So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Red Dog disbanded  |

Red Dog disbanded "In December, the city agreed to pay more than $1 million to settle a lawsuit brought by patrons of the Atlanta Eagle bar, who claimed that Red Dog officers violated their civil rights in a 2009 raid on the bar."

I had the good fortune of being  in this same bar many years earlier; witnessing  a raid which I remember as being really no different than the most recent raid Atlanta Eagles bar experienced.  Not going to say it was the same Red Dog unit who conducted the raid. Or even try to compare the conduct of the the two raid to each other; the most recent one having the appearance of patrons roughed up more as this court case ended on a more positive note, from my perspective.  Also tied into other raids and not just the Eagle raid as with the earlier raid. 

Although not approached personally by any of the officers conducting the raid, still remember that feeling of my personal space being violated as I watch them conduct the raid; knowing full well acting on a complaints coming from outside the gay community.  A popular gay bar seated well within the boundaries of a community mainly populated by gays.  Maybe even the oldest gay bar in Atlanta now with BackStreet closed.

 Angered even by the conduct and comments  made by several gay patrons in the bar who considered those gays roughed up/hauled away  by the police as inferiors having brought the humiliation upon themselves. 

The Eagle was a leather/Levi/military/S&M theme gay bar.   In other words, a subculture within the gay community considered not worthy of respect, referred to as freaks, cited as the reason by majority of homosexuals considering themselves normal and yes, even straight acting, as if their civil rights were being denied  only because of the behavior of those more extreme than theirs; completely forgetting the harassment of drag queens having been pushed passed their tipping point first started the gay rights movement in the first place.  A tipping point probably no different than any groups discriminated against.  The drag queen having fought back first having reach that point sooner due to harassment by gays on gay bulling combined with the discrimination already experiencing being such easy targets, decoys drawing disproportionate amount of harassment away from those not fully appreciating anywhere close to the degree benefiting from their discrimination having been reduce at the expensed of other they helped pushed till no longer willing to be pushed any more, then joining with the Drag Queen in their fight against the New York Cops only after sensing an opportunity they could safely not pass up.

Can easily picture those same arrogant Faggot complaining as well as involved with activites trying to have DADT repealed without ever having  any intentions of entering the military;  ungracefully knowing there are benefits to be enjoyed  associated with the end of DADT without actually needing to join the military.

But the truth,  just attempting doing the math correctly,  you see a question arises: 

Why are the majority homosexual community, the ones believing so..... mainstream, normal, straight acting......., not setting THE stereotype for the gay community?   

Really don't even need the numbers; the equation being so simple lacking all them variables, constants, Greek symbols; you know.....the stuff making math look like a foreign language.  All one really needs is the courage using one's brain benefiting society at large rather than kept busy with brain candy; along with an unselfish heart before anyone able to be reasoned with reasonably..... with the fact ..... anyone set free by the truth!

So faithfully  blissfully ignorant claiming Jesus The Man, while behavior more like that of three blind/deaf/speechless primates believing so wise.  If not too busy playing tennis, playing golf, being an octogenarian running up huge medical bills tweaking out a few more months causing insurance premiums to be higher while resisting universal health insurance increasing your premiums;   so loudly with such ferocity trying to have intelligent design taught in school, intimidating most science teacher into not teaching evolution to the degree it had advanced fearing being  singled out for criticism  by the Christian majority.

One reason I have very few friends is due to lacking a tribal association. 

As a white male professional who credits inheritance from his hard working as well as extremely frugal Republican Father for his  financial security; along with an all expense paid education, plus living  and transportation expenses, the time to study without the distraction of needing a job; up until the day received  my Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree. 

Even continued to get  checks with the maximum allowed yearly as gifts without taxation.  Double the amount really, when you considered half of what Father made was  Mother's money; something easy to forget when only one check yearly written  from a joint account.  Now that Dad is deceased, the checks come from the same account, half as much, not as frequent,  now signed by Mother.

I do not feel an entitlement to these checks or insist on them;  only expect them as I am lead to believe will be receiving them and plan my future financial security accordingly.  Have been a couple of incidents where my mother, and only my mother, tried to couple my behavior with the checks.

Which I find strange as it also embarrassed her when Father would actually brag about how he helped his children financially; us appearing spoiled while at the same time not having a problem with us receiving the checks. From my perspective; either his way or her way we remain the same character as their children.  Only the perception of their children by those outside our family changes with Mother's way being more deceptive/manipulating/discreet/misleading/, all behavior I believe lowers the virtuousness  of one's character.

Always described my Dad being a man I did not like, felt no love for, a lousy Father emotionally;  however he was a good provider. Although far from perfect, reasonably fair.   What we went without, he went without as well.

So what did I feel for my Father,  me remembering no incidents needing to be physically fearful of him personally; remembering so vividly a little girl down the street played with as a child.

As we sat at the kitchen table eating lunch, how she froze instantly having accidentally knocked over a gallon jar used for tea.  No mistaking the look in her eyes being any other than that of  fear. How her Mother froze; but not quite the same expression.  Can't help but feel,  would have been no different for Vicki,  had her Father not been eating lunch with us, more than willing to handle it himself.

And the jar was practically empty; didn't even break.
Not a big mess at all.

So....while I had no love for my Father..... find it hard to used the word hate when reminiscing about my Father;  having said it many times, although never face to face while he was alive. As a grown man, would have to say those feeling were more of jealousy of other kids Father than hate for mine.  Hard to hate a man who seemed just as content with the distance between us I was determined to maintain while trying to help preserve the appearance  our family with him as Head of Household  being one that was, at worse, no more dysfunctional than your average American family. 

Even like to tell people how offended he got when I casually mentioned, not in front of him, but within hearing distance of his Lazy Boy, how my friends considered me cheap.  Although not a major scene others would pick up on; it was his reaction to my friends intended insult catching me by surprise; the degrees we differed in him opinion of me.  Although nothing said indicating I should spend less; indirectly, felt as if criticism intended for friends ended up mostly on me. 

Not sure if even told Dad that my friends where corrected:

"FRUGAL! The correct word is FRUGAL!  You have not a clue what CHEAP means until YOU have met my DAD!"

Of changing, even with consequences..... guaranteed .......that of having more friends.

Not with Dad's money. 

Not after realizing, much closer to tipping point than originally thought. 


What does all this have to do with Red Dog being disbanded?

To be honest with you....
Absolutely nothing.

 Even I was shocked to read the blog entry started with the Red Dogs being disbanded.  If there was a point I was trying to make,  completely clueless here.

Anyway; doesn't matter.

Good stuff here!

Wait a minute!

Yes I do know the point I was trying to make!

I'm an equal opportunity

Lot of FAGGOTS  don't like me either! 
Not if they be Log Cabin Republican or successful small business owner, 
in other words....Libertarians!

They be Red no different than that Red of Blue Dog Democrats.  One in particular having last name of Ross;  benefiting trice at my expense.  Through his mother, the benefits of networking  more through the use of my father's name taking advantage of one less adversary created by his own son having left home, a son already disadvantaged having been cursed before even born,  taking advantage of the void left by one man's son unable to defend himself  against a name rightfully  his own.   
His mother, second cousin of my Dad, having been an Avery; his mother having dragged him to those boring Avery Reunions as mine did me!

Mike Ross having been the kid who kicked me in the balls during a game of kickball ; me crying in the Nadine bushes till it stopped hurting.  Only to find out, no one was even noticed I had been hiding, once returning, entering that loud, noisy community center.  All them old people chattering being brought up to date. 

"I'll give you a nickel for a dirty pickle!"
~(As many times hearing that; still not a fucking clue who that woman was!)~

I've never eaten a pickle in my life!  So it not like I dropped it!  Or even would pick one up dropped by those who sat in chair lined up against the walls.  Some needing the assistance of other to eat.  Some propped up by pillows, straps, or snugly kept in place wedged between two people you might of thought Siamese twins if not for the older one in the middle.

Sitting in the same chairs the same chairs the Whole God Damn Time, not a fucking clue who some of these people were shouting at them; some probably wasting their  time with useless crap, maybe even about dirty pickles.  Having had days where having to continue working wearing a hearing aid  malfunctioning or not working at all; my physical presence taking.pull people away from other duties to help me complete my duties now requiring a team effort of  two taking longer completing same procedure or stressing over the exhaustion even I'm surprised by Made uncomfortable possibly for  reasons other than a hearing impairment, like talking too fast.  Not necessarily word for word but words  taking a little longer to retrieve from their tired overly stressed out brains, like who the fuck they say they were, before the rest could makes sense,  moving quickly on the the next one with another one jumping while only halfway finished processing the story just heard.  All the clues were there what one needed to do to help make this event more enjoyable for these .  or maybe just Mike Ross looking pretty for a pretty picture.  Can't help but want to lump him in too their poor tired brain r people who just couldn't seem to get the hint, .  Could tell some weren't all that deaf

 Mike Ross having been a former owner of Guthrie's Drugs, a business he sold under suspicious circumstances.

The comic stand at Guthrie's Drugs, a fond childhood memory; a place where one would frequently find my bicycle park out front with me inside reading as many comic books able to read.  Only as an adult am I realizing, on my own, why I never had a comic book collection as much as I enjoyed reading them:

"HEY!  Why was I always the only kid there?"

You know......

beginning to wonder....

could that have anything to do with me being a Liberal?

Don't play dumb Christian Republican with me!

Not even that of a Blue Dog Democrats  me catching slightest hint of condescension!

Or a libertarian,  believing you worked hard for your money and deserve to keep it; like wealth/success can be paired with effort as having a directly  proportional taking complete credit for their success using that reason only to ungraciously justify becoming even wealthier.

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