So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 NIV - Or do you not know that wrongdoers will - Bible Gateway

1 Corinthians 6:9-11
New International Version (NIV)

Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.  And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.


  1. 1 Corinthians 6:9 The words men who have sex with men translate two Greek words that refer to the passive and active participants in homosexual acts.

Google searched
as I do from time to time.
A new one has appeared.
Very interesting.


 Reading this bible verse along with a picture chosen from Internet to post with this blog entry, for some reason not sure why, reminded of an incident that happened while getting HIV tested at AIDS Atlanta.

At the time,
 was averaging roughly 8-10 months between HIV testings rather than the 6 months interval recommended for those sexually active with multiple partners.

Having become just another testing, more annoyed now by the routine of having to answer all the questions than nervous about the results, found myself during one part answering repeatedly, 
"last night,"
to a tall black male technician as being the most recent date I participated in unsafe sex as he read down a list of factors increasing risk.

He then sets down clipboard and looks at me,
"It's not a question of whether you are going to be positive or not,
just a question of when."

As it should have been obvious I was more bored than seriously considering my answers to those questions, surprised me hearing him say this.
still couldn't help laughing instead,
 replying back with,
If it's going to happen it better happen soon. 
Cause at the age of 47,
the... BULK ...of my sex life is behind me. 
There's not much sex left!"

Correct answer to those questions should not have made any difference.
Was engaging in frequent as well as unsafe sex;
the questions most likely all having had correct answers recent enough making what this technician was saying, something even I'm surprised hadn't already happened,
to be true.

why has it not happened?


Now 51 y.o.
Sex life rapidly slowing down.
Feeling pretty much as if over, at least compared to before.

With each day being the beginning of the rest of your life...

No longer promiscuous?
(experience having taught me the definition of "promiscuous" being someone who slept around more than they did)

Or do they all still count?
(will still consider myself a gay man even when my sex life comes to a complete halt)

Having no problem letting people knowing today, that I am an avowed practicing homosexual who over the course of his gay lifetime has had sex one form or another with over a thousand men; will continue having no problem letting people knowing that part of my past, even after no longer having sex.

Do not mistake me.

Not proud.
Not bragging.
Not Ashamed

Simply Jim
stating a fact.

Just how his life has played out.

Never going to be part of me willing to denounce or keeping quiet.

A bleeding heart liberal with a passion for politics,
 impossible explaining who and why I am if not able referring to that part of my past.

There is more to sex than just sex.
You get to know them as well.
And they get to know you.
Just another way of saying...

So again,
I'm asking you,
why has it not happened?

Shouldn't God himself be putting an end to all this?

But you were washed, 
you were sanctified, 
you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
the Spirit of our God.

As God's omniscience is a paradox incompatible with the idea of human free will...

Already believing, if there is to be a God, by definition there can only be one...

If indeed,  there truly is a God...

We must thank God for 9/11. 
We must thank God for dead soldiers. 
We must even thank God for the A.I.D.S. pandemic.

But if we are to do the math correctly, it is wrong for us to stop there.

We must continue,
 thanking God for "FAGS" and Rev. Phelps as well.

If we do not, then God fails/cease to be omniscience; even existing all together.

You've heard it.

Not only an atheist,
but a FAG as well...
coming to the defense of Rev. Phelps and his followers with their signs.

But only up to a point.

That's what I like about being an atheist.

Being someone who refuses choosing any God to recognize or worship,
that pretty much leaves the only God available being my witness the geniune one,
the One true one.

The same claim all other religions not quite making the same.


If indeed,
 there truly is a God;
we get the God we have; not the God we choose.

Only the God I didn't choose,
 be witness to us all.

Why even bother...
 thanking God for anything at all.

I certainly do not. 

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