Frustrated Horney Faggot Many Believe to Be BiPolar or Too Depressing To Hang With......LITERALLY. Have Trouble Understanding.... Then why ask: "Hey man! Sup?" Or, If Like My Mother; Having To Hang Up On Her Repeatedly Cause She Won't Stop Calling Me; Worried Her Son Will Die and No One Would Know if She Didn't!

So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
From Singularity and Back Again?
Don't Step On a Duck Joke (?)
Three women die together in an accident and go to heaven. When they get there, St. Peter says, "We only have one rule here in heaven: don't step on the ducks!"
So they enter heaven, and sure enough, there are ducks all over the place. It is almost impossible not to step on a duck, and although they try their best to avoid them, the first woman accidentally steps on one.
Along comes St. Peter with the ugliest man she ever saw.
St. Peter chains them together and says, "Your punishment for stepping on a duck is to spend eternity chained to this ugly man!" The next day, the second woman steps accidentally on a duck and along comes St. Peter, who doesn't miss a thing. With him is another extremely ugly man. He chains them together with the same admonishment as for the first woman.
The third woman has observed all this and, not wanting to be chained for all eternity to an ugly man, is very, VERY careful where she steps.
She manages to go months without stepping on any ducks, but one day St. Peter comes up to her with the most handsome man she has ever laid eyes on ... very tall, long eyelashes, muscular, and thin. St. Peter chains them together without saying a word.
The happy woman says, "I wonder what I did to deserve being chained to you for all of eternity?"
The guy says, "I don't know about you, but I stepped on a duck!"
There is a theory that if anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced with something that is even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states this has already happened.
~ (Douglas Adams)~
When I came across this odd little yellow rubber ball for sell in a novelty store's 75% going out of business sale, started laughing at the same time reaching for it; immediately realizing it's potential making a nice tool as well as a symbol helping demonstrate at the same time I try explaining this odd ability(?)/habit/talent(?) of mine crunching what at first appears to be totally unrelated thoughts/ideas/topics into a single narrative.
When you combine the big bang theory with the singularity,
you get this
Einstein refers to as being the whole universe,
although expanding,
continuing to remain the same amount of matter.
No more. No less.
With thoughts currently being debated about our universe eventually reaching a point where it can no longer expand...
you get this
Einstein refers to as being the whole universe,
although expanding,
continuing to remain the same amount of matter.
No more. No less.
With thoughts currently being debated about our universe eventually reaching a point where it can no longer expand...
the suggestion is that all of this,
the combined everything we believe we understand(?) as well as do not understand(?) about our world/universe we're currently living, will then just collapse back down onto it's original singularity;
the process then starting all over again although not necessarily repeating the exact same results.
the combined everything we believe we understand(?) as well as do not understand(?) about our world/universe we're currently living, will then just collapse back down onto it's original singularity;
the process then starting all over again although not necessarily repeating the exact same results.
But what about this "nothing that is something" Einstein refers to as existing beyond our universe that's allowing(?) this expansion,
infinitely (time) in theory,
could matter have done so?
How then,
did all these "ducks in heaven" find themselves looking as if entrapped
a little yellow rubber ball not able getting out of the way,
in time(?),
the day our universe collapses or should this now be collapsed,
back down onto
back down onto
How did these "ducks in heaven" once themselves
a joke not able getting out of the way in time,
but nothing more than an abstract thought/symbol never existing until created by someone from nothing although inspired by something(s) familiar,
find themselves again not able getting out of the way in time?
appearing this time to be within the singularity,
an added addition
an added addition
the singularity(?)original(?)matter;
expanding into nothing that is something...
expanding into nothing that is something...
less than before?
What does this all mean?!
Enough to make one wanna blow their brains out.
Anatomy, Zoology . the part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium of humans andother vertebrates, consisting of a soft, convoluted mass of gray and white matter and serving tocontrol and coordinate the mental and physical actions.
Zoology . (in many invertebrates) a part of the nervous system more or less corresponding to thebrain of vertebrates.
Sometimes, brains. ( used with a plural verb ) understanding; intellectual power; intelligence.
the brain as the center of thought, understanding, etc.; mind; intellect.
brains, Slang. a member of a group who is regarded as its intellectual leader or planner: The juniorpartner is the brains of the firm.
I'm definitely able understanding now,
my very own experiences,
even yet another perspective why many do.
Inspired by something Janet Gary, wife of nationally known pastoral consultant G. Robert Gary, Sr. ThD, said to me in an email exchange:
"Isn't there something in the bible about not casting one's pearls among swine?"
But instead of this duck which it came to be, couldn't find a Miss Piggy anywhere to wear just the large pearl like beads. Had totally forgotten about the chained link beads. Had I not redicovered them when rumaging through my basement looking for the large pearl like beads first before went looking for a Miss Piggy, surely would not of thought of substituting this duck had I not these rainbow colored chained link beads freshly fired up on my brain.
if you never understood the reason for this duck before,
maybe you will somewhat now,
bringing to your attention this duck is wearing
plastic rainbow color chained linked necklace along with
one made with large white pearl-like beads; both given to me by someone participating with a Southern Decadence tradition.
Although haven't been since Huricane Katrina, many fond memories from the five or six times joined in with homosexuals from all acrosss America celebrating an event held every Labor Day Weekend; sponsered by the people living a neighorhood located within the French Quarter of New Orleans.
Although not as nice or at least considered having anything of value/worth in any way as compared to the two worn by this duck,
the rest of my beads in another picture taken one year of my Christmas tree ; just the selected few kept out of many, many more decided to earn for a project in mind, hoping might turn these completely invaluable beads into something of some value ...
at least to me.

And that they did, having made themselves a beautiful addition to my Christmas tree every year,
complementing a tree decorated using only glass blown ornaments,
making a cut within the loop
hot gluing them together into one long string.
And I do enjoy having stories to tell where I'm able watching the reactions of those having just heard one coming from a source they never would have expected.
In the beginning, there was this arwkwardness to how these extremely average New Orleans beads being offered to me by those I found completely unattractive (superficially) wanting me to work/earned them. It had this way of leaving me feeling myself being a bad sport, instead, when declining to participate in this New Orleans Southern Decadence tradition with those wanting to but had not a fucking clue how this was suppose to work. Although not at all a compliment in any way to me, at heart, knew it was meant to be from their perspective.
Anything, anywhere, anytime...
After all has been said and done...
Ends up being about ourselves.
The universe may be growing in the same way as a giant brain - with the electrical firing between brain cells 'mirrored' by the shape of expanding galaxies.
The results of a computer simulation suggest that "natural growth dynamics" - the way that systems evolve - are the same for different kinds of networks - whether its the internet, the human brain or the universe as a whole.
No, it doesn't quite mean that the universe is 'thinking' - but as has been previously pointed out online, it might just mean there's more similarity between the very small and the very large than first appearances suggest.
The results of a computer simulation suggest that "natural growth dynamics" - the way that systems evolve - are the same for different kinds of networks - whether its the internet, the human brain or the universe as a whole.
No, it doesn't quite mean that the universe is 'thinking' - but as has been previously pointed out online, it might just mean there's more similarity between the very small and the very large than first appearances suggest.
AMAZON.COM ORDER: 2 x Jesus Unplugged...
On Christmas Day, toward the end of phone call with my mother who lives in Arkansas, remembered something just before ending our phone conversation, thought she might find interesting:
Provocative, Raw, and Fully Exposed
Started trying to explain to her how it sort of embarrassed me that it never once occurred to me, if there was a George Robert Gary, Sr. in the family, there also had to be a George Robert Gary, Jr. in that family.
Only by accident,
while Internet researching for more information on George R. Gary, Sr. in preparation for supposedly upcoming court hearings,
I stumble onto a church document listing a George R. Gary, Jr.
been placed as a pastor with a Owl Rock Methodist Church located somewhere within Metro-Atlanta area.
Once finding Owl Rock Methodist Church's website, only found the name of a Rev. Bert Gary associated with this church. Believing there had been a mistake made somewhere and this Bert Gary was unrelated to Bob Gary, went back to the original church document to see if I had read the name of the wrong church.
Only then did I realize this was a Gary, Jr. instead of a Gary, Sr. having been placed with the Owl Rock Methodist Church.
But continued to be somewhat confused,
so certain I heard Janet say that day just before Thanksgiving 2010:
"Our son Phil, also a pastor,
had been home recently having had some problems."
Eventually accepting this Rev. Bert Gary having to be the one Janet mentioned to me that day.
"You don't understand. He wants to be a writer."
~(G. Robert Gary, Sr. ThD)~
Did spend a good bit of time,first, reviewing a book their son Bert actually had already written and managed getting published along with reading some of the writings uploaded to a blog of his pretty much complementing the book. Very interesting, as well as extremely surprising, how just now discovering/learning this Rev. Bert Gary's preferred choice of subjects for his writings.
What I've read so far written by this son of theirs,
this Rev. Bert Gary,
sounds nothing like anything I've ever heard from any other Methodist ministers."
~(Simply Jim: One Pearl, Total Pig, Anti-Christ)~
Very interesting considering the perniciousness, the prevarications, the indifference his parents have taken with me since that Thanksgiving 2010 the two began concurring against me then everyday since. Very interesting their choice of words (their choice of omissions an even more important contributor to the overall used describing their perspective of in an email sent me showing how the two of them step by step concurred against me the first time, hat email me regarding their religious convictions, and other information since learned about Gary, Sr. which, in my opinion, just do not fit neatly together enough for me to find them believable.
Philippians 4:13
New International Version (NIV)
13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
John 3:16
New International Version (NIV)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Maybe just got a little confused with the names, considering Bert's visit home did overlapped with my Halloween display that year of 2010 having used an 8 foot inflatable Frankenstein
Pro-Life Virgin Tebow holding a couple of Tebow's favorite bible scriptures.
Madam C. J. Walker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Madam C. J. Walker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Sarah Breedlove (December 23, 1867 – May 25, 1919), known as Madam C. J. Walker, was an American entrepreneur and philanthropist, regarded as the first female self-made millionaire in America. She made her fortune by developing and marketing a successful line of beauty and hair products for black women under the company she founded, Madam C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company.
Sarah Breedlove was born on December 23, 1867 in Delta, Louisiana to Owen and Minerva Breedlove. She was one of six children; she had a sister Louvenia and four brothers: Alexander, James, Solomon, and Owen Jr. Her parents and elder siblings were slaves on Madison Parish plantation owned by Robert W. Burney. She was the first child in her family born into freedom after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed.
In 1906 she married Charles Joseph Walker, a newspaper advertising salesman.
Like many women of her era, Sarah experienced hair loss. Because most Americans lacked indoor plumbing, central heating and electricity, they bathed and washed their hair infrequently. The result was scalp disease. Sarah experimented with home remedies and products already on the market until she finally developed her own shampoo and an ointment that contained sulfur to make her scalp healthier for hair growth.
Sarah, now known as Madam C. J. Walker, was selling her products throughout the United States. Madam Walker and her husband settled in Pittsburgh in 1908 and opened Lelia College to train "hair culturists." In 1910 Walker moved to Indianapolis, Indiana where she established her headquarters and built a factory.
She began to teach and train other black women in order to help them build their own businesses. She also gave other lectures on political, economic and social issues at conventions sponsored by powerful black institutions. After the East St. Louis Race Riot, she joined leaders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in their efforts to support legislation to make lynching a federal crime. She continued to donate money throughout her career to the NAACP, the YMCA, and to black schools, organizations, individuals, orphanages, and retirement homes.

Swedish Marines Making Parody of Grease Lightning In Afghanistan
Found this video cute in a "Bear-ish" kinda way!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Dis * cern * ment
- 1.the ability to judge well."an astonishing lack of discernment"
- 2.(in Christian contexts) perception in the absence of judgment with a view to obtaining spiritual direction and understanding."without providing for a time of healing and discernment, there will be no hope of living through this present moment without a shattering of our common life"
God appeared to Solomon in a dream and promised
anything he asked.
chose understanding and discernment.
was so pleased with the request
he granted it,
with great riches and power.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Found another Trinity!
Within these three duck eggs,
we have two ducklings who are sitting and one duckling that is standing. Similar to my understanding of the trinity, when used as an art/language tool, consisting of two substantive and one unsubstantive or two unsubstantive and one substantive.
Was this lone female duck also
"Immaculate Conception?"
Also couldn't help but notice this simple painting, given to me by a friend pretty much now left an invalid dependent on his mother and sister due to a tumor removed from his cervical spine, signed by someone using the initials...
Senior, a suffix to a person's name, usually male.
Sister, a prefix to a religious sister's name.
Fuck A Duck
(Crude Song Sang To The Tune Row-Row-Row-Your-Boat)
Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck.
Screw a kangaroo.
69 a porcupine.
Orgy at the zoo.
Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck.
Screw a kangaroo.
GangBang an orangutang.
Orgy at the zoo.
Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck.
Screw a kangaroo.
Eat a grape, rape an ape.
Orgy at the zoo.
Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck.
Screw a kangaroo.
Masturbate with a snake
Sunning at the zoo.
Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck
Screw a kangaroo
motoboat a pregnant goat
An orgy at the zoo!
Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck
Gently in the ass
Roll around on the ground
Until you cum at last!
by QuackMeNicely
Novenber 04, 2009
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Dian Fossey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dian Fossey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Dian Fossey (/daɪˈæn ˈfɒsi/; January 16, 1932 – c. December 26, 1985) was an American zoologist who undertook an extensive study of gorilla groups over a period of 18 years. She studied them daily in the mountain forests of Rwanda, initially encouraged to work there by famous anthropologist Louis Leakey. Her 1983 book, Gorillas in the Mist, combines her scientific study of the mountain gorilla at Karisoke Research Center with her own personal story. Fossey was murdered in 1985; the case remains open.
Called one of the foremost primatologists in the world while she was alive, Fossey, along with Jane Goodall and Birutė Galdikas, were the so-called Trimates, a group of three prominent researchers on primates (Fossey on gorillas; Goodall on chimpanzees; and Galdikas on orangutans) sent by Leakey to study great apes in their natural environments.
Fossey made discoveries about gorillas including how females transfer from group to group over the decades, gorilla vocalization, hierarchies and social relationships among groups, rare infanticide, gorilla diet, and how gorillas recycle nutrients. Fossey's research was funded by the Wilkie Foundation and the Leakey Home, with primary funding from the National Geographic Society.
The deaths of some of her most studied gorillas caused Fossey to devote more of her attention to preventing poaching and less on scientific publishing and research. Fossey became more intense in protecting the gorillas and began to employ more direct tactics: she and her staff cut animal traps almost as soon as they were set; frightened, captured and humiliated the poachers; held their cattle for ransom; burned their hunting camps and even mats from their houses. Fossey also constantly challenged the local officials to enforce the law and assist her.
While poaching had been illegal in the national park of the Virunga Volcanoes in Rwanda since the 1920s, the law was rarely enforced by park conservators, who were often bribed by poachers and paid a salary less than Fossey's own African staff. On three occasions, Fossey wrote that she witnessed the aftermath of the capture of infant gorillas at the behest of the park conservators for zoos; since gorillas will fight to the death to protect their young, the kidnappings would often result in up to 10 adult gorillas' deaths.
According to Fossey's letters, ORTPN (the Rwandan national park system), the World Wildlife Fund, African Wildlife Foundation, Fauna Preservation Society, the Mountain Gorilla Project and some of her former students tried to wrest control of the Karisoke research center from her for the purpose of tourism, by portraying her as unstable. In her last two years, Fossey claims not to have lost any gorillas to poachers; however, the Mountain Gorilla Project, which was supposed to patrol the Mount Sabyinyo area, tried to cover up gorilla deaths caused by poaching and diseases transmitted through tourists. Nevertheless, these organizations received most of the public donations directed towards gorilla conservation. The public often believed their money would go to Fossey, who was struggling to finance her anti-poaching and bushmeat hunting patrols, while organizations collecting in her name put it into tourism projects and as she put it "to pay the airfare of so-called conservationists who will never go on anti-poaching patrols in their life." Fossey described the differing two philosophies as her own "active conservation" or the international conservation groups' "theoretical conservation."
Six months before her murder, AP East Africa Correspondent Barry Shlachter quoted Fossey in one of her last interviews as saying that she was habituating gorillas only to whites because blacks were the poachers. Fossey was reported to have captured and held Rwandans whom she suspected of poaching and then stripped and beaten them with stinging nettles. This extreme case of Fossey's vengeance triggered real concern from conservationists and Rwandan officials about Fossey’s mental stability and responsibility as a research center director. After her murder, Fossey's National Geographic editor, Mary Smith, told Shlachter that the famed gorilla expert on visits to the United States would "load up on firecrackers, cheap toys and magic tricks as part of her method to mystify the (Africans) -- hold them at bay."
Writing in The Wall Street Journal in 2002, Tunku Varadarajan described Fossey at the end of her life as colourful, controversial, and "a racist alcoholic who regarded her gorillas as better than the African people who lived around them."
Fossey was discovered murdered in the bedroom of her cabin in Virunga Mountains, Rwanda, in late December 1985.
Fossey is buried at Karisoke, in a site that she herself had constructed for her deceased gorilla friends. She was buried in the gorilla graveyard next to Digit, and near many gorillas killed by poachers.
The last entry in her
diary read:
When you realize the value of all life, you dwell less on what is past and concentrate more on the preservation of the future.
A will purporting to be Fossey's bequeathed all of her estate (including the proceeds from the film Gorillas in the Mist) to the Digit Fund to underwrite anti-poaching patrols. Fossey didn’t mention her family in the will, which was unsigned. Her mother, Hazel Fossey Price, challenged the will and was successful. Supreme Court Justice Swartwood threw out the will and awarded the estate to her mother, including about $4.9 million in royalties from a recent book and upcoming movie, stating that the document "was simply a draft of her purported will and not a will at all." Price said she was working on a project to preserve the work their daughter had done for the mountain gorillas in Rwanda, located in eastern central Africa south of Uganda.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Diffusion of responsibility - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Diffusion of responsibility - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Diffusion of responsibility is a sociopsychological phenomenon whereby a person is less likely to take responsibility for action or inaction when others are present. Considered a form of attribution, the individual assumes that others either are responsible for taking action or have already done so. The phenomenon tends to occur in groups of people above a certain critical size and when responsibility is not explicitly assigned. It rarely occurs when the person is alone and diffusion increases with groups of three or more.
Diffusion of
responsibility occurs in large group settings and under both prosocial and antisocial conditions. In prosocial
situations, individuals' willingness to intervene or assist someone in need is
inhibited by the presence of other people. The
individual is under the belief that other people present will or should
intervene. Thus, the individual does not perceive it as his or her
responsibility to take action. It
has been demonstrated that the likelihood of a person offering help decreases as
the number of observers present increases. This is known as the bystander effect. In
addition, diffusion of responsibility is more likely to occur under conditions
of anonymity. In prosocial situations, individuals are less likely to intervene
when they do not know the victim personally. Instead, they believe that someone
who has a relationship with the victim will assist. In antisocial
situations, negative behaviors are more likely to be carried out when the person
is in a group of similarly motivated individuals. The behavior is driven by the
effects of group membership and the diffusion of feelings of personal
responsibility for the consequences. As part of
this process, individuals become less self-aware and feel an increased sense of
anonymity. As a result, they are less likely to feel responsible for any
antisocial behavior performed by their group. Diffusion of responsibility is
also a causal factor governing much crowd behavior, as well as risk-taking in
- In a group of people who, through action or inaction, allow events to occur which they would never allow if they were alone. This is referred to as groupthink and groupshift.
- In a group of people working on a task who lose motivation, feel less responsibility for achievement of group goals, and hide their lack of effort in the group (social loafing).
- In hierarchical organizations, when subordinates claim to simply be following orders and supervisors claim that they merely issue directives and do not perform the actions under question. The difficulty of identifying the culpable party is often seen in trials regarding crimes against humanity.
Social psychological experiments have demonstrated that individuals' failure to
assist others in emergencies is not due to apathy or indifference, but rather to the presence of
other people.
DADT: "Oh C'mon, You're Not The Only Guy On MH That Gets To Be Bitter and Sarcastic."
From: ShapeShifter2011
Subject: Thought we would.....
Date: January 13, 2011 at 06:13 AM neighborly and reach out to say "hi" since your sitting right next to us on the Decatur Profile Page.
Oh c'mon, you're not the only guy on MH that gets to be bitter and sarcastic.
We enjoyed your diatribe on DADT. We've discovered there really are a lot of idiots on this site.
We just unlocked ours for our "Snow/ice storm" viewing pleasure.
Now don't be paranoid and unlock yours!!!!
Decatur, Georgia
Decatur guy(s) checking out Manhunt
One or two guys
riding out the big snowstorm,
taking bets on when the power will go out!
HIV Status: Negative
Position: Ask Me
Sucking, Fucking, 1 on 1, Group Sex, Jerking Off, Role Playing, Fuck Buddy, Safer Only, Dad / Son, Jockstraps, Married Men, No Strings, Porn, Straight / Bi
To: ShapeShifter2011
Subject: Re: Thought we would....
Date: January 13, 2011 at 02:20 PM
don't have any locked pics, virgin mary with sand in the vagina;
virgin santorum maybe.
Call me Steve!
Decatur, Georgia
Alright fellas!
All Straight Acting VGL Headless Pricks...UB2 or not...DADT is coming to it's end.
"The Senate voted 65 to 31 Saturday to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" law, beginning the process of ending a 17-year ban on gays serving openly in the military and reversing decades of official military policy."
Any victims of homophobia can now openly volunteer to have their heads blown off.
What excuse could possibly justify arrogance by those not serving in the military other than a pretty face.
Pathetic even if not locked.
MH should match the valor of those straiight acting or not
HIV test NEG 09/10
Sucking, Fucking, 1 on 1, Group Sex, Jerking Off, Voyeurism, Exhibition, Fuck Buddy, Friends, No Strings, Porn

I see things.
Don't ask me how or why;
what possesses me even looking for these things.
I just do.
The trick here with following set of four photographs;
to imagine high speed photography.
And it keeps getting better.
The trick with the follow pictures is to imagine the lighter colors of the roofing material, umbrella, and main subject's shirt acting as funnels toward his ears. Had I shown you the subject's face, you would also probably agree, his overall demeanor appears a bit sad, a bit wistful.
Could a partial reason for this be overhearing the table full of people behind him to his right...
to be laughing and having a good time?
If you take the time noticing the people behind him to his left...
all seem alone and/or far away?
And the same pretty much goes for his friend, partner, or maybe...
even a married man?
Notice how one side of our subject's face is darker in color,
more of a hot orange/red
compared to the lighter/cooler other half of his face.
same as with the people behind his dinner companion, two sets of people.
One set appearing young, virile, athletic, having a good time; the other set older, overweight,
not as beautiful.
Am I sensing jealousy/envy?
Do not get me wrong.
I know this is due to the lighting and it's reflections off the walls.
Just an imaginary game;
but bizarre how the interpretations fit.
it gets even better!
With the following set of pictures, you will notice 2 sets of three pictures
page 1, 2, or 3 out of 3.
I see a spaceship
a hand?!
Made me think
"Would it have hurt us,
I wonder, just to have gathered a few laurel leaves?"
~(Captain Kirk)~
episode of Star Trek,
remember watching as a child.
Made me think

my experiences with DeKalb Crisis Center
Georgia Regional Hospital.
Made me think
verse from the poem
by William Blake.
Made me think
(Tiger Swallowtail)
anything "TIGER" representing
professional DVM degree
(March 23, 2011)
? 4 U
Jim Wagner
True or False
Jack and Jill
...HELP ME...
A woman has twins and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named "Ahmal." The other goes to a family in Spain; they name him "Juan. " Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Ahmal. Her husband responds, "They're twins! If you've seen Juan, you've seen Ahmal."
My big sister, second from left. My cousin Linda Orrin, center.
See the lion...Aslan?
While cruising MANHUNT, same day during all that SNOW/ICE 2011 exchanged emails with ShapeShifter2011, came across this profile I thought interesting.
Atlanta, Georgia
In a relationship!
Availability: Ask Me
Place: Ask Me
HIV Status: Negative
Sucking, Fucking, 1 on 1, Jerking Off, Voyeurism, Exhibition, Nipple Play, Rimming, Fuck Buddy, Friends, Dating, Kissing, Safer Only, Jockstraps, Married Men, Massage, No Strings, Straight/Bi
The curious person I am, never one to shy away from asking a question;
sent SPEEDMAT an email.
To: Speedmat
From: SimplyJim
Subject: Why the exclamation point!
Date: January 13, 2011 at 04:46 AM
Did not get a reply email from SPEEDMAT.
The following day, which also just happens to be my birthday, I download SPEEDMAT's profile picture.
It was my computer, not me, choosing to print out SPEEDMAT's picture spread out over 5 pages.
Using page 2, page 3, and page 4...
this is what I've found.
Decatur, Georgia
Alright fellas!
All Straight Acting VGL Headless Pricks...UB2 or not...DADT is coming to it's end.
MH should match the valor of those straiight acting or not
This is just too bizarre, but still funny...
and a bit scary!
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