So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ghost Writer(s) Wanted: Apply Within or DeKalb County Jail

This coming October 20th, 2013 will have been 2 years and 3 court appearances before Judge Janis Gordon and still I'm waiting for a court arraignment; the first phase where you plead guilty, not guilty, or nolo contendere.

After sitting through my 3rd appearances on March 12, 2013 with my name still not called during roll call, chatted with my compeers out in the hallway as I waited last in line for my turn with 2 of Judge Gordon's court solicitors. This is where I learn from 2 young black men and 1 older black lady, how charges where automatically dismissed if still no arraignment after your 3rd appearance. 

 How all three of them told me about this rule, in a way leaving no doubt in my mind, 
this was about to all be over.

Once I had my turn with the 2 court solicitor, a blond female and that one extremely cute short male could never stop myself lusting after during all three court appearances; was strange hearing from them how my records pulled up on their computer showed only my appearance...
December 11, 2012 and that day March 12, 2013.

 When I informed them of my first appearance January 10, 2012, the date given to me upon my release from DeKalb County Jail, the two of them just kinda went silent;  as if not wanting to volunteer any information.  And for some reason(s), didn't have the proofs with me showing I had been scheduled to appear in that very same courtroom January 10th, 2012 as well. 

After giving them the details of a different solicitor, after roll call that day when raising my hand that my name had not been called, eventually handing back to me the documents I handed her but with a case number written down at the bottom of one of them.  How I was then sent up to the district attorney office on the 7th floor.

 From the district attorney's office, told no additional information other than to go home and wait for a notice sent by mail with the date of my next court appearance; eventually receiving this notice for a court date schedule almost a full year later.

Even Janet Gary herself corrected me when we (me and the "VIGILANTE FOUR") were bickering in DeKalb County Recorder's Court February 2012 over signs in my yard being in violations of DeKalb County's code ordinances.

Janet Gary had just finished presenting her complaints
Judge Nellie "FUCK THE LORAX" Withers,
when I countered with,
"Objection.  None of it relevant. 
 we have a different court hearing coming up to address those complaints on March 13th."

"Thought it was March 12th,"
Janet Gary corrects me very quietly.

"Or maybe it is March 12th," 
I said
correcting myself.

It is my understanding,
(hard not choking on that word)
are kept informed every step of the way, so I had no reason(s) doubting Janet that day.  

It would be interesting learning when and how Bob and Janet Gary first learned my court arraignment had been postponed even that day...

the blond female then tells me she will have to speak with Judge Gordon first to see how she wants to handle it. Wasn't long before she reappears, telling me the judge wants to speak with me first.

After telling this judge pretty much the same story already told her 2 solicitors, Judge Gordon then tells me she saw no reason having me come back to her court until the district attorney office decides what they wanted to do with my case. Just go home and wait, again, until receiving another notice from them in the mail.

From January 10th, 2012 through December 11th, 2012,  it was my understanding we were waiting on the district attorney's office to decide then as well. Not sure Judge Gordon understood that I've already gone through this part once already.

When I asked Judge Gordon about this rule, told me by several people as we waited out in hallway,
about charges being dismissed after 3 court appearances;
pretty much just bluntly told me
not going to do that.

"Until the district attorney's office decides what 
want to do with my case?"
~(Judge Janis C. Gordon)~

Does this mean felony stalking charges are being reconsidered?

Or maybe,
even taking advantage of me trying to recover from a crystal meths addiction.

Not an impossible scenario picturing them pulling strings behind the scene; just buying themselves some time while hoping/praying I end up slipping back into the addiction. With a true addiction of any kind, there always a craving that lingers, you're never fully able to break free from, that was the cause of you becoming addicted to that particular drug in the first place.

Eventually getting caught with it.

"Out, damned spot!"
~(Lady Macbeth)~

With crystal meths addictions pretty much the addictions all other addictions look down upon...
would save them the appearance/embarrassment of getting their hands dirty.

Being the preacher he's supposed to be at heart, it's Bob Gary's hands I'm mainly talking about here.  The use of his wife Janet's age and Parkinson's disease, I'm insinuating here, nothing more than a diversion from the real truth.

Then there is also the issue of waiting two years plus, the toll those two years have taken on Bob and Janet Gary physically and mentally; prejudicing their case even more unfavourably against me than it already was to begin with.

Where some may want and try to see this as
"elder abuse,"  
I'm choosing to see this as an entirely different example instead
~(line from a movie about a successful black female television evangelist)~

With this sign,
I've crunched a pair of politically incorrect female jokes, the blond representing Bob Gary's wife and the brunette representing my deceased father's wife, with a Nathanial Hawthorne classics's lesson to be learned similar to the lesson we were supposed to have learned from Adam and Eve's expulsion from the Garden of Eden, then crunched again with the story of  a wise King Solomon's suggestion a child be split between two women except in this case the king having now grown unwise and the child now a grown man?

Well these two, Bob and Janet Gary, have obviously lived a long, blessed life.
And now is not the time for them to become too contented/certain their trials are over.  Even the wise King Solomon toward the end of his reign fell into corruption/idolatry; his kingdom splitting into two.

"Those with a surplus are better able controlling their circumstances.  Those without, are controlled by them.  One is not always in a position to exercise good judgement."
~(Marshall Fields)~

Although the radical atheist I am,
I've come to realize where God is concerned,
every day is a brand new day with every one's counter being reset to
at the beginning of each day.

 the same goes with
Honorable Judge Janis C. Gordon.

"As a state court judge, 

am able to exhibit the
'prudent application of mercy' 
every day...;"
~(Judge Janis C. Gordon)~

I'm afraid it's beginning to appear I've may have found a chink her armor.

Wasn't what I was looking for or even hoping for.

Quite the opposite.

"They say it's hard to do the right thing.  
It's not hard to do the right thing.  
It's just hard... knowing... what the... right thing to do... is?
Once you know...  
it's hard not to do the right thing.

A good man 
(this day and age adding... "a good woman" ...important as well)
is not without sin.
then expiates.

October 20, 2011

FROM James Avery to 2 recipients

From James Avery

CC Janet Gary

Dr. Gary,

I just got back from Georgia Regional Hospital with copies of my medical records as well as those from Dekalb Crisis Center. While I was there, I spoke to my doctor, Dr. Parker, a small black women. I had just received another pathetic letter from my mother, whom I stopped all communication with, still believing her son has a mental illness. What I wanted to know from Dr. Parker, was my diagnosis which not told to me on release, as well as, what was told to my mother.

Bipolar being the diagnosis, I tried to show her copies from my blog which came to creation, from my anger at both you and Janet concurring against me from right across the street. You may or not be aware, but over the cellphone with my family in Arkansas, you've concurred with my mother against me as well; being all it took sending my life into a tail spin. It does not have to be intentional to fit the definition of "conspiracy."

Dr. Parker refused and began to get nervous, anxious, in a hurry to rush me out of the facility. Very calmly and professionally, I told her:
"Dr. Parker, hate to inform you; not only have you have failed in your responsibility to me as your patient, it's ..not.. bipolar if good reasons."

She could not even explain to me what happens when I start thinking ...clearer... on medication that takes months to see any results? How would we know when it's working? Not even what made her think I wasn't thinking Making it worth riskng serious effect associated with those medicines?

Last thing she said as she pushed me out the door:
"If you yell at your neighbors across the street again, you will be brought back here."

That was all I needed to know.

As my definition of "LIBERAL" is honest, fair, and reasonable; believe I have accummulated enought evidence to justify my end,
the reason being:

Those with a supplus are better able to control their circumstances; those without are control by them. One is not always able to excercise good judgment.

"Those" and "them" being the day Janet started concurring with you against me, a simple honest man with a hearing impairment keeping distance between him and his dysfunction family in Arkansas.

I'm getting ready to find a civil lawyer to represent me here in Atlanta; one in Arkansas representing both my finacial interest here and there in Prescott.

There will be no more yelling and screaming. You will be amazed how much I've learned just living across the street from George Robert Gary, Thb. just know his wife; the resourses available to him I did not. All I wanted that day I scared Janet was some grandfatherly advice at that time.

My problem being then: how does one go ask for help if not sure where to begin?

Wanted some advise on where to go; not able to understand some returns with personilized search engine on my computer as well as an opportunity/openening for a mid-life crisis career change.

James Edward Avery, DVM is not unempolyed; just retired from clinical practice of veterinary medicine wanting into the polical arena.

Until you two stop concurring against me and remove that restraining order; you are neither liberal or mature Christian inside or outside a church. I do understand confict of interest, and why resistent to women as ordained ministers; do not have to respect yours, Emory University, even that of my family if not fair, reasonable with me.

Why can't Phil be a writer as well as a preacher, Bob?
Just call it fiction.
All he has to do is make sense.

Next move is your's and Janet.
Only then will I be able to forgive and forget.

Total Grace; not Christian Grace.



Nov 27, 2010

FROM James Avery TO 1 recipient

I'm sorry for the pain I caused you. It was not my intention. I do not deny having personal problems. Was actually reaching out for some help. 

Again, I apoligize for barging into your home and upsetting Janet. I do not own a gun or plan to.

jim ed

''The physicists say that I am a mathematician, and the mathematicians say that I am a physicist,'' he said. ''I am a completely isolated man and though everybody knows me, there are very few people who really know me.''

From: "

Sent: Sat, November 27, 2010 1:33:55 PM

Subject: Contact and Boundaries

Hello Jim Ed,

You must know that in the future, there will be clear boundaries for making contact with Janet and me, especially Janet. This is not to say there will be no further contacts with us, but it must be under a number of conditions.

Janet wanted to add her word before we set the conditions together. Here is her note to you:

Jim Ed,

I was more than a little disturbed by your visit on Wednesday. In the spirit of neighborliness and the Thanksgiving holiday coming up, I opened our house to you, even though I felt s bit uncomfortable doing so, especially in Bob?s absence.
We ironed out what you perceived to be a rejection on my part.

When you wanted to share the symbols that are meaningful to you, I was interested, although having a hard time ?getting it? in the way you told it to me. No input from me seemed to even get through to you, or matter at all.

I was very disturbed when you talked of your depression, thinking about getting your gun, and when you told me you are the ?Anti-Christ? and a ?crack-head? I began to be somewhat afraid of you and wished I had not opened my door to you.

When I told you I needed medications and even that didn?t stop your monologue, I said it again and began to leave the room. At that point you did thank me for listening and left, saying you would leave your stuff so you could come back. You either didn?t hear me or didn?t pay attention when I said, ?No, take them with you.?

Bob and I both feel we and our space were violated, and Bob has drawn up some conditions under which we may all co-exist as neighbors. I concur with what he has written below. Janet

The Conditions:

1. There can be no further non-negotiated visits on your part with either or both of us.

2. We are not available to participte in your theological doctrines

which you presented to Janet for more than one hour and fifteen minutes. You failed to leave our house until the second time Janet indicated she needed a break for medicines. You may not know that Janet has Parkinson's and extended stressful events activate her symptoms. Furthermore, Janet needed to take her

medicines and tried to bring your theological discourse to a close,
but you continued. Furthermore, you left your basket of possessions in

our house in order that you would have assurance of returning to our

house. That is far too presumptuous for us.

3. You do not have permission to enter our property or phone our house

unless you can abide by these limits.

4. We do not listen to religious talk from anyone, let alone invite

them into our home. We do not do that with you. We share our faith

with people who ask questions of us and our religious convictions. You

had no questions for Janet, only pressing her to agree with your


G. Robert Gary, Sr. ThD


Jan 30, 2010 Re:
FROM Janet Gary TO You
Jim Ed, you honor me to share yourself and your writing in this way. I feel a bit daunted by your trust in me. We really don't know each other that well. Salty language doesn't bother me in the least. I'm sorry you are feeling depressed. 

I have experienced that a lot of my life, but am better thanks to some good meds and good therapy! I have learned to accept myself more, "fleas and all."

I have read your blogs and found them quite interesting, a bit diaturbing, and mysterious.

At the risk of being one of those "fools (who) rush in where angels fear to tread" I am going to respond to several parts of your writing, blog by blog.

1) Barrell of Monkeys: "Genesis" in reverse"

I'm not sure I understand this one completely except maybe to say the humans can evolve in reverse as well as forward from our ape beginnings Just my humble opinion!

You gave an example of how painful it is to share yourself with people at work who don't share your political views. The question is, does it really change anyone's mind when people have such opposite views?Isn't there something in the Bible about not casting one's pearls among swine?

It has been my experience that some people can hear my deepest musings and others cannot. I try to be selective, but I often find my mouth preceding my head! That does not usually turn out well. Only when I find someone who is open to differences can I really hear and be heard.

2) Pale Blue Dot

Carl Sagan is a wise man.

3) An Innocence lost.

Is that culte little boy you?

We mothers have to be taught by our sons and daughters who they really are, since we often see our children as projections of ourselves and try to make them into who we wish we could be. This is not fair to either one. I am trying now to really show my grown children who I am and get to know who they really are. It is a daunting task, but very rewarding!

4) "H" is for.....

In the alphabet, G comes before H--


...and F comes before G

Forgiving (oneself and others)

HUMILITY is, indeed hard to come by.


It is my belief that although each of us is unique--different from anyone else in the world--we are, as human beings, more alike that different--we all bleed, cry, laugh, hate, love, and need other people to hear and understand us.It is my life-long mission to try to see myself and others as God the Creator intended us to be, to judge less and to love more.I fall short more than not, but maintain hope.



Mrs. Gary,

I apologize for the stress I've put you through; but the truth.......I was thrown for a loop the way you started concurring with Dr. Gary after that Thanksgiving visit. From my perspective, Thanksgiving was just a coincidence. Since you felt the need to justify inviting someone into your home that made you uncomfortable even before I stepped foot in your home; want to remind you it was the Puritans who burned witches at the stakes also. That was neither clever or fair.

Yes. I do have a crystal meth addiction. To buy and sell crystal meth is illegal. To have a crystal meth addiction is not illegal. Addictions are very common in the gay community, especially with the men (sex, alchohol,and....yes... recreational drugs of which cyrtal meth is just one of many). For some reason crystal meth has a different effect with me than most men. It is a speed only, which at first was not a problem, just a pick-me-up before going to work after a party weekend (Hotlanta, New Orleans Halloween, New Orleans Southern Decadence, Chicago International Men of Leather...queen in leather is still a queen/very miliary theme also......Birmingham Rites of Spring, Miami White Party, New York Black Party....leather again, San Fransico Folsom Street Fair, etc. etc. etc.).Eventually it got to where I couldn't go anywhere without it; chanced gettting caught flying back to Arkansas for my two neice's weddings. Never drugged tested at work either which would have been a felony and lost of my license to practice. I can stop doing it, but crash for 2-3 weeks; then depression sets in not because of work but because no social network inside or outside of veterinary medicine threre for me when I come off the drug.Don't let the illegal part confuse you. I've always had a colorful language within the gay community; which they didn't care much for either.

Too late fore me to try to start my own clinic staff with people of my choosing.I realized I had to do my own intervention. I was actually waiting for Dr. Gary that day. You said he would be there in an hour and that you two were equal head of household. It was apparent to me that Dr. Gary was only being civil to me because you opened the gate to our little neighborly chat. I knew you were a Christian wife; just didn't know if Dr. Gary was a good doctor or a bad doctor........think That;s why I went back to get the painting and the rubber we could have more to talk about as I was waiting for either Rev Bob or Dr. Bob or just liberal Bob.

Right now.....Dr. Gary is the one I'm pissed off at.....not you...although it may not sound that way. Bob may not have realized....he concurred also with my mother against me over the cellphone. On one of my phone calls with my mother I ask, " Am I correct in believeing you've spoken with Mrs. Gary?" My mother answered back almost excited," YES I HAVE! HIM TOO!" My mother said you had nothing but nice things to say about me; she thought Bob was a DICK. She took it like a compliment; yet she doesn't want her son to be gay still. Now I can't turn her off!

Is there a Men's Bible Study Group at Glenwood Memorial Church I could sit in on just to see what mature Methodist Men discuss. I do consider myself mature Methodist as far a Christians are concerned. I was born into a Methodist Chruch and without realizing it.....was calling myself atheist before I graduated Prescott High School. Brother Walthal didn't correct fact he stumbled.... when I answered his question: "Why believe in God?" No wonder no one suggested I be baptised. Would you be upset if I attended a few Sunday sermons....I do have a suit?

Was okay with what the Baptist preacher said when he married my eldest neice to the baseball coach. Not sure what kind of preacher married the younger one to the campus policeman. Couln't hear a word he said. He was cute though; seemed in a hurry to leave the wedding with his cute girlfriend also.

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