"I bought tickets
(her husband/my Republican brother-in-law)
take Landon and Cruz to
in Little Rock."
~(My Sister)~
People get KILLED at those things
And I'm talking about people sitting in the audience!"
And I'm talking about people sitting in the audience!"
~(Uncle Jim)~
~(My Sister)~
"Oh! Never mind then."
~(Uncle Jim)~
My sister sent me this picture on Christmas Day from her brand new iPhone.
My two grandnephews, Landon and Cruz, are holding their present from me;
having received a monster truck collection set.
While my mother and sister were visiting me here in Atlanta shortly after Thanksgiving 2013,
had my sister pick out gifts from LEARNING EXPRESS TOYS located here at Toco Hill's Shopping Center; one each for Landon, Cruz, and Lauren
receive from me,
on Christmas Day.
on Christmas Day.
For Lauren,
my sister picks out a set of plastic plates, cups, and not sure what else came with the set;
my sister picks out a set of plastic plates, cups, and not sure what else came with the set;
an early start on how to be a woman I guess.
During one of my mother and sister's visit to Atlanta a year or two ago, I was explaining to my sister while the three of of were standing in the kitchen,
by default, if I'm the "Anti-Christ", our mother would be "Hell Betty Jo."
My sister, not wanting to be left out of this game, blurts out,
"What am I?"
"Humm. Don't believe I've given any thought to this yet.
Good question?"
I answered back.
"Let me think about this a moment,"
I then added as I leaned back against the kitchen counter with my feet taking up their usual fifth position.
Anytime I do any serious thinking while standing, my feet take up the fifth position.
This had been pointed out to me one day at work by a female technician;
although not necessarily the thinking part.
"Dr. Avery.
You realize you always stand with your feet in fifth position?"
~(Female Technician)~
~(Female Technician)~
~(James E. Avery, DVM)~
~(James E. Avery, DVM)~
"Fifth position."
Then putting one hand on the counter near where I was standing leaned up against the counter, her other hand held off to her side at arm's length, she begins counting out loud as she demonstrates each position using one foot.
"One. Two. Three. Four. Five!
This last position is called fifth position."
"Oh. Ballerina dance moves,"
I said,
acknowledging that I now understood.
"This doesn't sound very masculine,"
I then thought to myself.
And for a while there,
found myself correcting myself every time I caught myself standing in fifth position.
But for a short while only.
Begin to realize how ridiculous it was of me being so self conscious of my appearance to others when standing quietly off to the side on my own...
nothing more, nothing less.
It also helped that I eventually reasoned,
it's not fifth position when one takes the shortcut getting there.
back to my sister,
"What about her?"
And for a while there,
found myself correcting myself every time I caught myself standing in fifth position.
But for a short while only.
Begin to realize how ridiculous it was of me being so self conscious of my appearance to others when standing quietly off to the side on my own...
nothing more, nothing less.
It also helped that I eventually reasoned,
it's not fifth position when one takes the shortcut getting there.
(Thanksgiving 2011)
back to my sister,
"What about her?"
Didn't take me long while leaned up against the kitchen counter in fifth position.
"I've got it!
A joke!
That has to be it! You would be a joke!"
~(Simply Jim: One Pearl, Total Pig, Anti-Christ)~
~(Simply Jim: One Pearl, Total Pig, Anti-Christ)~
Excited having figured out another piece of the puzzle, began telling my sister and our mother,
the joke.
the joke.
A pious soul who dies, goes to heaven, and gains an audience with the Virgin Mary. The visitor asks Mary why, for all her blessings, she always appears in paintings as a bit sad, a bit wistful: Is everything O.K.?
At the conclusion of the joke,
I then explained to my sister and mother,
Jesus being first and only born,
it only makes sense that the Anti-Christ would have...
My mother laughs upon hearing this.
But my sister...
her facial expression pretty much just told us she wasn't so sure whether to find this funny or not.

Are you not aware,
just how much... MORE... Joy Behar has done
your little baby brother
your little baby brother
all your chocolate chip cookies put together?"
~(Simply Jim: One Pearl, Total Pig, Anti-Christ)~
~(My Sister)~
No wonder our father got on to Donna the way he did that day she brought home a "D" in math during high school; in a way she never forgot that "D in MATH" ever again.
But this wasn't just any father punishing a daughter for their "D" in math,
this was our father Charles Densen Avery, MD punishing his only daughter for her "D" in math.
Donna had no excuse for this "D" in math other than a problem with the order of her priorities.
Compared to her two hearing impaired younger brothers, there was no questioning that my big sister was popular. Band, cheer leading, majorette, basketball (State Championship team), even chosen homecoming queen. Even the story of my sister being chosen homecoming queen I find amusing. Apparently everyone was tired of Angela Pain receiving every title, so they got together and managed somehow getting the football players voting someone else homecoming queen. But I liked Angela Pain. Was even one of Angela's two candle lighters she chose to be in her wedding.
Anyway, back to that "D in math." Math is important. You don't slack off with this subject. There's more to math than numbers...it's the underlying principle behind language and reasoning. This I learned many years after all my "A's" in math; not while making them.
I do not understand why that is?
And this is before even getting into biology...

I can't even begin to imagine what kind of world awaits
two "Y" chromosomes;
having to compete with women for jobs and respect even more so than my generation?
If they find it to be a kind world at all,
they get lucky...AGAIN... through survivors bias only!
Nothing pisses me off more than the likes of Sarah Palin or Angel Wise telling men the likes of me to...
"Never wise one half of two equals taking advantage
upper hand;
the other able although fair...
not always raising two objections!"
~(Simply Jim: One Pearl, Total Pig, Anti-Christ)~
No wonder our father got on to Donna the way he did that day she brought home a "D" in math during high school; in a way she never forgot that "D in MATH" ever again.
But this wasn't just any father punishing a daughter for their "D" in math,
this was our father Charles Densen Avery, MD punishing his only daughter for her "D" in math.
Donna had no excuse for this "D" in math other than a problem with the order of her priorities.
Compared to her two hearing impaired younger brothers, there was no questioning that my big sister was popular. Band, cheer leading, majorette, basketball (State Championship team), even chosen homecoming queen. Even the story of my sister being chosen homecoming queen I find amusing. Apparently everyone was tired of Angela Pain receiving every title, so they got together and managed somehow getting the football players voting someone else homecoming queen. But I liked Angela Pain. Was even one of Angela's two candle lighters she chose to be in her wedding.
Anyway, back to that "D in math." Math is important. You don't slack off with this subject. There's more to math than numbers...it's the underlying principle behind language and reasoning. This I learned many years after all my "A's" in math; not while making them.
I do not understand why that is?
And this is before even getting into biology...
When my youngest niece was pregnant, it was no secret that Dana wanted a little girl really bad. Dana and her husband even made a deal; if it was a girl, Dana gets to name her, a boy, Jon would get to name him.
Jon gets to name a little boy and he names him...
And I'll never forget the day he was born, the day they woke me up in Georgia Regional Hospital to accept a call from my sister all excited to tell me the news; having just been admitted involuntarily by my mother with my sister's help.
Pretty much just said,
"I'm glad to hear everyone is healthy. Going back to sleep now."
Not only is Dana disappointed she didn't get a little girl, disappointed also that Cruz looks nothing like a little Mexican. She's big into that sprayed tan look. In fact, she earns a little income doing just that, spraying on tans for little miss pageant contestants.
Later on,
I'm trying to explain to my sister how it's the sperm that determines the sex of a baby. How the chromosome pairing for females was XX and the chromosome pairing for males was XY. How every egg coming down into the uterus from the ovary has only one X chromosome and semen is made up of many spermatozoa 50/50 containing either one X chromosome or one Y chromosome. How only one spermatozoa will make it inside the egg and it will be the chromosome of that spermatozoa that determines the sex of the baby.
What you are saying then...
it's Jon's fault that Dana had a little boy instead of a little girl."
~(My Sister)~
"Well...yes and no.
Wouldn't exactly put it that way.
But yeah,
suppose that's another way of looking at it."
~(Simply Jim: Truly Blue Bleeding Heart Liberal)~
"Oh, Donna!
Tell Jim Ed what you tell your tennis friends
they ask why you voted for Obama!"
~(My Mother)~
"I tell my friends...
it's Obama who helps my little baby brother."
~(My Sister)~
This visit,
the two had just arrived,
I had just asked how they voted this last election as we were walking up the steps into my home.
My mother was excited.
Thought I was going to be happy hearing my big sister's answer.
Instead my shoulders slumped downwards until they could go no further.
"Actually that was Joy Behar.
the same... DOES... goes for Obama."
would rather have heard...
Obama helps homosexuals in general.
Obama helps minorities in general.
Obama helps...WOMEN...in general."
"I give up. Might as well take what I can get."
~(Simply Jim: Truly Blue Bleeding Heart Liberal)~
That my sister stood up to her rich Republican ladies tennis friends, I suppose, more to it than us Liberals and Progressives might think.
In the meantime,
my sister still loses the Civil War... EVERY TIME... before the movie is even over.
Still working on this one.
Going to get herself killed one day if not careful of her surroundings when watching movies;
even one with just a hint of a Civil War in the background.
Just don't get it! All this tennis she plays!
Does it make any sense that she's still wanting the South to win?
Will say this to my big sister's defense,
what she lacks in intelligence
(my definition includes worldliness here),
she makes up for in loyalty to family."
~(Simply Jim: One Pearl, Total Pig, Anti-Christ)~
"WHY (laughing) YES!"
~(Hell Betty Jo)~
"But that isn't always a good thing, Mother. Not where I'm concerned, anyway.
We've talked about this already.
that email I received from Donna's lesbian friend quoting Sting?
How even this lesbian friend of my sister had no clue what this song penned by Sting was about? Then, trying to put this quote into it's proper perspective for you, asked you to try reconciling it with this quote by Martin Luther King...
Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.
~(Simply Jim: Truly Blue Bleeding Heart Liberal)~
~(Simply Jim: Truly Blue Bleeding Heart Liberal)~

two "Y" chromosomes;
having to compete with women for jobs and respect even more so than my generation?
If they find it to be a kind world at all,
they get lucky...AGAIN... through survivors bias only!
Nothing pisses me off more than the likes of Sarah Palin or Angel Wise telling men the likes of me to...
"Never wise one half of two equals taking advantage
upper hand;
the other able although fair...
not always raising two objections!"
~(Simply Jim: One Pearl, Total Pig, Anti-Christ)~
Do not mistake me.
(Ft. Lauderdale 1988)
Do love my big sister dearly.
My mother on the other hand, not sure how to describe my feelings for her. At the moment, I'm only able describing my life with her as my mother being divided into two semesters; each semester receiving a single grade.
From the day I was born and on up until the age of twenty-five when receiving my Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree, my mother definitely gets an "A+" for her mothering during the childhood/growing up phase of my life. Can't imagine anyone having had a better mother.
She insisted on helping me with any and all school homework she saw a way in using them to work with my speech and spelling; right up until the day I left home for college. And she also had this habit of ending our study session by pulling out those multiplication flash cards for a quick run through before leaving me alone to finish the rest of my homework.
There is no denying, in some ways, had an extremely privileged childhood, even without my hearing impairment being factored into this; having had a mother willing as well as able spending all this time helping keep her child caught up with his peers.
And I also benefited from being the second of two sons born with a hearing impairment; there being another learning curve, one more difficult and more isolating, that comes with being the parent of a handicapped child.
That "A+" will always be there as her grade for first half/semester of my life, and never can be taken away.
But her grade for the second half/semester of my life, not only my life as a gay man but one who is now trying to recover from a crystal meths addiction in addition to a mid-life crisis as a burned out veterinarian wanting a career change to one involving politics....
And I've told her this recently.
Three years this has been going on now and I have gotten no where with her.
Able seeing no way now, how she will be able a grade overall anything other than...
And the only thing that's getting me through all these visits she's now making to Atlanta with my sister,
me trying the best I can,
focusing on the memories of the mother...
(Ft. Lauderdale 1988)
Do love my big sister dearly.
My mother on the other hand, not sure how to describe my feelings for her. At the moment, I'm only able describing my life with her as my mother being divided into two semesters; each semester receiving a single grade.
From the day I was born and on up until the age of twenty-five when receiving my Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree, my mother definitely gets an "A+" for her mothering during the childhood/growing up phase of my life. Can't imagine anyone having had a better mother.
She insisted on helping me with any and all school homework she saw a way in using them to work with my speech and spelling; right up until the day I left home for college. And she also had this habit of ending our study session by pulling out those multiplication flash cards for a quick run through before leaving me alone to finish the rest of my homework.
There is no denying, in some ways, had an extremely privileged childhood, even without my hearing impairment being factored into this; having had a mother willing as well as able spending all this time helping keep her child caught up with his peers.
And I also benefited from being the second of two sons born with a hearing impairment; there being another learning curve, one more difficult and more isolating, that comes with being the parent of a handicapped child.
That "A+" will always be there as her grade for first half/semester of my life, and never can be taken away.
But her grade for the second half/semester of my life, not only my life as a gay man but one who is now trying to recover from a crystal meths addiction in addition to a mid-life crisis as a burned out veterinarian wanting a career change to one involving politics....
And I've told her this recently.
Three years this has been going on now and I have gotten no where with her.
Able seeing no way now, how she will be able a grade overall anything other than...
And the only thing that's getting me through all these visits she's now making to Atlanta with my sister,
me trying the best I can,
focusing on the memories of the mother...
I have these three pictures, matted in a single frame, hanging in my bedroom.
I like referring to this framed set as...
The first picture is one of my father as a child with a Sunday School Class group picture taken in front of the First United Methodist Church of Prescott, Arkansas; same church I grew up with as a child. In the picture taken of cub scouts, that's me standing far left. Lower right picture is that of my father holding me during a picture taken of us vacationing in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Find it amusing that I also had a serious bed wetting problem as a child that took me a while to grow out of.
Get it?
Hot Springs - bed wetting - Hot Springs - bed wetting!
And you wouldn't know this until I tell you...
not only was it my mother taking this family picture of us vacationing in Hot Springs, Arkansas...
my mother was one of our three cub scout troop den mothers...
the one also taking this picture of us participating in the annual Tri-State Area Scout-O-Rama festival held nearby Texarkana, Arkansas.
This why I like referring to this framed set of three pictures
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