So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

THE FALLING MAN: Bibliotheca (Pseudo-Apollodorus) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Bibliotheca (Pseudo-Apollodorus) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: The Bibliotheca (Ancient Greek: Βιβλιοθήκη Bibliothēkē, "Library") is a compendium of myths and heroic legends, arranged in three books, generally dated to the first or second centuries AD. It was known traditionally as the Library of Apollodorus, but the attribution is now regarded as false. The Bibliotheca has been called "the most valuable mythographical work that has come down from ancient times".

An epigram recorded by Photius expressed its purpose:

It has the following not ungraceful epigram:
'Draw your knowledge of the past from me and read the ancient tales of learned lore. Look neither at the page of Homer, nor of elegy, nor tragic muse, nor epic strain. Seek not the vaunted verse of the cycle; but look in me and you will find in me all that the world contains'.
The brief and unadorned accounts of myth in the Bibliotheca have led some commentators to suggest that even its complete sections are an epitome of a lost work.
  • An epitome (/ɨˈpɪtəm/; Greek ἐπιτομή from ἐπιτέμνειν epitemnein "to cut short") is a summary or miniature form; an instance that represents a larger reality, also used as a synonym for embodiment. Epitomacy represents, "to the degree of."
  • An abridgment differs from an epitome in that an abridgment is made of selected quotations of a larger work; no new writing is composed, as opposed to the epitome, which is an original summation of a work, at least in part.
Unfortunately the Bibliotheca has come down to us incomplete. It is undivided in the manuscripts but conventionally divided in three books. Part of the third book, which breaks off abruptly in the story of Theseus, has been lost. The Patriarch Photius had the full work before him, as he mentions in his "account of books read" that it contained stories of the heroes of the Trojan War and the nostoi, missing in surviving manuscripts.

may refer to:

in psychology and philosophy,

  • Embodied cognition (or the embodied mind thesis), a position in cognitive science and the philosophy of mind emphasizing the role that the body plays in shaping the mind
  • Embodied imagination, a therapeutic and creative form of working with dreams and memories
in computer science, robotics and artificial intelligence,

  • Embodied Embedded Cognition, a position in cognitive science stating that intelligent behaviour emerges from the interplay between brain, body and world
  • Embodied agent, in artificial intelligence, an intelligent agent that interacts with the environment through a physical body within that environment
  • Embodied cognitive science, an interdisciplinary field of research aiming to explain the mechanisms underlying intelligent behavior
in resource economics,

  • Embodied resource, the amount of resource used in the production, manufacture, use and disposal of a good or service.
  • Embodied energy, the quantity of energy required to manufacture, and supply to the point of use, a product, material or service
  • Embodied or virtual water, the water used in the production of a good or service
in physical theatre training,

  • Process of embodiment (physical theatre) the process of embodiment, the specific part of psychophysical actor training based on the embodied mind thesis that seeks to unite the imaginary separation of body and mind
in music,

in law,

  • a specific, disclosed example of how an inventive concept, that is more generally stated elsewhere in the disclosure of a patent application or patent, can be put into practice; see Claim (patent).

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