So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Not Exactly what I had in mind. 
But if dad was
Betty Boop, MD;
suppose it's only fair i be a dog groomer, poodle, rich submissive wife, warrior with long hair; god know what!
(fyi: never attracted to guys with long hair)

Because installments were published so soon after Maupin wrote them, he was able to incorporate many current events into the plot of the series, as well as gauge reader response and modify the story accordingly. At one point Maupin received a letter from a reader who pointed out that one of the characters' names was an anagram, providing Maupin with one of the more memorable and surprising plot twists in the book. Maupin's books are also some of the first to deal with the:
~(AIDS)~ epidemic.

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