When comparing Mike Ross and me
Cain and Abel,
which one would you believe to be Cain?"
~(Simply Jim: One Pearl, Total Pig, Anti-Christ)~
~(My Mother: Hell Betty Jo)~
"That's what I was expecting you to say.
Are you aware,
as a
it's my
distant cousin Mike Avery Ross
throwing your gay son under the bus
his own political gains?"
~(Simply Jim: One Pearl, Total Pig, Anti-Christ)~
Ross formally announced his campaign for governor
in his hometown
Prescott, Ark.
in his hometown
Prescott, Ark.
Mike Ross (politician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Michael Avery “Mike” Ross (born August 2, 1961) is an American politician and member of the Democratic Party who served as the U.S. Representative for Arkansas's 4th congressional district from 2001 to 2013. Ross stated on July 25, 2011, that he would not seek re-election to the House in 2012. He is a candidate for Governor of Arkansas in the 2014 election.
Mike is a fifth-generation Arkansan, born August 2, 1961 in Texarkana, Arkansas. He lived in Prescott, Arkansas for many years until relocating to Little Rock, Arkansas in 2013. He is the grandson of farmers and a nurse and the son of two public school educators. He graduated high school in Hope, Arkansas and earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, working his way through college as a local radio announcer.
Together with his wife, Holly, Ross owned and operated a small pharmacy in their hometown of Prescott, Arkansas, which they sold in May 2007. Mike and Holly Ross have been married for 30 years, and they have two grown children. They are members of the Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church in Little Rock, where they now live.
Ross was a member of the Arkansas State Senate for ten years (1991-2001), before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives for Arkansas's 4th congressional district in 2000. Ross left Congress in January 2013 after choosing not to seek a seventh term and, after a brief stint in the private sector as an officer and senior vice president at the Little Rock based non-profit Southwest Power Pool, he announced his candidacy for Governor of Arkansas on April 17, 2013.
On June 19, 2009, Ross made clear that he and a group of other fiscally conservative, moderate Democrats, known as the Blue Dog Coalition, were increasingly unhappy with the direction that health-care legislation was taking in the House. They claimed the health care reform bill was being written behind closed doors without their input and that the proposals being consider fall short in reducing costs and increasing efficiency, outlining only a fraction of what will be required to achieve a product that does not add to the deficit. Ross cited, among other things, provisions that major health-care companies also strongly oppose.
Ross was thrust into the national spotlight on July 21 when he and a group of seven Blue Dog Democrats on Energy & Commerce bucked their party's leaders and brought the committee mark up process of H.R. 3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009, to a halt. House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman postponed meeting publicly to discuss the health-care legislation to negotiate with the Blue Dogs, meeting privately with Ross and other members of the so-called Blue Dog Coalition, conservative Democrats who sit on the committee and could join Republicans and vote down a bill they don't like since the panel has 36 Democrats and 23 Republicans.
Concessions won by Blue Dogs, which drew immediate opposition from liberals in the chamber, would shave about 10 percent from the health care overhaul's $1 trillion, 10-year price tag, in part by limiting subsidies to people who are not insured. The exemption for small businesses would be doubled so that only businesses with payrolls greater than $500,000 a year would be required to offer insurance or pay a tax equivalent to 8 percent of their payroll.
Ross is against gun control and is one of the few Democratic members of Congress to consistently earn an A+ rating from the National Rife Association's Political Victory Fund.
In 2011, he co-sponsored HR 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.
Mike Ross
(born August 2, 1961)
only a few months older than me
(born January 14, 1962).
His mother was second cousin to my father.
We even played together at the Avery Reunion held annually
Prescott Community Center.
(born August 2, 1961)
only a few months older than me
(born January 14, 1962).
His mother was second cousin to my father.
We even played together at the Avery Reunion held annually
Prescott Community Center.
But I was the one born and raised in Prescott, Arkansas;
as my father.
I was the one born into and helped raised
The First United Methodist Church of Prescott, Arkansas;
The First United Methodist Church of Prescott, Arkansas;
as my father.
Right up until graduating from Prescott High School,
same as my father,
leaving home with plans becoming a veterinarian.
same as my father,
leaving home with plans becoming a veterinarian.
But it was Mike Avery Ross, once finished with his schooling,
who came back as an adult
adopted the First United Methodist Church of Prescott, Arkansas as his church;
to be a member of that church all those years
U.S. Representative for Arkansas's 4th Congressional district.
Never once did I see Mike or his family at that church while growing up in Prescott, Arkansas.
Not sure where they lived those years of his, but according to my mother, his father was the principle of Emmet's School system. Emmet was a small community with a population of about 500 just a few mile down the highyway between Prescot, the Nevada County seat (population approx. 4000), and Hope, the Hempstead County Seat (population approx. 8000).
Can't help but wonder why he didn't stick with the very same church he grew up with?
who came back as an adult
adopted the First United Methodist Church of Prescott, Arkansas as his church;
to be a member of that church all those years
U.S. Representative for Arkansas's 4th Congressional district.
Never once did I see Mike or his family at that church while growing up in Prescott, Arkansas.
Not sure where they lived those years of his, but according to my mother, his father was the principle of Emmet's School system. Emmet was a small community with a population of about 500 just a few mile down the highyway between Prescot, the Nevada County seat (population approx. 4000), and Hope, the Hempstead County Seat (population approx. 8000).
Can't help but wonder why he didn't stick with the very same church he grew up with?
Maroon Bell Mountains
Aspen, Colorado
Brother John Dill
( front of line and wearing red hat front row)
who got our church invited to join
Arkadelphia First United Methodist Church
Wesley Foundation
eight days
Still remember that night my senior year of high school,
Brother John Dill,
left my home so disappointed wasn't able even getting me
left my home so disappointed wasn't able even getting me
Made no sense,
"then completing the required animal science pre-veterinary courses,"
University of Arkansas.
"then completing the required animal science pre-veterinary courses,"
University of Arkansas.
Hendrix College is a private liberal arts college located in Conway, Arkansas. In US News and World Report's America's Best Colleges, Hendrix was ranked in 2011 as one of the top "up and coming" liberal arts colleges.
The college is affiliated with the United Methodist Church; however, the curriculum is secular and the student body is composed of people from many different religious backgrounds. Hendrix is a member of the Associated Colleges of the South. Hendrix College is listed in Loren Pope's Colleges That Change Lives.
Having first noticed a similarity
Jesus trial before Pontius Pilate
the way Obama's election to the presidency so quickly followed by the Tea Party Movement uprising.
Then realizing how Hilliary's smooth transferal of her delegates over to Obama kept
the movement/momentum forward;
by default,
becoming the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.
by twisting the dials,
changing an old story into a modern day retelling
Cain and Abel;
a chance comparing the life story
James Edward Avery, DVM,
life story
Mike "Avery" Ross,
Cain and Abel: The lives of both Cain and Abel were regulated by their two different understandings. Cain was regulated by his own understanding of God's commandment, while Abel was regulated by his revelation of God's provision. The significant difference between them was that Cain could see the fruit of his labor, but Abel's life could only cause him to be ashamed. Abel's life didn't produce anything. He could not see any fruit from his life or his labor. Abel was a man living off of his brother. Cain's life was one of outward success and productivity. With Abel's life, however, there was no glory.
Which one would you guess to be Cain and which to be Abel?
And why?
From: James Avery (jeaverydvm87@att.net
To: mike.ross@mail.house.gov;
Date: Sat, February 12. 2011 6:37:42 AM
Subject: Re: from the Office of Congressman Mike Ross (AR-04)
Simply Jim here. Whether you like it or not it me and you as if 6 is to 9, eve to adam, etc..
From the we were born at my disadvantage, you benefited.
Whatever your opinion of me, whether true blue dog democrat or not; I'm aware you campaign from black and white, you govern from gray.
I believe I'm a true liberal, who had learned a lot from life. I believe Jesus also a true liberal, a truly virtuous person; he died because it disadvantaged him, an example not to be afraid doing what's right regardless of outcome. I see you, calling yourself a Christian, nothing like that. Like it or not; it was me having been raised as child with the help of the same the Church you attend now; the one having to accept some responsibly for failing me as a child if they fault me in anyway as a man.
Bottom line. You get the god you have; not the one you want. By definition, there is only one God. I go with that. Don't be so stupid like all the other, believing when I say I'm atheist, that leave you last one standing. If so stupid to believe I'm Godless, what the hell is it you think is my Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
The Garden of Eden......occurred to anyone maybe we've ruined that place already, actually never left it. And God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Believe it was Adam THEN Eve. Why is that? God not a real man? Besides that, just image the way they smelled back then. Probably didn't matter which side up she landed when Adam flipped her onto the ground.
That point aside, up next came Abel and Cain. Which one would you bet most likely used the word...FAGGOT, NIGGER, JEW, SOCIALIST. How far you suppose Cain got, wouldn't he have just sneaked quickly back without anyone noticing, through the back door.
Fuck all the other Lip synching Christian who so quickly dismiss me or even picket the funeral of Faggots like me to your advantage pretending you're not looking. Pissed me off been doing that for years! Us left to deal with them alone.
Then along comes a dead soldier, maybe a Faggot, and Elizabeth Edwards, with talk of them picketing those funerals. The general public lite up like wildfire condemning Rev.Phelps; and even some Elizabeth, an atheist.
I know it's to your disadvantage just being paired with me publicly in anyway; buy you've gained from me at my expense.
I do not own a gun!
Have no reasons to believe anyone could stop me from buying a gun (assuming I would be told if not a list somewhere)! I have no desire to find out either.
But.....if someone blew your BRAINS out; I will have to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe, they had very good reasons to justify their actions the same as you have none justifying calling yourself a Christian.
And if someone were to burn down the United Methodist Church of Prescott with everyone locked inside; my family, even an old artist and his wife having the time of their life as he paints like a child, mother paying $500 dollars for a painting hanging in my home. People jokingly tying it value to the death of man having lived longed past that of one truly virtuous. Then post purchasely told they be fans of Fox News.
Totally discussing their behavior. Every God DAMN ONE of them so far. No wonder I'm atheist having been so observant. But God DAMN! Thrown for a loop. Nothing like followers of Jesus at all.
From my perspective, that makes me God just understanding Jesus story as just a man, not that of a Messiah, but one overlapping that of Mary's. The Story of an innocent child, raped while be throttled to Joseph, made even better him knowing, as they fled fearing for Mary's life......not Jesus. People so easily forgetting, she would have been stoned. Then, Mary having to mother that child; constantly relieving the pain, the horror, just the sight of him.
From my perspective, that makes me God just understanding Jesus story as just a man, not that of a Messiah, but one overlapping that of Mary's. The Story of an innocent child, raped while be throttled to Joseph, made even better him knowing, as they fled fearing for Mary's life......not Jesus. People so easily forgetting, she would have been stoned. Then, Mary having to mother that child; constantly relieving the pain, the horror, just the sight of him.
But eventually, how could a mother not eventually come to love that child; one wanting the love of his mother trying so hard all his life to end her pain; himself, her son, being a man where women were, and still are,treated as property. I'm sure there were many with most not ending well at all; still happening today half a world away, while we debate abortions. But as he tried, eventually he came up with the Trinity being just a language tool he stumbled upon, many having failed; his pain being so common. Of course he found a following; the same, although no where near trivial, like Penicillin.
Go get your grandmother, my mother claims a friend; then take her to see Betty Jo Wolfe. Ask her if she needs anything. I'm not expecting anything really; not at this point having seen what I'm dealing with. Everything from my perspective supporting the Mayan calender ending next year. Unless maybe, just me having the unfortunate luck my family.
She's been told, not to call me without something to offer helping me. She stressing me out more believing it's helping me talking to someone not really listening; when really she's afraid her son is going to die and no one would ever know if it weren't for her call. She is right. My only fear is not the dying, as it only happens once; but that I"m Head of Household with two cats, a fact most people so flippantly dismiss as if we were just opinions not needing to be included. Find a place in your heart, at least offering to pray with her for me. I'm aware she's just an old woman who only vote, not blood related in anyway at all.
Like she said recently, "You know Jesus better than I do!"
Not saying I know the answer. It beat anything I've heard so far, morphed and changed back by men more to there liking , sad thing being he not here backing them up falling for it all over; along with the like of Palin and Coulter telling men like Obama "to man up".
My Mother! My own Mother! Not even budging on that, me turning blue as I try convincing her. Stop being so God Damn Stupid. It's him I'm fighting with for all of us. And it's because of Obama she won't let go a Jesus and join me.
Just like a scene out of a Movie, THE GOOD SON.
She killing me trying to pull me into heaven with her.
Make that Fucking Bitch let go of me. I've had enough of my Mother. Pretty soon I'll be spitting on her till the night I go out dancing, dying once I run out of Daddy's money, if not turning my story into a movie or book or whatever.
IF can't be invited to give the Palm Sunday Sermon, really an angry testimonial, the church to blame or take credit for who I am, either way, won't be pretty, United Methodist Church of Prescott Arkansas; don't be too surprised if UPS walks down isle delivering El Spotro painting, donating it to the church. Maybe he'll buy it back. If he still around, floating a spell.
Something he learned from Noah Ark. Imagine that! An 90 year old man telling a man in his 40's to chill, float awhile when overly stressed. After me already hearing Glenn Beck with his stupid "everything he knows, learned from the Titanic.
Just like three ladies from Ark believing my intervention; after me being the one telling them I had an addiction.
The nerves of Betty Jo, leaving here after realizing defeated, but not before saying to me, "I do believe you are living a decadent lifestyle. Now that's was one Stupid Bitch needing beheaded.
Hell Betty Jo/the mother refusing to accept Simply Jim a man superior to her, making him appear, by default, the Anti-Christ.
From: Congressman Mike Ross
To: jeaverydvm87@att.net
Sent: Fri, April 23, 2010 11:10:55 AM
Subject: From the Office of Congressman Mike Ross (AR-04)
Dear James:
Thank you for contacting me and sharing your thoughts and concerns regarding these important issues. It is great to hear from you.
I truly appreciate your comments regarding the Tea Party Movement. Please be assured that I will continue to monitor this issue and keep your thoughts in mind should I be called to vote on any related legislative initiatives in the U.S. House of Representatives.
My parents raised me in a Methodist church, and now my wife and I are doing the same with our children. I am a proponent of having God involved in our daily lives in order to remind us of our values, principles, and the ability to treat those around us with respect. This country was built upon the religious principles of its founders and these principles must remain the basis for our American way of life.
Over the years, my faith and the values I learned from my parents and church have served me well in facing life's challenges. Please know that as a fifth generation Arkansan, I will continue to represent the Christian values in Washington I was raised on and still believe in strongly today.
I look forward to our continued dialogue as we discuss ideas and strategies that will strengthen and help our communities meet the challenges of the future.
Thank you again for contacting me and please do not hesitate to contact me again in my Washington, D.C. or district office most convenient to you if I can be of further assistance.
Mike Ross
The same day I violated Bob and Janet Gary's restraining order with an email accusing them of unknowingly(?) concurring over the phone with my mother in Arkansas, that was the same day I had just gotten back from Georgia Regional Hospital with copies of my medical records after failing an attempt discussing my case with my supposedly assigned physician, Dr. Parker.
That was two years ago. Not only I'm still waiting just for the court arraignment hearing because of that email; an email not only letting them know they were concurring over the phone with my mother against me, but also letting them know I had given up on them doing right by me and was moving on considering legal options.
There would be no more yelling or screaming.
It was a very calm, rational email unlike some of the others I sent them over a year period,
November 2010-October 2011,
I now refer to
I already figured out before setting in motion my own drug intervention, there was going to be a huge difference in the amount of support I would be getting, helping me get off and stay off the crystal meths as opposed to others having done my intervention instead.
But I was thrown completely for a loop by everyone's behavior; most especially my own Arkansan family, mainly my mother's big time denials over my homosexuality/atheism and my sister unworldliness, combined with all the perniciousness, the prevarications, the seemingly indifference of Bob and Janet Gary behaving as if I barely existed.
Janet asked me to keep an eye on their house and collect their mail during their trip to the holy land; which I gladly did.
Janet asked me to keep an eye on their house during a Christmas vacation to New York; which I gladly did.
I even started Janet two plants with cuttings from favorites of mine; the night blooming cereus (queen of the desert) and a rick-rack plant (fishbone orchid).
Came home one evening to find a message on my machine from Janet concern about a dog they were taking care of for one of their children. Although I did not return that call because several hours had elapsed between the time of the message and the time I received it, did apologize to Janet the next time we spoke. She replied that everything turned out all right; just ate a dead squirrel. Far as I'm concerned, that still counts as them taking advantage of knowing they had a neighbor who was a veterinarian.
How me and Janet shared a laugh over Sissy Ingelby, Conservative wife of another veterinarian I did some relief work for. How Janet caught but I missed, Sissy referring to Hilliary Clinton as Hitlery Clinton in an email I forward to Janet.
That same email Sissy had the gall telling me, a self-avowed homosexual,
"Behind every successful man is a woman."
Oh how I wanted to tell that woman,
Just too obvious we weren't talking about Dr. Ingelby's mother either.
Janet even confessed to me once, she was kinda wanting to blame one of their daughter-in-laws for that son turning out a Conservative.
All of this combined with other things she shared with me in her emails,
can't help but feel I had been hugely violated;
later concurs in an email with her husband I had been unwelcome in their home alone with her

This was my guerrilla art interpretation
the GREEK spelling of the "JESUS FISH."
If anyone has figured it out yet, no one has let on.
With "I" and "C" treated like Roman numerals and theta replaced with a pale blue dot at the center surrounded and protected by it's magnetic field created by the rotation of a molten iron core rotating at a different pace from within it's crust/mantle.
In other words, with a little imagination, a pacemaker;
the human heart.
The "1 X-Theta-Y 1" the beginning of time as first Adam, then Eve, when thinking in terms of chromosome pairing; the two "00" representing the end of humankind.
According to Tertullian (c. 160 – c. 225 AD), was a prolific early Christian author from Carthage in the Roman province of Africa. Tertullian is sometimes criticized for being misogynistic.
"Do you not know that you are Eve? The judgment of God
upon this sex lives on in this age; therefore, necessarily the
guilt should live on also. You are the gateway of the devil,"
he told his female listeners in the early 2nd century,
and went on to explain that all women were responsible for the death of Christ
"You are the one who unseals the curse of that tree, and
you are the first one to turn your back on the divine law;
you are the one who persuaded him whom the devil was not
capable of corrupting; you easily destroyed the image of
God, Adam. Because of what you deserve, that is, death,
even the Son of God had to die."
In other words, they got...
for the first time last night,
I sat down and read the medical records brought home with me from Georgia Regional Hospital two years ago.
I was appalled at what I read. Especially the conversation between my mother and I'm guessing Dr. Parker.
No where is it mentioned that I was insisting on being treated on an outpatient basis the second time around when I showed up voluntarily at DeKalb Crisis Center. That I could feed myself. I could take care of my basis needs and hygiene at home without being committed to DeKalb Crisis Center or Georgia Regional Hospital.
Not if the only thing that was going to happen while I was in there, just me sitting around bored shit out of my mind with nothing to do between meals and sleeping.
No orientation/ No consultation/No nothing.
Nothing in common with anyone in there.
But as I got moved along a chain of people as I was being process, I was having to repeat myself with each and every different person with different job responsibilities; what it was I was wanting to believe the best way helping me get off the crystal meths and stay off. Finally gave up and let a nurse talk me into staying for a 24 hours observation, and that was the last I saw of her!
And guess what happened.
The second they kept me past 24 hours without any explanation, any consultations with a doctor and/or a nurse the whole time I was there, me not caring to stay there one minute longer; became extremely frustrated and loud because nothing at all was happening I could have just stayed home and done with a lot more comfort. Then my behavior, again, got label disorganized, un-cooperative, intrusive, etc. The threat of other consumers, mostly blacks, threatening to beat me up? None of the other consumers threatened me personally to my face. Just now reading about this for the first time.
What made them think the second time around was going to be any different.
They have no one to blame but themselves for no one willing to take the time genuinely listening to what I was saying. Job responsibilities delegated out so thinly, no one had any authority stepping outside their job description or just completely unwilling to do the extra work. Easier for each person at their station doing just what was required of them and quietly passing me on to be the next person's problem instead.
I can dry up on the crystal meths on my own. Do not need their help with that part. Done it many times. It from this point on that I need help. Getting myself involved with people other than other "crackhead."
That bible study class I discovered on Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church website where they try to apply lessons from the bible to today's issues sounded perfect.
"You read the newspapers; but you interpret it with the bible."
And it's the other adult Sunday class Bob and Janet Gary are not associated with. The fact Bob and Janet Gary are members of this church is now just a coincidence. If it were not for this one bible studies class, would not even be interested in this Methodist Church. I'm am still Methodist whether they like it or not. And that church is in my neighborhood also. As well as being about as intellectual a Methodist Church congregation I'm going to find anywhere. This is me giving the Methodist Church one more chance it can be anything of substance and not just a bunch of people hiding from reality.
I needed mental stimulation of which DeKalb Crisis Center and Georgia Regional Hospital can provide none. Telling me about programs where they can arraigned taking me on...WALKS... like I was someones pet dog.
Then reading the part where my mother stated that I really need help and will not be consistent with outpatient care. We had already discussed all this, me and my mother after the first time I was admitted involuntarily. Going back and asking to treated on an outpatient basis was her idea.
If anything, it was my mother's and sister's behavior that trip of their I was
"on his best behavior"
helping drive me back to the crystal meths.
Even told my sister,
if they insisted on barging in on me that New Years, uninvited/unwelcome, was going to have to purchase me some crystal just to be able functioning with them after they arrive.
And guess what.
First thing my mother says to me when walking into my home; and was not one bit happy at the sight of them either:
"Believe what we are doing here is called an intervention."
"Mother. Believe it was from ME you first heard that word.
When I called telling you I was having to do my own intervention.
That phone call I was the ONE informing YOU of my crystal meths addiction. That phone call and every conversation since, asking you two to just stay in Arkansas. There was nothing you two were going to be able doing here helping me in any way.
No, no, no, Mother.
You can not do an INTERVENTION on top of an intervention.
Just does not work that way.
Again, Mother.
You can not do an INTERVENTION on top of an intervention."
From that point on,
it was me having to find them a hotel room
taking them out to eat, taking them to see a movie, antique shopping, my sister wanting to get drunk on margaritas at Las Margaritas upon spotting that restaurant across the street from the antique store we were just exiting, and to top all that off...
my mother asking me to fix her a cocktail every evening to calm her nerves so she could sleep.
When I had to go out and purchase more crystal meths just to be able entertaining/putting up with them while they were here.
After putting mother to bed, went to the sex clubs just to irritate the fuck out of her!
And the part where mother expressed her concern harming others due to my "fascination" and "happiness" over the shooting of Congress woman Gabrielle Gifford. Where the hell did she come up with that one! Sarah Palin, maybe. Angel Wise, maybe. Mary Cheney and her mother Liz Cheney, maybe. Ann Coulters. Michelle Bachman. Wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. I can think of a whole bunch of women, alone, might make me happy hearing about them being shot. But where the hell did my mother come up with Congresswoman Gifford! Do not remember once anyone asking me about Congresswoman Gifford or anybody else while in Georgia Regional Hospital.
Do remember telling them that "WOMEN" in general were my biggest triggers.
As far as me when I talk about someone blowing Mike Avery Ross brains out or burning down the First United Methodist Church of Prescott, Arkansas...
that's just me being
I am;
exercising my gift of empathy in the same way as
when he penned
for their
It's simply a song where he's attempting comparing the making of a serial killer with political power.
In other words,
the likes of my distant cousin
throwing my mother and father's gay son under the bus in order to further his own political gains.
"What's a blond's mating call?"
"What's a brunette's mating call?"
I'm sure my mother,
and maybe even Janet Gary while still concurring with her husband Bob I now see as comparable to the wise King Solomon from the bible when he fell into corruption/idolatry toward the end of his reign ending with his kingdom splitting into two,
would not have not have voiced their disapproval.
In their twisted minds, when we speak or act presumptively, dismissively, or even disparagingly of any viewpoint that is not our own, we are failing to love our neighbors.
It was wrong, wrong, wrong of DeKalb County taking advantage of a 49 year old avowed practicing homosexual complicated relationship with his 80 year old rural Arkansan mother allowing her to so easily have me involuntarily committed to Georgia Regional Hospital.
Me and mother had already discussed this over the phone previously when she clued me in that she planned on doing this during hers and my sister's most recent trip; but I was acting fine. The only reason she was even thinking this in the first place, because she felt I was ultimately her responsibility as her son.
To which I agreed, but only up to a point.
"Mother. You are right. You do have a certain amount of responsibility to me as your son. But it's even more wrong for DeKalb County agreeing that a grown man should be the responsibility of an 80 year old woman. If I truly did belong in Georgia Regional Hospital, they should have been able accomplishing this without needing your help. I'm telling you! Stay out of this! YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!"
She did it anyway.
Her and my sister, both, misleading me into thinking they just wanted to come and visit with me as they cleaned my house.
I had every intention showing up in court, contesting Bob and Janet Gary's restraining order.
Not only did this involuntary admittance to Georgia Regional Hospital cause me to miss this court appearance. Could not find a single person staffing Georgia Regional Hospital even willing to listen to my concerns about this scheduled court date coming up they first made me miss or even helping me try getting it rescheduled afterward.
I'm accusing Bob and Janet Gary not only of conspiring with each other against me, but with my mother against me as well.
Not only did it upset my mother they released me far sooner than she was expecting. She doesn't understand why they will not discuss my case with her.
I won't let them.
That's why.
My mother was wanting to believe I was a schizophrenic like one of her six brothers. She finds the idea of me being committed a schizophrenic easier living with than accepting the fact she's raised a gay son. Schizophrenia running in families; genetic/familial in origin as apposed to one being gay.
Please know that as a fifth generation Arkansan,I will continue to represent the Christian values
I was raised on and still believe in strongly today."
~(Congressman AR-04 Mike Avery Ross)~
Rev. William "Alexander" Avery
(Believe we are both fifth generation Arkansan thanks to this man.)
8-11-1809 to
unnamed source obituary:
"Alexander Avery entered into rest 12-19-1904 after reaching the ripe age of 95 years, 4 months, and 8 days. He was a traveling preacher for 69 years. His life and ministry link us to the heroic days of Methodism in Arkansas, and reveal the character of the men needed for those days among the hardy pioneers who settled the State. He wore a genial smile, possessed a sunny nature, warm heart, cordial spirit, and was always entertaining; was a man and minister with true dignity of character without stiffness; did not indulge in lightness and frivolity, but the exuberance of his social nature made him a delightful companion to all classes. There was flexibility in him that enabled him to adjust himself to whatever class he was thrown among, and at once made him the leading spirit of the occasion."
In August 1829, he was converted and joined the Methodist Church, was licensed to exhort in May 1833, and licensed to preach in August.
Alexander Avery founded Avery's Chapel after coming down the Mississippi on a raft from Alamo, TN. He first came to Indian Territory as a missionary to Indians for 2 years, then came to the community now called Avery's Chapel and founded the Methodist Church that still bears his name. At the close of the war between the states, the Methodist Church split, one becoming Northern Methodist and the other M.E. Church, South. Reverend Avery became angry and left, settling in the community known as Midway.
Supplemental Reading:
Playing Bridge With Eva Braun
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