So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sisters: The Morrow Bottoms of Arkansas

What's a brunette's mating call?
"That blond bitch done yet?"

Couldn't help but notice the rabbit foot:

In the end...,

"After the third one, you better take a good look at yourself!"
~(Uncle Robert)~
she did have

What do blonds and turtles have in common?
Once on their back: "They're screwed."


Grand paw Wolfe standing behind Aunt Jeanette in front of their home.  Mother wasn't sure if Grand maw Wolfe in the shadow; but believes the other man to be a "Franklin relative."   

Of my mother's six brothers and three sisters, Aunt Jeanette is the one I know:  Followed by Uncle Arthur, Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Robert, and Uncle Buddy if anyone were to insist more be listed. 

becomes confusing, when remembering their husbands, wives, along with all my cousins I once knew.
(One room schoolhouse with the four youngest out of ten.)


Anonymous said...

Thank God for AIDS.

Simply Jim said...

Not sure how "Thank God for AIDS" fits in with this blog article?

Anyway, here my reply: As God's omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, omnibenovolence is a paradox incompatible with the idea of human free will; yes indeed if truly there is a God, then Rev. Phelps is right! We must thank God for 9-11. We must thank God for Dead Soldiers. We must thank God for the AIDS pandemic. But if we are to do the math correctly, then it's wrong for us to stop there; we must continue. We must also thank God for FAGS and even Rev. Phelps as well. If we do not, then God fails/cease to be omniscience, even exising all together. Why even bother thanking God for anything at all.

On a lighter note, as much a tragedy the AIDS pandemic was for those who had to suffer through it personally, there was a small silver lining to the AIDS pandemic. If you think of negative sterotyping of homosexuals, and even drug users, as an ICE BERG; it's the tip of the ICE Berg above the water that everyone can so obviously see or making the news though some cime related incidence setting the negative sterotype for homosexual and drug users as a whole. Only a homosexual or a drug user would appreciate to the full extent just how much both are dispersed unknowingly, silently thoughout our society as a whole. The AIDS pandemic, in a way, lifted the bulk of that ICE BERG almost completely above the surface of the water for all to see just how little seperation there was between them and us. No family or class was spared. In the future, once the bulk of the horror of the pandemic has passed, it will be credited for speeding up the GAY CIVIL RiGHTS MOVEMENT.

And the same goes for drug users/abuse. Drug abuse is never going to go away. And only until we legalize all drug use, will America drug addiction ever be effectively dealt with. Only then will reponsibilty for America's Addictions fall back upon those who should have been shouldering this responsibility all along...the parents; who instead choose to pass blame/responsibility to the authorities wanting them to do their baby-sitting. Those head-line grabbing drug bust every few years are a fucking joke. Never once has my drug addiction in any way been affected/slowed down/inconvienced by those raids. It's just an illusion taking advantage of class warfare/arrogance by America's wealther half who are better positioned and able hidding their addictions from the public. Or with a surplus, better able controlling their circumstances and rebounding from their addictions, compared to those without who are controlled by them. One is not always able exercising good judgement. And I know of one young gay man who was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the amount of drugs he was caught dealing. Those people who would have purchased all those drugs from him would have had no problem finging a replacement source, I can assure you. Inconvienced for a week at most. Where there is a demand, there will always be a supply. It's capitalism at it's finest. And we know just how addicted real American are to it's exceptionalism!