought was the highest of the virtues, nineteen of them would reply, Unselfishness. But if you had asked almost any of the great Christians of old, he would have replied, Love."
~The Weight of Glory
Then combining someone recently quoting a line from a song by Sting:
"It is true," she said to me, "LOVE IS STRONGER THAN JUSTICE."
Then I said, "Do not know what song you are referring to, but I do know all the lyrics to another song by Sting titled "MURDER BY NUMBER." Knowing this was a song comparing political power to the making of a serial killer while not doubting her quote came from a song written by Sting, I then asked, "Are you sure you're quoting Sting right?"
Then blah, blah, blah, like we were in church.
Then I quoted M. L. King's wife who only her deceased husband instead, "INJUSTICE ANYWHERE IS INJUSTICE EVERYWHERE."
BTW...I'm a Methodist FAG as well as Simply Jim: One Pearl, Total Pig, Anti-Christ. And the woman I'm debating "LOVE" with is a lesbian who knows my sister and emails this unsolisited opinion of her's to me having already judged me as being the one in the wrong my family relations before even hearing my side of the story.
I can't help but feel, if able thinking on a global level, if anyone able that much emphathy, that this word "love" is turning out to be just a waste of four letters or an aerobic waste of air the way Christian have come to understand it.
Right now, believing they really don't.
In my opinion, true unselfishness would be global, and the only way to display unselfishness in a way that's impartial on a global level would be through the politics of how we discuss and vote that backs up that love. Impossible to do through "all politics is local" mentality.
"I work hard for my money and deserve to keep it!"
-Republican Rant
"Hell! I can do charity better than the government!"
-Republican Rant
"Baby Killer!"
_Republican Rant
"Drill baby, Drill!"
-Republican Rant
"Only thing stopping a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
-Republican rant
"Politics is the art of postponing a decision until no longer relevant."
-unknown...but definitely a hit to the Republicans
"A truly virturous man would come to the aid of a distant stranger equally as he would a close friend; the again a truly virturous man would have no friends."
-Frenchman... inspiration/source when Founding Father wrote the U.S. Constitution
One last one:
"I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."
As a species, there are limitations/flaws, in the way we think. And... unless we take these limitations into consideration and collectively act on them, we are doomed to failure.
I'm afraid I have bad news. Unless there are major changes soon for debates/dissusions that are geniunly honest fair and reasonable able producing effective changes, we're goners in a majorly bad way.
And I don't care how loving and charming , moral one thinks they are when that time arrives, gonna still be HELL ON A MASS SCALE!
Then one realizes too late we overshot HEAVEN on the way there.
I'm not here to be liked.
I'm here to wake the sheeple up!
April Whipple
Mar 27, 2014
Love is everything.?
Christal Cooper
Mar 27, 2014
It is to a lot of things caring of others animals the earth?
Chris Forstner
Mar 27, 2014
+Abid Sheikh What is all you need??
Jim Ed Avery
Mar 27, 2014
+Tom Vycítal Well....what is this simple answer??
Martin G Mendez
Mar 27, 2014
Yes sure is?
Jim Ed Avery
Mar 27, 2014
+April Whipple If "love" is everything, then it has no meaning specific enough that avoids confusion. Might as well mean nothing, although not the same as claiming ...useless.
For example:
"That neighbors should love each other the same as Jesus love us."
Are we/they?
Manipulation and/or deception eliminates the possibility of consent.?
Mar 27, 2014
+Jim Ed Avery everything mean the source of everything?when it is specific thing ,it will not change?it is dead!?
Jim Ed Avery
Mar 28, 2014
+?? you just circled right back to where we started with April. What would everything be without it? Let's try that one.?
Vailancia Rebelo
Mar 28, 2014
Love sucks?
imran yousaf
Mar 28, 2014
Yes right ?
Leroy Mosito
Mar 28, 2014
To what question ??
Manoj Agravat
Mar 28, 2014
Still water runs deep.?
Manguzutu Odara
Mar 28, 2014
Jim Ed Avery
Mar 28, 2014
CRY ME A RIVER?!GOD DAMN IT?!You guys aren't helping me at! PALE BLUE DOT?
;^) + ;@) + <((()))>< ?
Faisal Masood
Mar 28, 2014
for what.????
Crystal Buffington
Mar 28, 2014
Janani Kannan
Mar 29, 2014
one can say y u hate smeone the most but one can never say y u lov them so much?
mehwish ayyaz
Mar 29, 2014
To hate?
Jim Ed Avery
Mar 29, 2014
Playing my usual little game with your misspelling, I see:
0-0-0-E are missing assuming "y u" means "y0u"?
Now I see:
Treat the three "circles" (as I'm am radical atheist i use the number zero instead of the letter "o") as individual singularity no longer with us today..., eg. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (his mother Mary)...who art(?)in(?)Heaven.
Now I believe I see (and understand?) your use of our pronouns?
You are referring to our parents...?
Am I correct?
LOL Wish you could meet my Father "Who Art in Heaven? He's Betty Boop, M.D.
You can google his name and able seeing, from start to finish, the same thing I see;
but not really without knowing our lives' (me, my mother, my father, and her husband) stories combined together. My relations(?)problems with my Mother during my father's abscence (from the beginnning to end) being just as improtant as when he was still alive.
This is why, when referring to himself as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I'm believing Jesus only in his "thou artful dodger way" crediting Joseph the parental father with being most responsible for shaping his moral character; the holy ghost, again in Jesus "thou artful dodger" way, representing the essence(?)shell of his mother Mary during a time when, and still some places our world today, nothing more than property...not even allowed testifying as witnesses during trials..
Whether Mary raped or not while still too young an innocent child, did g(0)d have, or did g(0)d not have, Mary's permission having that child?
That's still rape, isn't it?
Therefore, If g(0)d's reason for choosing Virgin Mary to be the victim of his rape, being she had been born an "immaculate conception" (not of sin)....
Wouldn't this mean Jesus' conception, whether the result of a GOD's "almighty immaculate ejaculation" (aka. one "immaculate" spermatozoa w/Y chromosome) or Virgin Mary having the misfortune having been turned into one huge "cum dump" for a bunch or Roman(our one lucky(?)Y chromosome eventually named Jesus), was the complete opposite of his mother Mary's conception; Jesus having been born of complete sin whether raped by one or more having made no difference.
I'm beginning to believe Mary's concepiton (as having been without sin) combined with Mary probably having also been too young and innocent enough able understanding what was happening, means nothing more than Mary having been a planned pregnancy from start to finish; the loving daughter by loving parents, who due to no fault of their own having done everything by the book unfortunate teenage pregnancy.
If one able thinking of GOD in an abstract sense as the "face of g(0)d" being nothing more than the sum of all of us; this would mean the "face of g(0)d would be forever changing from second to second as we continue living for all eternity in the present.
Therefore the face of g(0)d would look different during the time of Jesus (as g(0)d the man in flesh) compared to g(0)d, a man in flesh today.
Therefore, in an abstract sense, it sort of makes sense why Jesus had to die for our sins so that we may live. Having been born of complete sin, he died for GOD's sin, being the face of g(0)d nothing more than the sum of all of us...those living back then.
Therefore, in an abstract sense, as the face of g(0)d is forever changing, every day someone is dying for our sins so that we may live.
Therefore, I tell you guys here and everywhere else, this game of going round and round as we discuss the meaning of "love" has got to stop with these way too vague contributions to the discussion. It's not helping. You're being nothing more than a distraction, a smoke screen, or maybe both; a pothead needing to be stoned!
Mary could have been stoned, GOD DAMN It!
This story retold with more emphasis on Joseph as a parental father...
can you just imagine what it might have been like trying to raise a child having a mother who's reminded every day that childs alive.
The more horrible the telling of this story, the more beautiful they become; having had roughly, only fifteen years in which to accomplish this feat.
"Son's a son until he gets him a wife. A daughters a daughters all her life."
With the help of a favorite quote of my mother, HEll BETTY JO, my interpretation of Jesus' use of the TRINITY become:
"Sum of his parents in his father's absence."
Different way, same meaning:
Head of Household
12 years of age until Cruxificion of Jesus.
You guys see where I'm going with this?
"Loving our neighbors the same as Jesus loved us...?"
Wish you guys had the time listening to the story happening between me and ex(?)-neighbors of mine, G. Robert Gary, Sr. ThD and his wife Janet; the Hosea joke between me and her Husband Bob, started this all.
"Oh we're not that kind of Christian," she said to me that first day met, her having crossed over to my side of the street first. Live directly acrossed the street from them at that time. Apparently, because of my bizarre behavior, they only moved around the corner from me? "HE'S LOST HIS FAITH IN GOD?"
~(Jim Ed or Simply Jim)~
"OOOOH NO, NO, NO, NO! Everything's fine now. Just fine! We've found a fellowship down(?)somewhere that working out fine for him. Now."
~(Beginning(?)Inspiration(?)Hosea Joke)~
And they even have a son, Rev. G. Robert Gary, Jr. with a degree in psychology and music, wanting to be a writer?
"You don't understand. He wants to be a writer!"
~(Saint(?)Bob, Sr.(?)ThD)~
by Rev. Bert, JR
Wouldn't this book make their son a writer?
It had already been written and published the day our story began.
I'm beginning to believe "Neighbors" in this sense does not mean the same as neighbors who used to live directily across the street from each other?
Oh well. As it not entirely my fault our story is such an important part of my story, should have every right telling my story singing my song to any and all willing to listen and/or read.
Only probelm, having trouble finding anyone who's guinuienly willing to listen to my story or even read my stuff.
Guess it may have something to do with me now being:
What started off with me just being an Anti-Christ, turning out may just be
An my definition of THE ANTI-CHRIST nothing more than being one and the same with W.W.J.D today,
THE ANTICHRIST would be the "face of g(o)d today," or an anti-Christ doing the best he knows how, following in the footstep of Jesus the man in flesh only.
"You do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, you do better."
~(Maya Angelou(?)I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings)~
Apparently I'm doing this just too well.
"I'm not an ASSHOLE to EVERYONE...
haven't met them all yet!
This point aside,
am I an ASSHOLE to EVERYONE for the same reason.
You are going to have to tell me more;
don't think we met before?"
One Pearl,
Total Pig,
Jim Ed Avery
Mar 29, 2014
+Janani Kannan Janani Kannan
one can say y u hate smeone the most but one can never say y u lov them so much?
Playing my usual little game with your misspelling, I see:
0-0-0-E are missing assuming "y u" means "y0u"?
First I see:
E= MC2 and the beginnings of abstract thoughts; up until today with our space time thought theories.
Now I see:
Treat the three "circles" (as I'm am radical atheist i use the number zero instead of the letter "o") as individual singularity no longer with us today..., eg. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (his mother Mary)...who art(?)in(?)Heaven.
Now I believe I see (and understand?) your use of our pronouns?
You are referring to our parents...?
Am I correct?
LOL Wish you could meet my Father "Who Art in Heaven? He's Betty Boop, M.D.
You can google his name and able seeing, from start to finish, the same thing I see;
but not really without knowing our lives' (me, my mother, my father, and her husband) stories combined together. My relations(?)problems with my Mother during my father's abscence (from the beginnning to end) being just as improtant as when he was still alive.
This is why, when referring to himself as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I'm believing Jesus only in his "thou artful dodger way" crediting Joseph the parental father with being most responsible for shaping his moral character; the holy ghost, again in Jesus "thou artful dodger" way, representing the essence(?)shell of his mother Mary during a time when, and still some places our world today, nothing more than property...not even allowed testifying as witnesses during trials..
Whether Mary raped or not while still too young an innocent child, did g(0)d have, or did g(0)d not have, Mary's permission having that child?
That's still rape, isn't it?
Therefore, If g(0)d's reason for choosing Virgin Mary to be the victim of his rape, being she had been born an "immaculate conception" (not of sin)....
Wouldn't this mean Jesus' conception, whether the result of a GOD's "almighty immaculate ejaculation" (aka. one "immaculate" spermatozoa w/Y chromosome) or Virgin Mary having the misfortune having been turned into one huge "cum dump" for a bunch or Roman(our one lucky(?)Y chromosome eventually named Jesus), was the complete opposite of his mother Mary's conception; Jesus having been born of complete sin whether raped by one or more having made no difference.
I'm beginning to believe Mary's concepiton (as having been without sin) combined with Mary probably having also been too young and innocent enough able understanding what was happening, means nothing more than Mary having been a planned pregnancy from start to finish; the loving daughter by loving parents, who due to no fault of their own having done everything by the book unfortunate teenage pregnancy.
If one able thinking of GOD in an abstract sense as the "face of g(0)d" being nothing more than the sum of all of us; this would mean the "face of g(0)d would be forever changing from second to second as we continue living for all eternity in the present.
Therefore the face of g(0)d would look different during the time of Jesus (as g(0)d the man in flesh) compared to g(0)d, a man in flesh today.
Therefore, in an abstract sense, it sort of makes sense why Jesus had to die for our sins so that we may live. Having been born of complete sin, he died for GOD's sin, being the face of g(0)d nothing more than the sum of all of us...those living back then.
Therefore, in an abstract sense, as the face of g(0)d is forever changing, every day someone is dying for our sins so that we may live.
Therefore, I tell you guys here and everywhere else, this game of going round and round as we discuss the meaning of "love" has got to stop with these way too vague contributions to the discussion. It's not helping. You're being nothing more than a distraction, a smoke screen, or maybe both; a pothead needing to be stoned!
Mary could have been stoned, GOD DAMN It!
This story retold with more emphasis on Joseph as a parental father...
can you just imagine what it might have been like trying to raise a child having a mother who's reminded every day that childs alive.
The more horrible the telling of this story, the more beautiful they become; having had roughly, only fifteen years in which to accomplish this feat.
"Son's a son until he gets him a wife. A daughters a daughters all her life."
With the help of a favorite quote of my mother, HElLL BETTY JO, my interpretation of Jesus' use of the TRINITY become:
"Sum of his parents in his father's absence."
Different way, samemeaning:
Head of Household
12 years of age until Cruxificion of Jesus.
You guys see where I'm going with this?
"Loving our neighbors the same as Jesus loved us...?"
Wish you guys had the time listening to the story happening between me and ex(?)-neighbors of mine, G. Robert Gary, Sr. ThD and his wife Janet; the Hosea joke between me and her Husband Bob, started this all.
"Oh we're not that kind of Christian," she said to me that first day met, her having crossed over to my side of the street first. Live directly acrossed the street from them at that time. Apparently, because of my bizarre behavior, they only moved around the corner from me? "HE'S LOST HIS FAITH IN GOD?"
~(Jim Ed or Simply Jim)~
"OOOOH NO, NO, NO, NO! Everything's fine now. Just fine! We've found a fellowship down(?)somewhere that working out fine for him. Now."
~(Beginning(?)Inspiration(?)Hosea Joke)~
And they even have a son, Rev. G. Robert Gary, Jr. with a degree in psychology and music, wanting to be a writer?
"You don't understand. He wants to be a writer!"
~(Saint(?)Bob, Sr.(?)ThD)~
by Rev. Bert, JR
Wouldn't this book make their son a writer?
It had already been written and published the day our story began.
I'm beginning to believe "Neighbors" in this sense does not mean the same as neighbors who used to live directily across the street from each other?
Oh well. As it not entirely my fault our story is such an important part of my story, should have every right telling my story singing my song to any and all willing to listen or read.
Only probelm, having trouble finding anyone who's guinuienly willing to listen to my story or even read my stuff.
Guess it may have something to do with me now being:
What started off with me just being an Anti-Christ, turning out may just be
An my definition of THE ANTI-CHRIST nothing more than being one and the same with W.W.J.D today,
THE ANTI-CHRIST would be the "face of g(o)d today," or an anti-Christ doing the best he knows how, following in the footstep of Jesus the man in flesh only.
"You do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, you do better."
~(Maya Angelou(?)I Why the Caged Bird Sings)~
Apparently I'm doing this just too well.
"I'm not an ASSHOLE to EVERYONE...
haven't met them all yet!
This point aside,
am I an ASSHOLE to EVERYONE for the same reason.
You are going to have to tell me more;
don't think we met before?"
One Pearl,
Total Pig,
Janani Kannan
Mar 30, 2014
if u hate somebody its very easy to say why but one can never say why you love someone so much?
Jim Ed Avery
Mar 30, 2014
+Janani Kannan
Another Cellphone rant between me in Metro-Atlanta and my Mother in Arkansas. There are good reasons for me keeping distance between me and the rest of my family there.
"You said you love me?"
~(My Mother-HELL BETTY JO)~
She had just interrupted me:
~(Simply Jim: One Pearl, Total Pig, Anti-Christ)~
Believe you are right, Janani; you were talking about our parents.
But it was your misspellings first attempt that was most helpful to me.?
Jim Ed Avery
Mar 30, 2014
Or maybe the answer to this shoud have been:
For someone's "confirmation bias" to be so strongly resistant to any and all my attempts why she either has to relent or just stay in Arkansas; us to continue living as if not knowing of each other.
Instead she has chosen to continue having one birthday after another; at the expense of 1, 2, maybe even 3 taken away from me.
Is this fair to anyone, risking having a mother like that, these women should be having children at all?
And some blacks are wanting to believe that Gay Rights and their Civil Rights are not the same thing.
Why? We can go places they can't without other people knowing we are gay and them being black.
What a fucking joke.
Why would we want to go anywhere, we're not welcomed?
Didn't stop them from winking at a white woman did it?!
Now feel even worse for the gay African-American. one's. That's being hit twice (or would that be trice if counting mothers) by their own kind?
"A son's a son until he gets him a wife. Daughters a daughter all her life."
~(Favorite quote of my mother)~
"If man was made in the image of a jealous God...?
Then it's settled...?
Man made God M.A.D.D.!
m.d lewis
Mar 31, 2014
Don't ever forget this?
Jim Ed Avery
Mar 31, 2014
I'm ah picture thinking;
"m.d lewis" eq~(u)~al C. S. Lewis + Charles Densen Avery,M.D. (my Father who arts in heaven as "Betty Boop, M.D." with(?)C. S. :Lewis)