So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Bob and Janet's Restraining Order



children enjoy the weather on Easter Sunday
Serving Drinks
Hospitality. For withholding it, the innkeepers of Bethlehem have forever been criticized. For extending it, Abraham and Sara have forever been praised as having “entertained angels unawares.”

Jesus himself welcomed all sorts of people, fed thousands on a hillside, and cooked breakfast by the sea for his friends.

Our hospitality to others is nothing less than a reflection of God’s hospitality to us. The church is God’s house. We are all guests by virtue of God’s grace. So whoever you are, you are welcome here!

"How does one go ask for help 
one is not sure where to begin?"

  As a fifty year old  practicing avowed homosexual who admits to having had sex with thousands of men over the course of his life not because I wanted to but because that's just the way life worked out, an avowed atheist because I see no good in the behavior of Christians in general; eventually became a crystal meths addict who ends up doing his own intervention because no one else would. 

This includes family, co-workers, friends, 


The last two quotes being my Arkansan mother and sister who think they are being supportive but not;
"Y" being the male chromosome.

"Lighten up," says my mother.  "That's just the way the world is!"

"MOTHER!  Isn't the way the world IS nothing more than the SUM of all of US?  If I do it YOUR way, I'd be leaving the world a WORSE place than I ENTERED it," being my reply.

Quoting Stephen Hawkins:
"To know the mind of God is to be God."

As most everyone is uploading personal information/thoughts up to the Internet...
is the closest we are ever going to get to knowing the mind of God. 

As I finding no one REALLY willing to listen to what it is I need helping me, I left with no options but to die quietly or upload everything I can think of up to the Internet before all this collapses back into the 

 Therefore leaving OUR fate up to "g0d" for lack of a better way to put it.

Feel I've been given no other choice other than to leave you with this question:


Simply Jim:
One Pearl, 
Total Pig,



Not going to deny all of the above; but it was Bob Gary who refused to go over the email him and Janet concurred against me, refusing allowing me tell my side of the story of what happened between me and Janet  that day alone, when I showed up at his door with a copy.

That made me very angry yelling:

"IF there is such a PLACE as HEAVEN no doubt in MY MIND 

I only entered their property once when Janet was home alone and she welcomed me into her home.  Never banged on their door; the door bell worked just too well.  And never threatened anyone at their church, although did show up there wanting an audience with the pastor to discuss some of the classes they had there. Some of them seemed just what I needed for mental stimulation.

Was told no pastor was there but did meet a young man named Joseph who never told me he was a pastor.  We had a civil debate about "0" God vs. "1" God... VERY CIVIL.  I thought "0" was a far more wholesome number than "1" which is a cardinal number.  My point being...
once you start counting, where do you stop.

Went through a very rough period trying to get off the crystal meths addiction.  But there was just no support waiting to help distract me from going back to it.  

The other fact being everyone seeming to ignore the fact most of my blog writings were done under the influence of the  crystal meths.  If I'm being delusional, no ones willing to show me where. Everyone just wanting to assume I'm being delusional; taking advantage of other people's ignorance, as well as their own, about crystal meths additions.

Go get help is all everyone
telling me.

Dekalb Crisis Center was a joke as well as Georgia Regional Hospital.  Became very apparent a cookie cutter approach on a extremely strict budget with a highly acceptable failure rate.  Only the classic textbook cases would be help or not able to help at all really.

More for show than anything.

Felt sorry for most everyone there.

Will eventually upload my medical records, but too many sheet to feel motivated doing so right now.

Would love to tell of my experience at Dekalb Crisis Center, Georgia Regional Hospital, and Dekalb County  Jail to an audience within Glenn Memorial Methodist Church.   As I was raise the first eighteen years of my life as a Methodist,  the only God I have to explain myself to

And it has to be Glenn Memorial Methodist Church as it is located on a liberal Art and Science campus...
Emory University.
A church I personally will hold to higher standards,
not typical brain candy,
my definition of "LIBERAL" is honest, fair, and reasonable.

Just too obvious to me,
Bob and Janet are not going to allow it.
Would be too embarrassing for them for others to learned
they failed to be...
"GOOD" Christians.

I have every right to tell my story; sing my song.
It was not entirely my fault OUR STORY is such a huge part

I let them introduce THEMSELVES to me FIRST.

I WAS fair.


"They say it hard doing the right thing.  It's not hard doing the right thing.  It's hard knowing what the right thing to do... IS!  Once you know, it's hard not to do the right thing."  

"A good man is not without sin.  He admits...then expiates."


After his young son dies from the negligence of medical professionals at a hospital, Harry Fertig (Kinglsey) takes matters into his own hands and kills the negligent doctors responsible. Slick lawyer Roy Bleakie (Baldwin), looking only to win a case and not caring of the matters involved, is assigned Fertig's case. Shocked to hear that his client wants to plead guilty, the case causes Bleakie to question his own morals by defending an honorable man.

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