So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Congressman Mike Ross



Simply Jim here. Whether you like it or not it me and you as if 6 is to 9, eve to adam, etc..

From the we were born at my disadvantage, you benefited.

Whatever your opinion of me, whether true blue dog democrat or not; I'm aware you campaigne from black and white, you govern from gray.

I believe I'm a true liberal, who had learned a lot from life. I believe Jesus also a true liberal, a truly virtuous person; he died because it disadvantaged him, an example not to be afraid doing what's right regardless of outcome. I see you, calling yourself a Christian, nothing like that. Like it or not; it was me having been raised as child with the help of the same the Church you attend now; the one having to accept some responsibly for failing me as a child if they fault me in anyway as a man.

Bottom line. You get the god you have; not the one you want. By definition, there is only one God. I go with that. Don't be so stupid like all the other, believing when I say I'm atheist, that leave you last one standing. If so stupid to believe I'm Godless, what the hell is it you think is my Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
The Garden of Eden......occured to anyone maybe we've ruined that place already, actually never left it. And God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Believe it was Adam THEN Eve. Why is that? God not a real man? Besides that, just image the way they smelled back then. Probably didn't matter which side up she landed when Adam flipped her onto the ground.

That point aside, up next came Abel and Cain. Which one would you bet most likely used the word...FAGGOT, NIGGER, JEW, SOCIALIST. How far you suppose Cain got, wouldn't he have just sneaked quickly back without anyone noticing, throught the back door.

Fuck all the other Lipsynching Christian who so quickly dismiss me or even picket the funeral of Faggots like me to your advantage pretending you're not looking. Pissed me off been doing that for years! Us left to deal with them alone.

Then along comes a dead soldier, maybe a Faggot, and Elizabeth Edwards, with talk of them picketting those funerals. The general public lite up like wildfire condeming Rev.Phelps; and even some Elizabeth, an atheist.

I know it's to your disadvantage just being paired with me publicly in anyway; buy you;ve gained from me at my expense.

I do not own a gun!

Have no reasons to believe anyone could stop me from buying a gun (assuming I would be told if not a list somewhere)! I have no desire to find out either.

But.....if someone blew your BRAINS out; I will have to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe, they had very good reasons to justify their actions the same as you have none justifing calling yourself a Christian.

And if someone were to burn down the United Methodist Church of Prescott with everyone locked inside; my family, even an old artist and his wife having the time of their life as he paints like a child, mother paying $500 dollars for a painting hanging in my home. People jokingly tying it value to the death of man having lived longed past that of one truly virtuous. Then post purchasedly told they be fans of FoxNews.

Totally discussing their behavior. Every God DAMN ONE of them so far. No wonder I'm atheist having been so observant. But God DAMN! Thrown for a loop. Nothing like followers of Jesus at all. From my perspective, that makes me God just understaning Jesus story as just a man, not that of a Messiah, but one overlapping that of Mary's. The Story of an innocent child, raped while bethrottled to Joseph, made even better him knowing, as they fled fearing for Mary's life......not Jesus. People so easily forgetting, she would have been stoned. Then, Mary having to mother that child; constantly relieving the pain, the horror, just the sight of him.

But eventually, how could a mother not eventually come to love that child; one wanting the love of his mother trying so hard all his life to end her pain; himself, her son, being a man where women were, and still are,treated as property. I'm sure there were many with most not ending well at all; still happening today half a world away, while we debate abortions. But as he tried, eventually he came up with the Trinity being just a language tool he stumbled upon, many having failed; his pain being so common. Of course he found a following; the same, although no where near trivial, like Penicillin.

Go get your grandmother, my mother claims a friend; then take her to see Betty Jo Wolfe. Ask her if she needs anything. I'm not expecting anything really; not at this point having seen what I'm dealing with. Everything from my perspective supporting the Mayan calender ending next year. Unless maybe, just me having the unfortunate luck my family.

She's been told, not to call me without something to offer helping me. She stressing me out more believing it's helping me talking to someone not really listening; when really she's afraid her son is going to die and no one would ever know if it weren't for her call. She is right. My only fear is not the dying, as it only happens once; but that I"m Head of Household with two cats, a fact most people so flippenly dismiss as if we were just opinions not needing to be included. Find a place in your heart, at least offering to pray with her for me. I'm aware she's just an old woman who only vote, not blood related in anyway at all.

Like she said recently, "You know Jesus better than I do!"

I truly believe, "I do you a well."

Not saying I know the answer. It beat anything I've heard so far, morphed and changed back by men more to there liking , sad thing being he not here backing them up falling for it all over; along with the like of Paling and Coulter telling men like Obama "to man up".

My Mother! My own Mother! Not even budging on that, me turning blue as I try convincing her. Stop being so God Damn Stupid. It's him I'm fighting with for all of us. And it's because of Obama she won't let go a Jesus and join me

Just like a scene out of a Movie, THE GOOD SON.

She killing me trying to pull me into heaven with her.

Make that Fucking Bitch let go of me. I've had enough of my Mother. Pretty soon I'll be spitting on her till the night I go out dancing, dying once I run out of Daddy's money, if not turning my story into a movie or book or whatever.

IF can't be invited to give the Palm Sunday Sermon, really an angry testimonial, the chruch to blame or take credit for who I am, either way, won't be pretty, United Methodist Chruch of Prescott Arkansas; don't be too surpised if UPS walks down isle delivering ElSpotro painting, donating it to the Church. Maybe he'll buy it back. If he still around, floating a spell.

Something he learned from Noah Ark. Imagine that! An 90 year old man telling a man in his 40's to chill, float awhile when overly stressed. After me already hearing Glenn Beck with his stupid "everything he knows, learned from the Titanic.

Just like three ladies from Ark believing my intervention; after me being the one telling them I had an addiction.

The nerves of Betty Jo, leaving here after realizing defeated, but not before saying to me, "I do believe you are living a decadent lifestyle. Now that's was one Stupid Bitch needing beheaded

Hell Betty Jo/the mother refusing to accept Simply Jim a man superior to her, making him appear, by default, the AntiChrist.


From: Congressman Mike Ross


Sent: Fri, April 23, 2010 11:10:55 AM

Subject: From the Office of Congressman Mike Ross (AR-04)

Dear James:

Thank you for contacting me and sharing your thoughts and concerns regarding these important issues. It is great to hear from you.

I truly appreciate  (?) your comments regarding the Tea Party Movement. Please be assured that I will continue to monitor this issue and keep your thoughts in mind should I be called to vote on any related legislative initiatives in the U.S. House of Representatives.
(don't recall it being something I thought coming up to be voted on; but one of you suggesting an excercise how we simply can't go back to the original constitution as we now have 50 states since that one was written;  doing it with 50 instead of 13 just to see what they  came up with;  although maybe did not say using colleges, even High Schools, from different States.  Suppose maybe too many Mexican now, huh? But blacks still counted 3/5 ! )  
My parents raised me in a Methodist church, and now my wife and I are doing the same with our children. I am a proponent of having God involved in our daily lives (I'm confused believing he already was; is he or is he not, Intelligent design,  impossible for arrising out of disorder without him.  Who are we to believe able to top that?)in order to remind us of our values, principles, and the ability to treat those around us with respect.(so....what is it that makes you Blue Dog with guns instead of Old yeller?   This country was built upon the religious principles of its founders and these principles must remain the basis for our American way of life.(Well certainly a sentence beginning the American way.)
Over the years, my faith and the values I learned from my parents and church have served me well in facing life's challenges.(Am I expected to be impressed by that) Please know that as a fifth (they all still here?)generation Arkansan, I will continue to represent the Christian values in Washington I was raised on and still believe in strongly today.(Don't blame you; why change what working out well for you?

I look forward to our continued dialogue as we discuss ideas and strategies that will strengthen and help our communities meet the challenges of the future.

Thank you again for contacting me and please do not hesitate to contact me again in my Washington, D.C. or district office most convenient to you if I can be of further assistance.

Mike Ross

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