So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

American Horror Story: The Downside of Fame - News -


American Horror Story: The Downside of Fame - News - This all brings us to the most outrageous and hilarious moment of the episode and possibly of the series so far: The Pope's Box.

So, a visibly upset Constance invited her favorite Craigslist medium Billie Dean to come chill in her kitchen, then asked what could possibly happen if a ghost knocks up a living person. And that's when Billie Dean rattled off this hilarious story about how when new Popes are chosen, they're presented with a lockbox that contains a piece of paper on which is written a simple formula for bringing about Armageddon (!). And what is that formula, you ask? A ghost knocking up a human being! Billie Dean explained that it's sort of an evil parallel to the immaculate conception (which, surprisingly, made sense), and the further implication is that it wasn't Tate doing the knocking up, but possibly the Devil working through Tate. Now, I don't particularly care about whether Tate's lack of memory about the shooting was honest or not, but it is somewhat intriguing to think that there actually is a larger, more powerful force at work here than a horny ghost teen.

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