One morning,
happened to look out my living room window and able seeing what looked like trash
littering Mason Mill Road in front of my home.
Walked outside to see where it was coming from.
Across the street and up the hill, a trash can placed out by the curb had been knocked over in the yard of the Gary's next door neighbor. Trash was all over the front part of this neighbor's yard and out onto their side of the street; this trash being scattered even more by the cars coming up and down this hill between our homes.
Same as the leaves that fall on this stretch of Mason Mill Road, this trash was gradually working it's way downhill and diagonally over to my side of the street; the trash thinning out and finally ending with some of it jumping the curb onto the sidewalk along Mr. Bliss fence.
Walked downhill to the last bit of trash on Mr. Bliss sidewalk and began picking it up as I worked my way uphill. In front of my house on my side of the street, picked up what looked like a sealed envelope from some charitable organization most likely seeking donations.
Surprised, at the same time disgusted, seeing it was addressed to Bob and Janet Gary;
tossing it like a Frisbee into the Gary's yard.
it did a couple crazy loops in the air before landing dead center on the median line.
"As God's house is middle of our street,
(then turning to face the road while same time pointing out the busy traffic with the sweep of a hand)
rather not go there.
there is a sidewalk on my side of the street."
~(Simply Jim: One Pearl, Total Pig, Anti-Christ.)~
How this envelope from a charitable organization addressed to the Gary's landed dead center on the painted median, reminded me of something I said to Bob while the two of us stood on their front porch; that same day first putting on them rabbit ears and marching across Mason Mill Road during the busiest part of a sunny afternoon as people were now leaving Emory University on their way back home.
Just my "thou artful dodger way" of saying the sidewalk my side of the street was a neutral zone we could try discussing our neighborly quarrel, just him as the man of their household and me as the man of my household, if not able discussing this in front of his wife Janet.
I had brought a copy with me, the email in which the two concurred against me for the first time; wanting to discuss what I saw as them being unfair, as well as, a chance Bob hearing my side of the story of what happened that day alone in their home with his wife Janet...
The arrogant obtuse swine refused.
So I tried jumping to what I thought,
then and still do now,
truly the main point of contention they have against me as their neighbor;
Mr. Gary of an observation during their son's recent and rather long...
"You don't understand.
(their son Phil/also a preacher)
wants to be a writer."
~(G. Robert Gary, Sr., ThD)~
Wasn't able getting anywhere with Bob on that one, either.
Just then,
one of the two black men couldn't help noticing the first time I became aware of them just looking out
living room window of my new home and every time since,
happened to work his way within view near the porch where me and Bob were standing.
"Am I correct,
assuming these two men are father and son?"
~(James E. Avery, DVM)~
"They're brothers."
~(G. Robert Gary, Sr., ThD)~
"How old are they?"
~(James E. Avery, DVM)~
"In their eighties, I believe."
~(G. Robert Gary, Sr., ThD)~
"And this doesn't strike you as wrong?"
~(James E. Avery, DVM)~
~(G. Robert Gary, Sr., ThD)~
It always bothered me,
it takes both of them the whole day maintaining just this simple front lawn.
that day's another story(s) to be told another day(s).
Back to this trash I'm picking up;
littering the street between our two homes.
only picking up the trash that's in front of my home, my side of the street.
Up against the stone curb,
quarried from Stone Mountain according to Dr. Herman who is now in his nineties,
picked up a letter size piece of paper that was folded in half and appeared to be turning a slight brown.
When unfolded,
discovered a neatly typed prose
It was reading like poetry.
Was never one with the patience poetry needed to be enjoyed.
wasn't all that impressed with it.
Just able sensing, as I read through it quickly, someone in a state of introspection...
But it was the ending, the very last sentence, catching me by surprise.
Not only was the clarity of the ending a complete tonal shift;
sounding as if the CONCLUSION to a scientific study.
Sounding like that of someone who had given in;
been persuaded.
like that of someone no longer able denying what appears most likely...
to be the truth.
"Of course it is better to die at once
to live forever!"
Immediately blurted this out loud the second I finished reading it silently to myself the first time.
Quickly followed
"Another Anti-Christ if I've ever heard one!"
Although there was no signature or author given for this prose,
typed along the lower left margin was:
Janet Gary
1841 Mason Mill Road
Decatur, GA 30033
Took this piece of paper to the library, asking of the ladies who worked there, whether they believe this Janet Gary would the one who authored this prose or the one sent this prose authored by someone else?
Hard to say they told me; could go either way.
August 09, 2011
the day I returned
the original
back to them.
Had just come from Dr Herman's home;
having just failed seeking his help acting as an intermediary in this dispute of mine with the Gary's.
When they didn't answer the doorbell,
(don't know what this banging on their door business is about?),
I then tried sliding it under the door.
Mr. Gary opens the door before able accomplishing this;
me then standing up and handing it to him.
Then the two cops show up;
same day I also spoke for the very first time these words,
in front of both Bob and Janet Gary standing on their porch
these two cops stood in their driveway between us:
"I'm a truly blue bleeding heart liberal."
Also remember Bob laughing,
I commented on how I leave my ASSHOLE on the toilet,
every time
I left my home unattended.
Wonder what Bob thought I meant when he heard me say this?
The rhyme was first noted in the United States in 1879 as a children's rhyming game. It was sung while children danced in a circle. One of the number ran on the outside of the circle and dropped a handkerchief. The nearest child would then pick it up and chase the dropper. If caught the dropper was either kissed, joined the circle, or had to tell the name of their sweetheart. An early noted version had the lyrics:

- A-tisket a-tasket
- A green and yellow basket
- I wrote a letter to my love
- And on the way I dropped it,
- I dropped it,
- I dropped it,
- And on the way I dropped it.
- A little boy he picked it up and put it in his pocket.
In some variants, the second line is "I lost my yellow basket".
"A child is nothing more than a blank page upon which everyone leaves their mark."
~(Chinese Proverb)~
Sat, January 30, 2010 at 9:33 AM
From: Janet Gary
To: James Avery
Jim Ed, you honor me to share yourself and your writing in this way. I feel a bit daunted by your trust in me. We really don't know each other that well. Salty language doesn't bother me in the least. I'm sorry you are feeling depressed. I have experienced that a lot of my life, but am better thanks to some good meds and good therapy! I have learned to accept myself more, "fleas and all."
I have read your blogs and found them quite interesting, a bit diaturbing, and mysterious. At the risk of being one of those "fools (who) rush in where angels fear to tread" I am going to respond to several parts of your writing, blog by blog.
1) Barrell of Monkeys: "Genesis" in reverse"
I'm not sure I understand this one completely except maybe to say the humans can evolve in reverse as well as forward from our ape beginnings Just my humble opinion!
You gave an example of how painful it is to share yourself with people at work who don't share your political views. The question is, does it really change anyone's mind when people have such opposite views? Isn't there something in the Bible about not casting one's pearls among swine?
It has been my experience that some people can hear my deepest musings and others cannot. I try to be selective, but I often find my mouth preceding my head! That does not usually turn out well. Only when I find someone who is open to differences can I really hear and be heard.
2) Pale Blue Dot
Carl Sagan is a wise man.
3) An Innocence lost.
Is that culte little boy you?
We mothers have to be taught by our sons and daughters who they really are, since we often see our children as projections of ourselves and try to make them into who we wish we could be. This is not fair to either one. I am trying now to really show my grown children who I am and get to know who they really are. It is a daunting task, but very rewarding!
4) "H" is for.....
In the alphabet, G comes before H--
...and F comes before G
Forgiving (oneself and others)
HUMILITY is, indeed hard to come by.
It is my belief that although each of us is unique--different from anyone else in the world--we are, as human beings, more alike that different--we all bleed, cry, laugh, hate, love, and need other people to hear and understand us. It is my life-long mission to try to see myself and others as God the Creator intended us to be, to judge less and to love more. I fall short more than not, but maintain hope.
Can't help but wonder what they did with this piece of paper found while picking up trash
the street between our homes?
Maybe one day,
Janet will have the courage letting me know who wrote this prose