So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pray this gay Atlantan isn’t your crazy neighbor — Project Q Atlanta

Pray this gay Atlantan isn’t your crazy neighbor — Project Q Atlanta:  Meet James Edward Avery (photo), who’s on a one-man mission to soil the reputation of good gay neighbors everywhere. Residents on Mason Mill Road near Emory are at their wits’ end over the homeowner who fancies himself the rabble-rousing Lorax of Dr. Seuss fame, according to the AJC.

Never heard of Project Q until coming across an old gay acquaintance who used to sell hearing aids for Miracle Ear now selling hearing aids at Sam's.

"I see you've become quite a celebrity.  You're in project Q also.  Bit over the edge."
he said in the cookies and cupcakes section of Sam's off Clairmont Road.
How funny.  Always found him bit over the edge in the club scene.  Comes on heavy.

After reading the article,  
reminded me of how upset gay whites get over the blacks having their own gay pride; 
hardly attending the gay pride events at large.
As always, 
leaving it up to me the Progressive risking backlash, 
coming to their defense where none present to defend themselves.

"There is nothing wrong with blacks having their own gay pride.  They have issue unique to them needing addressing.  
This point aside, 
there is no reason they can't attend... BOTH... gay prides. 
If they are not...
then that's our fault for not making them feel welcomed; 
providing platforms airing their issue."

In the process winning me no friends; more likely uninvited our next gatherings.

What I'm learning
as we become more and more comfortable with our new rights/surroundings, we're forgetting we're enjoying those rights due to the progressive activism of others...
not ourselves.
Becoming no better than the Conservatives themselves who care to add nothing to the future except where only their immediate interests are concerned.

To gays everywhere:
"How can I help you help me help all of us?"
(think "pale blue dot")

A truly virtuous man would come to the aid of a distant stranger equally as he would a close friend.
Then again...
a truly virtuous man would have no friends.

I know what I'm doing.
I stand my ground.


Let's not forget 
Mary Cheney & Zell Miller.

The likes of them are plenty around.

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