So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Avery Stone: What If Paula Deen Had Called Someone a Fag?

Avery Stone: What If Paula Deen Had Called Someone a Fag?: Have you heard the other news? Alec Baldwin, a still-beloved actor, tweeted homophobic slurs. And the effect on his career and reputation is, so far, absolutely nothing.

If you haven't read the tweets, here's what happened: Baldwin, in a heated online argument with British reporter George Stark (over whether or not Baldwin's wife tweeted during a funeral), lashed out on Twitter. Baldwin wrote, "I'm gonna find you, George Stark, you toxic little queen, and I'm gonna" A minute later, he added, "I'd put my foot up your fucking ass, George Stark, but I'm sure you'd dig it too much." At first, Baldwin denied -- and then deleted -- his tweets. He has since apologized, asserting that he never meant to be homophobic.

Baldwin, an actor best known for his role in NBC's 30 Rock, and for his endorsement deal with Capital One, has not yet suffered any consequences for his violent, homophobic language. His endorsement deal remains intact. Media attention has been minimal, especially compared with Deen's. Unbelievably, Baldwin seems so far to have emerged from the incident largely unscathed.

So my question is this: What if Paula Deen had called someone a fag? Would she still have lost everything? My guess is no. And, even in 2013, when there is so much to celebrate in the vein of LGBT rights, these episodes show that it's still possible to get away with homophobia. And that's something to get angry about.

For some reason,
reading this article reminded me of an incident between me an a black male technician named Terrel who worked at one of the clinics I substituted regularly as a relief veterinarian.
This immaculate ejaculation had just exploded from no where!
Will admit...
do have a habit of wanting to discuss political issue when things are slow at work.
Just do not remember what I've might have said or was wanting to discuss that made
all of a sudden
this topic be discussed now instead.

Then again,
 "discussing this issue"
just my misunderstanding.
"Alright.  Getting close to using that "N" word."
~(James E. Avery, DVM)~
What made me so angry was not his opinion,
but his refusal letting me even try explaining where and how they were the same as opposed to where and how their issues/sufferings differed from ours.

He absolutely refused hearing any of it. 
"Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere."
~(Martin Luther King)~
And I even tried quoting Coretta Scott King's answer when asked that very same question; who herself was only quoting her husband.
That incident was weird...
just weird.
How he seemed to have completely forgotten,
just so blinded by bias toward me for other reasons,
(was it me being a white male?/was it me being gay?/was it me being an atheist?/just too much?), 
the veterinarian I was relieving for that day,
not only a lesbian...
owner of that clinic as well. 

The one responsible for Terrel having his job.
In the end,
after this ugly mess worked it's way back to the lesbian veterinarian/owner of this clinic,
even she didn't give me the just support I truly deserved. 
"I feel safer living in a black neighborhood
a redneck neighborhood."
~(Dr. Kat)~
Coming to her defense, 
will volunteer these facts:
not only was her staff almost all blacks, 
the neighborhood she and her partner chose living in off Memorial Drive was also predominately blacks. 
But there was more to this anger provoking my threat of using the "N" word.

During my attempt trying to get Terrell at least hearing my explanation of the gay perspective to this civil rights debate, the receptionist had walked into the treatment areas and handed me a small dog needing it's vaccines before being taken to the back for boarding.

At this point, decided to just give up and go back to work.  Just walked over to the treatment table, placed this dog on top, and started with the physical exam.  While doing this exam,  asked Terrel to pull up the vaccines or hand me something.
  Do not remember exactly what I asked of him.  Did not actually hear what it was Terrell said in reply.  Just how he said it while continuing to do nothing as he leaned with his back up against the counter near the CD player.

This was not the first time Terrell had shown me disrespect as the veterinarian; but this time was definitely not subtle and below the radar of others noticing as they usually have been.   As a relief veterinarian, the previous incidences were minor enough for me to consider them not worth the risk of Dr. Lavell, whom I've known since the days we first worked together as associate veterinarians for Pets Are People Too Ansley's location, chosing to go with a different relief veterinarian for future dates; finding one more to her staff's liking easier than risk having to hire/train a new technician.

But this time, not only was the disrespect coming from a technician crossing my line as the veterinarinian; the source of this disrespect I'm all the more certain this time, most likely the same as all the others incidences that have happened different clinics over the years but only able assuming. 

Then came my not so veiled threat.

With Terrell again hopping angrily all over the place; pick the dog off the table, turned around, placed the dog in an empty cage just behind me, then walked three steps over to the desk. Then sitting myself down into a chair; watch as I waited for Terrell to get this out of his system.

"How would you like it if I called you a FAGGOT?!"
This time, Terrell's face only inches from my face as I sat in that desk chair, very calmly answered back:
"Do not need to hear you to know that you already have."
Oh how I wished a video recording of that startled expression flashing acrossed Terrell's face, only I able witnessing,
ending that day's debate. 
Where Terrel is concerned,
although much bigger than me,
this is one black man I have no problem with calling...

And I will never back down or apologize for my use of the "N" word with today's blog entry.


Paula Deen is Not Alone


July 12, 2013

Having since given this blog entry some more thought, felt an additional entry important.

It's very important people understand my boldness calling Terrel "ONE STUPID NIGGER" using the Internet.

Had this incident between me an Terrel happened at any other clinic, I would not have told him of my wanting to use the "N" word although still thinking so.  Instead, would quickly have written Terrel behavior off not only as ignorant and unworldly where gays rights are concerned...
but also as misdirected aggression toward me as a white male somewhat redneck.

Being not only a bleeding heart liberal but gay as well,  I do understand, despite the time that has elapsed since slavery was abolished, prejudice is still actively at work, everyday, unfairly keeping blacks (black homosexual even more so) from achieving an equal standard of living with the rest of America.

But it didn't happen at any other clinic.  It happened at this clinic who's owner not only a lesbian responsible for Terrell having a job, also a veterinarian Terrel has to work in close contact with.  He has absolutely no justifiable excuse, having had this much opportunity understanding the gay perspective,  explaining the horror he displayed at the thought of me believing gay rights and civil rights were the same thing.

This and the fact we even once got into a debate over outlawing "sagging." 

Terrel was for a law being passed, currently being debated, underwritten by a local black politician believing this the best way dealing with a form of non-violent protest he thought was harmful to the black cause. 

Although having to agree somewhat with this politician's perspective due to my southern white male upbringing among conservatives, a confession actually putting me at odds not only with what's supposed to be my own tribe but definitely with my own family, I came to the defense of these young men trying to explain why I was against the law.  They were simply forcibly bringing to the public attention, in the only way they knew how, an injustice needing correcting only they truly understand; able justifying putting themselves at odds with other within their own community, some even rightfully viewed as indifferent/dismissive of their needs being of low priority.

The passage of this law, at heart, would just be another slap in the face for these young men; most definitely not the best way addressing the issue of "sagging."
Will just be replaced with something else;
most likely even more violence white conservatives already misinterpreting, some purposely, as an excuse refusing letting go of their oversized slice of the American pie.

I would love to be approached by representative of the black community, asking me to be their "pet redneck" at the end of a leash, barking for a cause of theirs.  Definitely one addressing the needs of  these young men "sagging."

But with plenty the likes of Terrell and his prejudices within their community; pretty much explains why this will never happen with me. 

Plan on showing up at this clinic, presenting Dr. Kat with a printed copy of this blog entry.  Believe it only fair to her to at least be aware of this blog entry.  Will request she let Terrell read it also.


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