So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sunday Classes

Sunday Classes: "THE NEW CLASS
Now in its 11th year, the class was formed to explore issues of faith in professional life. During that time class members have read and discussed all kinds of books and articles on contemporary issues and on the Bible, ethics, Methodism, politics, ecclesiology, international affairs, other faiths (especially Islam), and theories of a just war.

The class this year will engage several topics and contemporary issues from biblical, ethical, theological, political, personal, pastoral, and international perspectives. Conducted in seminar style, the class relies on reading, reflection, discussion, and broad class participation in leadership and conversation.

The resource person for the New Class is Dr. Theodore R. Weber, Professor Emeritus of Christian Social Ethics at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University. The class also benefits from presentations by other members of the class and by guest speakers from the Glenn/Emory/Candler community and from other interests/organizations. Visitors and new members are most welcome. The class meets in room 422. For more information, contact Ted or Cindy Runyon at or 404-636-7881."

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