So Strong; yet so calm: Mary's Choice.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cain and Abel: James E. Avery, DVM/Blue Dog Democrat?

Cain and Abel: The lives of both Cain and Abel were regulated by their two different understandings. Cain was regulated by his own understanding of God's commandment, while Abel was regulated by his revelation of God's provision. The significant difference between them was that Cain could see the fruit of his labor, but Abel's life could only cause him to be ashamed. Abel's life didn't produce anything. He could not see any fruit from his life or his labor. Abel was a man living off of his brother. Cain's life was one of outward success and productivity. With Abel's life, however, there was no glory.

Having already notice, looking backwards,the similarity with Obama's election to the presidency with that of Jesus baptism; Hilliary, having transfered her delegated over to Obama, by default becomes that of John the Baptist.

Twisting the dials to change the story; would like to create
comparison with that of Cain's to Abel, a chance telling my story, James Edward Avery, DVM, with that of Blue Dog Democrat,  Mike"Avery" Ross.

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